wife's secret

Chapter 522

Chapter 522
"Please don't worry, I'm fully prepared. I have a suggestion. Let's sit together and have a meeting to discuss how to deal with aliens. The current situation is very simple and very realistic. Only when people win, real estate development can proceed smoothly.”

The chief said: "Those aliens are too hateful. They established a base on our territory, and they caused more damage than us. I have a sworn hatred with aliens. There is a suggestion to use modern weapons Destroy the alien base. This is the easiest way. What do you think?"

I hurriedly said: "This method cannot be used as a last resort. The aliens have a very high level of technology. If we fight against them, we will definitely suffer a big loss. I have brought a guy who has dealt with aliens, It is better to let him come forward to negotiate with the aliens."

I introduced Asyan to the chief.

I didn't expect that the chief actually knew each other, "Didn't you come here last summer, and I specially entertained you."

Asyang was a little embarrassed, "Yes, a little incident happened later, and I left without saying goodbye. I have always felt sorry for this incident in my heart. I always wanted to come back to express my gratitude to the chief. Now I am finally back. gone."

The next step is to hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with aliens.

The meeting was very lively and divided into two factions. Some people advocated a peaceful solution. "We people on earth are very hospitable. Aliens come to our earth as guests. We can be friendly to them. We can't take things too extreme, so It does no one any good."

Another voice advocates the use of force to solve the problem. "Aliens have nothing to talk about. They come here to seize our resources. We must completely wipe them out. In fact, they have already taken the initiative to attack us, and they have already hurt us." A dozen of us."

At this time, Asyang said, "Everyone should listen to my advice. Don't think that I am easy to deal with aliens. According to my experience, we must take peaceful measures and never try to use force. If If you think that way, none of us can escape. It’s not that I’m alarmist, we’ve never seen alien weapons, it’s simply too terrifying.”

After hearing his words, everyone's eyes widened:

"Who is this guy, why does he say that, as if he has seen aliens."

"This guy is bragging, where did he come from?"

"Don't underestimate it, it seems to have a lot of history."


I will introduce to you, "Because the departure is very hasty this time, many people don't know each other, and they are still strangers to each other. Let me introduce, this is Asyan, he came to Duoli two years ago He has dealt with aliens before. So now he has the most right to speak."

As soon as my voice fell, the following was full of surprises:
"Wow, this guy has dealt with aliens, it's beyond my expectation."

"What's the matter, tell me quickly and listen."

"Is there any aliens? Why do I feel like this is a trap. This guy doesn't belong to a trust."

Below, there was a sudden chaos.

I said to Asyan: "Now let me introduce the situation. What is going on with you? Why did you come to this place? How did you meet aliens?"

I'm actually curious too.

In another world, I did encounter an oval-shaped luminous object. I knew it belonged to aliens, but it was hard for me to imagine that Asyang also encountered aliens.

To my surprise, Asyang became hesitant.He doesn't want to talk about what happened in the past.

I thought of a possibility that the other party may have reached some kind of agreement with the aliens.He has some secrets about the aliens, and he has sworn that he must never tell these secrets, otherwise, the aliens will make him die miserably.

Although I can understand the mood of the other party, everyone in the conference room does not.One is louder than the other, and the other is louder than the other, asking the other party to speak out.

Asyang had no choice but to finally speak.However, he stunned everyone when he opened his mouth, "I have been very interested in virgin forests since I was young. I have always wanted to find a chance to take a look, but I have never had the time. Just last year, One night last year, I had a strange dream, dreaming of a beautiful woman waving to me..."

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this.

Asyang was not in a hurry. After everyone finished laughing, he continued to say calmly: "Of course I don't take this matter to heart. It's just a dream. But I didn't expect that a For many months, I have been dreaming almost every night, too many of the same dream. The woman was wearing animal skins, she was very beautiful, and her whole body was full of barbaric temperament. Indeed, I thought of a possibility, which should be Ming In the dark, God is reminding me..."

"I think it should be my dream when I was young. I should go to the virgin forest. Women wearing animal skins represent a barbaric place. I have longed for a savage life since I was young, and I wanted to go to a primitive tribe to see it. Look. I can't pass up this opportunity."

Hearing this, a bitter voice came out of the conference room, "I'll go, is this woman named Asyang crazy?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of laughter.

Asyang was not angry at all, he continued: "Some people say that I miss women like crazy, and they are very right. That's exactly what happened to me."

Everyone was stunned.

They stared at Asyang one by one, not knowing what was wrong with him.

"When I was very young, I suddenly got a very strange disease. Since then, I have not been able to do that. I am very lonely and very distressed. I am very handsome and handsome, and I am very rich, because Not good at that, I dare not have a girlfriend. I was tortured alive for 20 years."

"I'm 40 years old now. I shouldn't be tortured anymore. I want to take proactive measures to solve my problems completely and make myself fully capable. You may not believe me when I say this. In the past 20 years Here, I have seen a lot of doctors and took a lot of medicine, but it has no effect at all."

"Until last summer, when I was reading a book in the library, I knew a secret recipe. There are many pythons in the primeval forest of Dolly Country. Eating the gall of pythons can make men extremely powerful. So, I was immediately tempted I feel that the meaning of life lies in hard work and adventure. How can you see a rainbow if you don’t experience wind and rain. So, I made full preparations and set off.”

"Of course, I dare not take risks alone. I should find other people to form a team, but when those people heard that they were going to the primeval forest, they all flinched in fright and didn't dare to go. There is really no other way , In the end, there were only two people left. Let’s just be two people. It’s good to encourage each other. But when I was about to board the plane, that guy became a deserter. That’s how I came here alone primeval forest..."

"When I got here, the first thing I did was to find the chief. I knew very well that without the help of the chief and the primitive tribe, I would go to the primeval forest to explore alone, which would be tantamount to death. The chief treated me really well, and the food was good. He entertained me, and even wanted to marry his daughter to me. He thought I was here for tourism, but when the chief knew that I was going to the primeval forest to find pythons, he firmly opposed it. He said it was not a joke, That place is too dangerous."

"I had no choice but to go to the primeval forest alone. In fact, I was also very scared, but in order to realize my youthful ideals and make myself completely capable, I had no other choice but to take risks."

"Okay, that's all I have to say."

Just when everyone was listening with great interest, the other party suddenly stopped.

I couldn't help shaking my head.

The other party hasn't mentioned the key points. What I am most concerned about is how the other party knows aliens and how to deal with them.The other party said a series of irrelevant things.

A voice shouted: "Asyan, get to the point! How did you meet the aliens?"

(End of this chapter)

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