wife's secret

Chapter 526 Remember the chapter you said?

Chapter 526 Remember what you said?
The cheers below grew louder.

My speech is full of imagination.

I can see that although the primitive tribesmen of Dolly are used to a barbaric life, they are still full of desire when they hear that they can live in high-rise buildings and the economy can develop.

I wanted to go back quickly, but I found that I couldn't get away.The procedures here are too complicated. After becoming a king, they will hold celebrations.

First of all, the first thing surprised me, they actually wanted to choose a princess for me.

Pick out all the good-looking women in the primitive tribes of Dolly, there are about 3000, and let me choose.

I can choose whatever I want, and the number is not limited.

But I am very excited, I had such a wish very early on.Unexpectedly, this wish came true so soon.

But when I went to choose carefully, I found that it was not the same thing.These people are primitive and savage, and I don't think I can stand it.The skin of these people is very dark, and it cannot be compared with the people in the mainland.

At this time, I suddenly remembered something that happened in another world. When I went to Duoli to investigate the mandala plant, I was warmly welcomed by the local chief and married his youngest daughter to me. .

His youngest daughter, Anzel, almost gave her body to cure my LSD poison.

I had a bridal night with her little daughter. It was such a wonderful and romantic night. That kind of feeling is not something you can have in the mainland. The barbaric temperament on the other side is indescribably imaginative and alluring. .

It would be great if I could actually see her now.

Strange things happened, and what I thought about in one sentence came out.I suddenly discovered that there was a beautiful woman in this group of women who looked very similar to her.I thought my eyes were dazzled, how could it be possible, it was unbelievable.

I walked over and grabbed the other person's arm, "Are you An Cai'er?"

After hearing my words, the other party showed a surprised expression, and the king standing beside him was also very surprised, "How do you know her name, have you seen her before?"

I suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It was as if the other party had never seen me.

But I remember very clearly that in that other world, I had a full interaction with the other party, and it was already a wedding night, how could the other party not recognize me.

Seeing me looking at me in surprise, I suddenly thought of a possibility that it happened in another world, through a space-time tunnel. For me, it seemed to have entered a four-dimensional space.For the other party, at most it was just a dream.

Thinking of this, I quickly explained to the king: "No, I haven't seen it. I just think he looks like a woman."

As soon as I finished speaking, An Caier babbled a string of birdsong, which was the local dialect, and of course I couldn't understand it.

The king explained to me and acted as an interpreter for me, "Just now An Cai'er said that she had a dream a long time ago, she dreamed of meeting you, and the two of you had a positive interaction. The two are really destined."

Maybe someone will say, you really know how to talk nonsense, how can the king speak Yanxia language?
Here I want to explain that the king and the chief are both Yanxia people. When they were young, they were full of curiosity about the virgin forest. They all went to Dolly because of their expeditions. After a long time, they settled down and became locals.

Especially the king, he is very smart and is welcomed by the local people. He has paid a lot of good attention and made great contributions to the economic development of the local people. Because of his great contributions, he became the king.

After listening to the king's explanation, I was very surprised.

I didn't expect that I actually used the word interaction, and it was An Cai'er who said it.This is a bit unbelievable, An Cai'er is a beautiful woman, how could she know the word "interaction", oh, it's too straightforward, and it's too unpretentious.

At this time the king said, "I can see that you are very interested in An Caier, your eyesight is really sharp, to tell you the truth, An Caier is the most beautiful woman among us, there are too many The young man pursued her, but she didn't even look at her. Just wait for your happiness in the future."

At this time, I saw An Cai'er's face blushing, and my heart couldn't help but move.I can now be sure that what happened between me and the other party in another world is nothing more than an illusion.

Now I'm going to do some real work.

The king said: "Our place pays attention to efficiency. Since we are satisfied with each other, we will have a wedding night in the bridal chamber tonight, and we will finish the good things quickly. Of course, you are the new king now, and it is not enough to have a wife. You can start from Continue to choose among the remaining women."

I'm also welcome.After all, I am the king now.

The most important thing is that I have had such an ideal since I was young. I have always dreamed that one day I can become a king, have a kingdom of my own, and then have a large group of princesses. I can also flip cards when I sleep at night.

Maybe everyone will laugh at me, but in fact, I believe that for every man, this is a dream.

But other women are really dark and ugly.

I said to the king: "I also like to pay attention to efficiency in my affairs, and I don't like to procrastinate. Since today is a good day, let's solve the matter of the wedding night. But I have one request."

"any request?"

"Don't tell Meng Xue about the wedding night in my bridal chamber."

"Why?" The king didn't understand. "Isn't she your secretary? You shouldn't hide such things from her."

"This is temporarily keeping her from knowing, and I will tell her later."

Next, the king arranged for me the wedding night in the bridal chamber.I went back to my office, and I called Meng Xue, "I have something to do tonight, so don't bother me."

"What's the matter?"

"This is considered confidential." I told the other party seriously, "I have worked hard for you these days. As my secretary, you have to take care of the follow-up work of the building development. Although the building has been constructed now, the rest is decoration. , The amount of this project is very large. If you have any difficulties, you can bring them up, and I will try my best to solve them for you."

Meng Xue was taken aback, "Chairman, did you make a mistake? Why did you entrust me with such a big job? Didn't they have more than 200 people here? They should all take responsibility."

"You didn't understand what I said. You are my secretary, and you exercise power on my behalf. Of course, the more than 200 people have their own affairs to do, and you will allocate them."

"So it's like this, Chairman, you trust me too much." After finishing speaking, his eyes became charming, "There is a sentence that I have wanted to tell you for a long time. I have never had a good chance, and I want to say it now. Talk it out."

I froze for a moment, "What do you want to say?"

"Remember that sentence you once said to me?"

"I don't understand what you mean by this sentence. Have I ever said anything to you?"

I feel very confused. In fact, I am not familiar with the other party, and there is not much intersection between them. The other party used to be the owner of Ant Moving Company, and I just gave her a part-time job.Of course, in that other world, the relationship between me and the other party is not ordinary.The two of us are college classmates, both of whom majored in archaeology, and have drank wine several times.But I swear here, in order to detoxify the psychedelic machine in the other party, I just gave the other party artificial respiration, nothing else.

"It turns out that you really can't remember." The other party suddenly showed a disappointed look on his face.

I suddenly felt something was wrong.The other party seems to have something to say.

I must try it out.

"It's not that I can't remember. I just made a joke with you just now. I once told you that I remember very clearly that you belong to me and will always be my woman. No man should fight with me."

What I said was too shameless.

I have already risked everything, and I must be brave.

I've already figured it out. After hearing this sentence, the other party will at most say something shameless.For me this is indifferent.

However, something I didn't expect happened.

After hearing my words, the other party showed an excited expression on his face, "You really... remember what you said?"

(End of this chapter)

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