wife's secret

Chapter 528 Process

Chapter 528 Process
"It's too late now. You've ruined him. Whether he has a girlfriend or not is not very important to him. It has already caused a bad influence, and there is no room for recovery from this matter."

"You can't wrong me. To be honest, I had to use that unique skill. Of course I know that it is immoral. For a man, if things are destroyed, he will lose the meaning of life, so There is no interest and fun. The other party pushed me too fast, so I had to do that."

I was a little surprised, "What's the situation? What happened during your martial arts competition?"

He explained.

It turned out that during the contest between the two people, the young man from the primitive tribe was very ruthless, his face was full of anger, and he specifically attacked Dunzi's vital points. Like birdsong.

Although he couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but by observing the shape of the other party's mouth, he understood the meaning of the other party's words. The translation roughly said, I want to kill your stuff, don't you miss my girlfriend Well, I'll root it out for you, and it won't take effect at all. I will completely destroy you.

It was precisely because of the actions of the other party that Duan Zi was completely annoyed, and he was forced to resort to a unique move.

After listening to my explanation, I was very surprised.According to my imagination, these primitive people of the primitive tribe of Dolly are very simple and honest, how could they be so vicious.

I have to get this thing over with.

This involves the issue of friendship between the two sides. It is necessary to maintain a good relationship with Dolly. This is the most important thing, and comprehensive cooperation is also required.

I suddenly realized that I am now the king of Dolly, and it is relatively simple to solve this kind of thing.

I asked Dunzi to go back first, and asked someone to find the guy who was fighting with Dunzi.I understand the circumstances of the other party's injury.

The situation was not what I had imagined. I thought that the other party must have completely failed, and the whole thing was destroyed by the pier, but the actual situation was much better.The other party's thing was not crushed.

I immediately called Yan Hao, who was far away in my hometown, "I will immediately send a plane to you to send a sick patient, and you must do your best to restore his function. You are an expert in endocrinology, and I believe you can do it." "

"What's the situation? You actually sent him by plane. The cost is too high. Is this person your relative?"

"Don't ask so many questions. Let me emphasize again. You must show the highest level. Ask a team of experts to consult with him and make sure he recovers. You don't have to worry about the cost of treatment. Just ask how much it costs. I'll pay you right away."

Then I immediately ordered to send this person to Yanxia by plane.

Since I'm the king now, it's normal for me to give orders.

The person in charge of flying the plane was the Minister of the Ministry of Aviation. He didn't understand, "There is only one plane in Dolly, and this is your Air Force One. Are you really sending him away by plane?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just do what I say."

After arranging everything, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.Although it is costly for me to do so, it is very necessary.

There is a peace issue here.

related to future economic benefits.

By the time everything was arranged, the sky was slowly getting dark, and at this time the old king sent someone to look for me.When I saw the old king, he said: "The time has been set. Last night at one o'clock in the middle of the night, I will arrange a wedding night for you. Now I want to congratulate you."

I almost forgot if the other party didn't mention it.

It's just that I don't understand why the time is chosen at one o'clock in the middle of the night. Is there any special reason for this.

The other party explained, "This is a request made by the woman, and we should respect her opinion."

That's kind of interesting.

I have known for a long time that the women in this place are unusual, and now even the wedding night in the bridal chamber is chosen in the second half of the night. I really don't understand why they do this.

The next step is to follow the process.

An hour later, two serving women led me to a room with a table with a lot of delicious things on it, many of which I had never seen before.But after seeing these things, I suddenly got an appetite and ate a lot.

After eating, I felt completely different. I felt that the speed of blood flow became faster, and my whole body felt hot and dry.

I thought of a possibility that these foods are a special kind of food, which is arranged for the wedding night in the bridal chamber. It is very necessary for men to eat these things, just to make some necessary preparations in advance for the battle.

Then came the second process. The two women led me to a shower room to take a shower. After closing the door, I was the only one in there.

This situation suddenly reminded me of what happened in another world.

I remember the situation very clearly. It seems that two women also checked me.Unexpectedly, I actually encountered it in real life.

The world is a little strange.

I don't even know if I'm in fantasy or in reality.

The result of the examination was similar to the situation in another world. These two women are very experienced. They told me that the size is a bit small, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble when the time comes.

Of course I couldn't understand what the other party meant by saying this, so why would I be in trouble.

I said: "It's okay to be small, the key is to have strong combat effectiveness. Some things are like springs, which can be adjusted according to the specific situation. Sometimes they are very short, and sometimes they are very long. Of course, I am just making an analogy. If you talk too much, you won’t understand.”

The two women glanced at each other, with weird expressions on their faces, and shook their heads slightly at me, without saying anything.

But from the expressions on the other side, I can see that they don't take what I just said very seriously.I didn't think much about it either.I was already full of anticipation for what happened at one o'clock in the middle of the night.

Next came the third process. These two women led me to my bridal chamber, which was actually a tent with very luxurious decoration.The ground is covered with a thick layer of grass. I don't know the name of these grasses. They emit a very peculiar fragrance, which makes people feel an indescribable comfort.

Then these two women went out and left me alone in this tent.

I don't have anything to do now, the next thing is to wait for An Cai'er to enter the tent.

I looked at the time displayed on my phone. It was only nine o'clock in the evening, and there were still several hours before one o'clock in the middle of the night.

What can I do with these few hours?
I suddenly found that there was a signal on my mobile phone, and there was a prompt sound in WeChat.

I opened WeChat and looked, and I was very surprised that it was the group established by Teacher Liu Jiakui - the teacher-student friendship group.

A message popped up inside: Hello everyone, I have a shocking news for you. Your classmate Chen Yang has become the king of Dolly.

I was so surprised when I said that, I found out that it was Teacher Liu Jiakui who sent this message.

How did he know that I became king.

I have just been announced as the king of Dolly, and Mr. Liu knew about it right away. Who did he listen to?

At this moment, the group immediately received a very strong response;
"This little one is so awesome that he became a king. His luck is so good."

"Where is Dolly? Why have I never heard of this country on Earth?"

"There seems to be a primeval forest in that place. It is a very beautiful place. I have long wanted to take an adventure."

"Mr. Liu, can you explain clearly how he became the king and what happened."


At this moment, the message that just popped up was suddenly withdrawn.

This is a bit strange, Mr. Liu remembered to announce this news, just to let everyone in the group know, why did he suddenly cancel it again.

There is only one possibility, that it is inappropriate to do so.

What the hell is going on?
(End of this chapter)

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