wife's secret

Chapter 53 I'm Not Familiar With Her

Chapter 53 I'm Not Familiar With Her

"So it's Brother Yang,"

On the other end of the phone, Niu Lili's joyful voice came, "Great! I was looking for you, you called me first. Okay, you add me on WeChat first, and I'll send you the location, my A WeChat ID is a mobile phone number, so add it quickly..."

I was stunned.

I thought Niu Lili would find an excuse not to meet me, but I didn't expect the other party to be so proactive. "Just looking for me"?What is this scenario?
"Brother Yang, did you hear what I said, why are you in a daze? Hurry up and add WeChat."

"Oh, okay, I'll add it now." Putting down the phone, I was stunned for a few seconds, and then entered Niu Lili's mobile phone number in adding friends on WeChat, and a name called "Game Life" appeared.Undoubtedly, "Game of Life" is Niu Lili.

The other party clicked to agree, and immediately, Niu Lili sent me a location, and immediately, there was only one sentence, "Come right away, I have something important to tell you."

I was surprised.Niu Lili has something important to tell me?What important situation?
Immediately, I thought of the bouquet of roses in the living room. Huang Yijia said that Niu Lili entrusted Zhao Yushan to send the flowers. Does the other party want to tell me about it?
I looked at the location she sent me, and couldn't help being startled, it turned out to be the small restaurant opposite the original location of Hejude Auction House.Both Dunzi and Xu Yanyan and I made appointments to meet there, and Niu Lili even asked me to go there too.Is it a coincidence, or is there some hint somewhere?
I drove my shabby Xiali straight to the small restaurant. As soon as I parked the car, a gorgeously dressed woman greeted me from the restaurant, "Brother Yang, long time no see, I miss your sister to death."

When I saw it, it was indeed Niu Lili.Although I have only met the other side, I still know the person.It's just that the other party's dress made me feel a little awkward. I saw that the other party had big waves combed, a mini miniskirt on her slender thighs, and her eyes were charming and seductive.

When I was still in a daze, the other party had already stretched out his hand.I stretched out my hand subconsciously, but retracted involuntarily.The opponent wore long false nails on his hands, which were dyed red.I dare not hold it.

Niu Lili giggled and took the initiative to grab my hand. After shaking it, she couldn't help but take my arm and walked into the restaurant, "Brother Yang, you finally remembered your sister. I'll treat you to dinner this afternoon."

I have some doubts.Niu Lili and I have only met once, we are not familiar with each other, why is she so enthusiastic about me?

"Long time no see", "I miss your sister to death"... What's going on?

Could it be that the other party is not Niu Lili?

No, of course the other party is Niu Lili, I have seen it, I know it.In addition, Niu Lili's mobile number is stored in my mobile phone.

Can't go wrong.

Could it be... that Niu Lili took me for someone else?
No, I have to check.

I tentatively said: "You and Huang Yijia have a very good relationship, you two are best friends, right..."

"Of course." I was interrupted by the other party before I finished speaking, "Do you know how good my relationship with your wife is, and some people say that we are gay."

I immediately remembered the phrase "Yijia, I love you" on the card, and I was a little puzzled, could it be...the roses were really sent by Niu Lili?

Of course, now is not the time to ask this.

Niu Lili took me into a private room, and before I sat down, she called the waiter to get the menu.When I looked at the time displayed on my phone, I realized that it was already twelve o'clock at noon.At this time, you must have dinner when you ask the other party to meet.How can I ask a woman to treat me, I immediately said to Niu Lili: "The menu will come later, you can order whatever you want, and I will pay for this lunch."

"Brother Yang, listening to your tone, did you get rich recently?"

"Can you get rich by treating you to a meal?" I chuckled, "You can still afford a meal."

At this point, I was still puzzled.I asked Niu Lili to meet on the phone, and the other party directly sent me the location of the restaurant. As soon as we met just now, he enthusiastically pulled me into the private room...the other party seemed to be prepared.

"I heard Brother Yang, you moved with a man named Meng Xue, right? I also heard that Meng Xue is very beautiful. She used to work as a trainer in a fitness institution, and later she set up a moving company and became her own boss, right? "

I don't know why Niu Lili said this. I want to correct me and tell the other party that I have left the moving company now, but I didn't say anything.The other party took the initiative to mention Meng Xue, did it have other meanings?

"Look at how chic they are." Niu Lili saw the waiter come in with the menu, took it, looked at it, and said, "You can't just eat one dish in your life, you have to try all kinds of dishes, otherwise, life will be a mess." How monotonous and boring? Brother Yang, look, what are you used to eating..." He said, handing me the menu.

I didn't take the menu, "Look and order, it doesn't matter what I eat."

I am telling the truth.Although I feel hungry, I have no appetite at all.What I am most concerned about now is whether Huang Yijia has cheated, and whether the bouquet of roses on the coffee table in the living room was given by the other party.

"How about it," Niu Lili returned the menu to the waiter, "We won't look at the menu, just look at a few dishes. By the way, do you have any bullwhip here?"


"Have one."

"Okay." The waiter left in response.

Niu Lili gave me a charming smile, "The bullwhip is for you."

I'm speechless.

The other party is too... how should I put it, too generous, too unrestrained.

The other party is not familiar with me, but only with my wife, and now a man and a woman are together alone, she actually lighted the bullwhip for me, and said such words.

"You said you need to find me something, what's the matter?" Although I really want to know what I want to know, I still hold my breath and let the other party speak first.

"It's better for you to talk first," Niu Lili was unexpectedly calmer than me, "You suddenly came to me, there must be something wrong. You came to me first, so you talk first."

"Lily, I heard that your boyfriend is working abroad, right?"

"Yes. Work abroad as a coolie. The work is a bit tiring, but the wages are three times that of domestic ones."

"Have you ever been to my house with your boyfriend?" As soon as the words came out, I thought it was too straightforward.Afraid of causing misunderstanding, I hurriedly explained, "Oh, I don't mean anything else, what I mean is that you and your boyfriend went to my house...to play, right?"

After explaining, I feel even more awkward.What is "played"?Although I want to express that meaning, when I say "play" I mean to be a guest at home.However, the other party may not necessarily understand it that way, the other party must feel baffled.

I want to explain again, but I don't know how to explain it clearly.All of a sudden, I opened my mouth and stopped talking.

"Brother Yang, what do you want to ask? Why do you look like a woman?"

I just put it all together, some things have to be figured out.I said: "I heard from Yijia that she once gave you the keys to the house, and you and your boyfriend went to my house... to have a romantic relationship. Is there such a thing?"

"That's it," Niu Lili pursed her lips disapprovingly, "That idiot, if he gets too depressed, he will find a woman abroad to let him go, and he will come back to me by flight. He has no skills at all."

I was speechless.

These words are too vulgar, and it's okay to joke between men, but it's too tongue-tiring to say it from a woman's mouth.

How can a woman let her boyfriend find another woman to release that thing?
It's too open-minded.

"So, you and your boyfriend have been to my house?"

"Of course. I'm sorry, it's not proper to go to your house and hide it from you. The host is not very authentic. Waiter!" Niu Lili called the waiter over, "Is the dish ready, serve it quickly. Also, bring a bottle of XO over here, I want a high degree of."

After giving orders to the waiter, Niu Lili continued to say to me, "I like foreign wine. XO tastes good, especially the one with high alcohol content. If you drink half a bottle, you will feel like you are in the sky..."

As she spoke, she opened the bag she carried with her, took out a pack of cigarettes, took out two cigarettes from it, handed me one, put the other in her mouth, lit it with a lighter familiarly, and then threw the lighter He came to me, blew out a string of smoke rings, and said, "Brother Yang, why are you inquiring about the shitty incident where my boyfriend and I went to your house? What do you want to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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