wife's secret

Chapter 532 High Efficiency

Chapter 532 High Efficiency
Hearing what I said, these people are not generally excited, but flushed with excitement:

"Chairman, what you say must be taken seriously."

"Why didn't you say such a good thing earlier?"

"The chairman is really considerate of us. That barbaric place is too far away from home. For us men, it is lonely. With a woman to accompany us, our enthusiasm for work will be very high."

"It's rare to meet such a good chairman. I'm so happy."

Of course, there are also people who are worried, asking a question, a very realistic question, which also represents the thinking of these people, "I am sure that these women are very wild, which is full of deep temptation to me. But I heard I don’t know if it’s true or not that the woman over there is dark and ugly?”

I hurriedly said: "It's just nonsense. People who say this just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. Of course, their skin is indeed not as white as the skin of women in our place, and it is darker. But when you go to bed at night, turn off the lights. It’s not the same after that. The most important thing is the experience. Think about it, who insists on looking at each other’s face while working.”

These people are all sensible people, and they immediately understood after hearing my words.Excited expressions appeared on each face.

What I said is indeed very correct, there is nothing wrong with it.The key to this kind of thing is to pay attention to experience when working, and to close your eyes to experience that feeling well.

Of course, for me, I know too much about the situation of that woman. Before I go to work all these years, I have to do one thing.

I called the owner of the beauty shop and asked him to come to my office.

This boss is more familiar with me. I went to his shop to find him twice for beauty treatment. Twice I asked him to turn me into a woman, and once I asked him to turn me into an old man.This boss makes me trustworthy.

When the boss came to my office, I said to him, "Do you want to get rich?"

"Chairman, you really know how to joke, who doesn't want to get rich."

"Now is an opportunity for you to make a fortune."

"Boss, don't be a secret, you tell me now."

"Go to Dolly Country and give me plastic surgery on all the women there. Make them all prettier."

"Where is Dolly?"

"It's about [-] kilometers away from here. That place is very far away and suitable for people who are backward and inhabited by primitive tribes."

The other party was taken aback, "Chairman, you are not joking, how could you let me go to that place at such a long distance."

"I'm not joking. Don't worry about how you get there. I will arrange a plane to pick you up. Because I will arrange bodyguards for you. Your safety is not a problem. It has been calculated that there are more than 5 women in Duoliguo, and all of these women For beauty treatment, the charging standard is up to you. How about it, isn’t it a matter of pie in the sky.”

The other party was stunned for a moment, "But if this thing becomes a reality, I will make a fortune. But I really don't know why you did this, how did you think of plastic surgery for the women there. It's just too unbelievable."

"Don't ask so much, just do what I ask. If you agree, sign the contract now."

So, soon I signed the contract with him.

Some people may say, it's just crazy, why do you spend so much money on this kind of thing.

I am a very careful person and very generous.I understand very well that the reason why the more than 1000 people in the company are willing to work in Duoliguo is largely inspired by what I just said.After they go, as the king, of course I will match each of them with a woman, but I know very well that the women over there are all black and ugly, and these people will definitely not be able to bear it after they go.

If all the women over there had plastic surgery, the situation would definitely be different.These employees will be very happy, and will be very grateful to me as the chairman, and their work efficiency will be very high.The benefit the company gets is also very considerable.

So it's very worthwhile for me to do so.

In addition, I think that if I do this, I will definitely win the hearts of the people.

This matter was not hidden from Meng Xue.The other party is currently presiding over the work in the Independent State. When she heard that I had made this decision, she immediately called me and questioned: "Chairman, you are not joking. It is very normal for you to let more than 1000 employees of the company come to work here. Reasonable. But how can you equip them with women, do you know what you mean by doing that?"

I froze for a moment, "I don't understand what you mean by that, what does it mean?"

"Don't you think it's immoral for you to do this? Don't you know how to respect women?"

I laughed out loud, "Don't think of me as obscene, okay? Of course I know how to respect women. There is a premise in it, that is, mutual consent. You know what a good thing I have done for the women in Dollyland. Is it? I sent a professional beautician to treat them. Then they will be beautiful and they will thank me."

On the other side of the phone call, the other party was silent for a long time and said, "You are... really unusual."

When the other party said this, the tone was very special.

If there were other people present, they would definitely not be able to understand the meaning of the other party's words.But I can hear it.

Maybe everyone wants to ask, and it is too mystifying.The other party just said a word in an understatement, and your associations are really rich.

I can only tell you that Meng Xue and I will have wonderful stories in the future.You'll find out later.

One month later, more than 2 houses developed in Duoliguo were successfully sold, and the progress went smoothly, beyond my expectation.

I originally thought that selling a house would take a process, and it would take at least one or two years to sell all the houses.Because I know very well that the economy of the people of the primitive tribes of Duoli is very backward. Although the prices of these houses are relatively cheap, they are still a great burden for the primitive tribes.

Why is the work so smooth?

After inquiring, I finally understood. I hired a beautician to go to Duoliguo, and performed beauty treatments for more than 5 local women, and all of them became much more beautiful. After more than 1000 employees of the company arrived there, one by one I was so excited that I didn't know what to say.

According to the principle of free distribution, each employee has one. Of course, there are special cases where one employee is assigned two or even three.

There is no need to envy this, this is something that people want each other, and no one can control it.

Of course, there are exceptions to this. There are more than a dozen employees who don't want any of them. They would rather work alone in a different place.I admire these people quite a bit. These are people of very high moral character. They feel that if they have women with other people, they will be sorry for their wives who live at home.

Some people may want to say it, it's just nonsense, how can you make up a story like this.

There is no way, I know men too well, who doesn’t want to have three wives and four concubines, this is impossible in real life, and the only way to let everyone enjoy themselves is here.

I also want to understand, since everyone seems to be willing to read the stories I made up, then I have the responsibility and obligation to make everyone enjoy themselves.

I am very fortunate, fortunately, I let the beautician arrive in Duoliguo ahead of schedule.Fortunately, the women there had undergone beauty treatment in advance, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

One of the employees said to me with emotion: "You are the greatest chairman in the world, and no one is better than you. I am really grateful to you. I am so grateful to you. It is no exaggeration to say, You are my reborn parents."

"You're welcome, what you said is a bit too much. I just did a little thing for you."

"I'm not polite at all, you are indeed my reborn parents." When I said this, tears even flowed out.

I felt a little strange. This employee must have a story, and there must be something unspeakable.

(End of this chapter)

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