wife's secret

Chapter 536 Get Free

Chapter 536 Get Free
I quickly said: "It's not good to do this. After you leave here, what if someone comes to harm me?"

"What you said makes sense. But don't be afraid, I have a good idea." The little boss said, "I stay here with you, and I am responsible for protecting your safety. If you want me to stay here, no one will Dare to touch you. Then my colleagues will go to the place you said, as long as you don’t lie, as long as what you say is correct, as long as you find the treasure, I will release them immediately. You will not object to my opinion, will you? ?”

I have no choice. If I object, they will definitely be suspicious.

I said, "That's a good idea, let's do as you say."

The efficiency of these people was really high. After making up their minds, they quickly left their leader here, and the others retreated with pistols.

Of course, before the rest of the people retreated, I called Dunzi, and I said something like this, "Here I have some friends who want to come to your place, please treat them well, these people have arrived at your place After that, you do what they ask you to do."

I said this very implicitly.

I believe that Dunzi should be able to hear it, and should know that I am being held hostage.

In fact, I am expressing another meaning. These people are bad people. After they arrive in Dolly, you will send people to control them.

Now it's just me and this little boss in the room.

I said to him: "There are delicious food and wine here, how about a drink?"

The other party shook his head again and again, "Don't drink."

"You don't have to be polite, it's not a deal. We're friends from now on."

The other party thought about it, and smiled, "You are right, they are indeed friends, and they should have a glass of wine. But, you can't drink this, it's a wine for the road. You wait here, I'll get some more Food and drink."

Ten minutes later, the other party brought the dishes for the wine, all of which were delicious, and there was also a jug of wine, which smelled like wine.

I'm not polite, I poured myself a glass of wine first, then I poured another glass of wine for the other party, and I started to drink with the other party.Don't say anything, talk too much and reveal your secrets.

To my surprise, the other party didn't drink a lot. After three glasses of wine, this guy was a little drunk and talked a little too much. I saw him proudly saying: "If what you said is true , if we do get rich, that would be great. We'll be living the rich life from now on."

I said: "For you, this is a pie in the sky. You are about to make a fortune. After you make a fortune, you can go wherever you want. The earth is so big, you can go and see it at will. .”

The other party laughed, "We have already planned, after we have money, we are going to a far away place, can you think of where we are going?"

"How do I know."

"We're going to an island, and we've already investigated it. The environment in the Pacific Ocean is very good. There are birds and flowers everywhere. We will start a family and start a business there in the future."

After finishing speaking, he sighed, "To be honest, I have long wanted to see this kind of life of fighting and killing, and I have long wanted to live a peaceful life."

This sentence is a bit strange.It's hard for me to imagine such words coming out of the other party's mouth.

I suddenly wanted to know about this guy.

If I take the opponent down, it will help me a lot.

Get each other drunk!
After making up my mind, I took the initiative to toast, but the other party refused to drink anyway.He said: "After eating, I will help you move to another room, otherwise, it will be troublesome."

"Why is it so troublesome, can you explain clearly?"

"Jiang Haiyang has told us that you cannot survive tonight. After a while, he will come here to check in person. If you are found to be alive, it will be a big trouble."

I suddenly felt chills all over my body.

I never thought that the old fox would actually kill me, which is a bit too much.Why the old fox would do this, I really don't understand.

I couldn't help asking the other party: "What the hell is this place? Isn't this the Patrol Bureau? Isn't there no king's law?"

The other party sighed, "Some things cannot be said. You are very lucky. If you hadn't met us, you would have gone to Xitian by now. Of course, our tone is also very good. If you can really make a fortune , This is a win-win situation for both parties.”

After 5 minutes, the wine was finished and the food was finished.

The other party said to me: "Now we should leave this room quickly, I will take you to another room, Jiang Haiyang should come to check soon..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard footsteps in the corridor.

The guy's face suddenly changed, "It's over, it's completely over, I didn't expect Jiang Haiyang to come now, it must be him, there is nothing wrong with it."

I roared angrily, "This old guy came just in time, didn't he want me to go to the West Paradise, then I will send him to the West Paradise."

The other party quickly stopped me, "Slow down your voice, don't dare to come, this old guy has two bodyguards, they are very powerful, and they all have special weapons in their hands. You should hide now."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but let me get under the bed.

The space in the room is very small, and the only place to hide is under the bed.

As soon as I hid under the bed, the door of the room opened.

Jiang Haiyang walked in, followed by two burly men.

Seeing the little boss standing in the room, Jiang Haiyang said, "Where's Chen Yang? Have you got rid of him?"

"Report to the chairman, three of my subordinates have just taken him away. I am checking if there is anything else in the room."

I was very nervous hiding under the bed.I dare not make any sound, and it is impossible to make any movement.

If the other party finds out, I will definitely be finished.

"Check what's there? Is there anything to check?" Jiang Haiyang became confused and walked towards the place where I was hiding.

The eyes of the other two bodyguards were looking around. I was lying under the bed, and I could see clearly that these two bodyguards were holding miniature submachine guns in their hands.

It can be said that as long as there is any movement under the bed where I run, I will die immediately, and I will definitely be punched into holes by the submachine gun.

Jiang Haiyang was getting closer and closer to me, and I was very nervous.

What if the other party finds out?

At this moment, the cell phone of the little boss suddenly rang, and he answered the call, "What did you say? Chen Yang ran away? What's going on here?"

His voice was very loud and his tone was very rapid.

Jiang Haiyang turned around suddenly, "What happened?"

"Report to the chairman, I just felt that my subordinate's phone call, they were going to solve this kind of problem, but just walked out, just halfway, that guy ran away..."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and chase after him!" Jiang Haiyang yelled, pulled out his pistol, and walked out of the room as quickly as possible towards the two bodyguards.

After there was no sound, this guy said to me: "You run out from under the bed and retreat immediately."

Under the leadership of the other party, he and I left this dark house and went to the street outside.

I saw people coming and going on the street, and cars shuttled back and forth one after another.I understand, I am free now.

I grabbed the other party's collar unceremoniously, and said viciously: "You tell me honestly, who are you and your accomplices? Why did Jiang Haiyang want to kill me? If you don't tell me now, I will I'll strangle you right away."

The other party realized that he had made a mistake, an unforgivable mistake.I shouldn't be set free.

It was too late for him to regret now.

"Okay, I'll give you the whole situation now," he said in a tearful tone.

Next, he explained.

It turned out that after Jiang Haiyang and I went through the handover ceremony and gave me the company, he did one thing.That's stalking me.

Follow and monitor me with all my might.

The old guy knew very well that the loan of [-] billion was for the purpose of granting [-] mu of land. If this failed, if the project could not be carried out smoothly, the [-] billion would be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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