wife's secret

Chapter 538 Lao Cai's Secret Recipe

Chapter 538 Lao Cai's Secret Recipe

"I finally have a son!" Lao Cai was so excited that he grabbed my arm and said, "Thanks to you, I have always thought of you to express my gratitude to you. I never thought that I would meet him here today." You are gone, we must get drunk before we rest."

I was confused, "How can I be lucky, you have a son is your own business, does it have anything to do with me?"

"The relationship is too big. How could I have a son without the folk remedy you gave me?"

"Have I provided you with folk remedies? Why do I get more and more confused the more I listen to it?"

"Packed in a small white bottle, you said it is called datura, a plant from a primitive forest far away, isn't it a folk remedy?"

I am very surprised.

I suddenly remembered that the other party was right, I did give him the mandala.

I remember very clearly that it was a bottle of medicine that Niu Lili gave me.When she gave it to me, she once said to me, as your wife's best friend, I know you very well, you are not good at that and cannot satisfy your wife, so I got you this medicine.After you take this medicine, you will regain your strength in a short time, and your husband and wife relationship will become very harmonious.

Of course, later Niu Lili advised me not to eat this food, saying that eating it would be bad for my health.

I don't know what kind of psychology I was in at the time, and I gave Lao Cai a few pills of this kind of medicine.Maybe think of him as an experiment.

Some people may say, why are you so bad, Lao Cai is very honest, how can you let him do experiments.

At that time, I thought this way. Lao Cai is already very old, but he still persists in wanting to have a son. It is too difficult for him.According to what I know about him, he no longer has any functions, and it is useless to eat anything, and any medicines can no longer have a good effect.I'll just give him a pill, let him play a role in a short time, just wish him a helping hand.

Unexpectedly, the other party really had a son, which surprised me too much.

Next, Lao Cai explained.

It turned out that my original judgment was correct. After Lao Cai gave birth to six daughters, he was basically useless and could not stand up at all.Normally, he shouldn't be reluctant, but this guy's determination is very great, he had sworn a long time ago, and swore a particularly ruthless vow.

He said to himself that he must give birth to a boy in his lifetime, and if he failed, he would leave the palace with a knife.

After he gave birth to his sixth daughter, he was basically completely disappointed in himself. Just when he was preparing to be a eunuch, luckily he met me and I gave him medicine.

After eating the food I gave, a miracle happened, and Lao Cai suddenly became youthful and energetic. A 60-year-old man was already rotten, as if he suddenly became 30 years younger and returned to the appearance of a young and middle-aged man.He was very excited. He seized this rare opportunity and hurriedly did what he had to do.

Maybe God pity him, Lao Cai finally succeeded this time.

He held my hand tightly and said with emotion, "It's like the college entrance examination. I have failed the exam six times in a row. It turns out that I have no hope and I am ready to fail completely. But I never thought that , I met you at a critical moment, if it wasn't for you, where would my son be?"

I am happy for each other.

I said: "Life is a rare struggle. In order to give birth to a son, you have been exhausted and almost conceived of your precious life. It is too difficult for you as a man. Now that you have finally succeeded, it is simply gratifying Congratulations."

Lao Cai asked me: "I said little brother, you are not young anymore, do you have any children now?"


"This is impossible. According to my experience, you must pay attention to it and don't try it lightly. Before planting karma, you need to make a careful arrangement and operation. It is the same as planting crops in the countryside. This kind of thing Don't be in a hurry."

I came to be interested, "You must have a lot of experience in this field, which is a precious asset for us young people. You can't hide these experiences of yours and don't tell them. You should carry forward the good things. , you must tell me your experience."

I was originally teasing the other party.

Who knew that after hearing my words, the other party immediately grabbed my arm and said very excitedly, "No one has ever said such a thing to me, you are the first person to say such a thing, I will now Let me tell you all my experience. Why don't I accept you as my apprentice?"

I couldn't help shaking my head again and again.

This guy is simply insane, he actually wants to accept me as an apprentice?
It's too hard to imagine.

But it is also understandable that this guy has just had a son and has been in a state of excitement. He is too excited.

I continued to joke, "I'm not qualified to be your apprentice. It's more suitable for the three monkeys to be your apprentice."

The reason why the three monkeys are mentioned is that I think Jiang Haiyang's subordinate has been silent on the sidelines, and it is not good to leave him in the cold.

Unexpectedly, Lao Cai shook his head again and again, "Three monkeys are hopeless. You must be my apprentice, you must."

I could see that the other party had already drunk a lot, almost drunk, otherwise he wouldn't have said such a thing.

"You don't need to be an apprentice, just tell me the folk recipe." I really couldn't stand the other party's entanglement, so I dealt with it casually.

After hearing what I said, the other party put his mouth close to my ear and said in a low voice, "Actually, the recipe is very simple. In addition to the pills you gave, you also need Sanbianjiu."

"Three Whips Wine? Tell me more clearly."

"This is what an old Chinese doctor told me. Mix dog whips, wolf whips and donkey whips together, soak them in high-strength wine, drink two tea bowls a day, and after half a year, you will be very different. This is life. My son’s premise. Then it’s time to check the time. On the last day of each month, I have to check the old almanac to calculate the date of the other party. Then, I will be vegetarian at home for half a month, and I still need to worship the Bodhisattva every day. You have to kowtow a hundred heads in front of the Bodhisattva..."

"Remember, when you kowtow, you must be pious in your heart. You can't kowtow casually. Every kowtow must make a sound. The effect of bleeding is the best..."

The other party talked for a long time, and I was very shocked after listening to it.

Let's not talk about drinking, just say kowtow.Kowtow 100 heads every day, 1500 heads in half a month, this is simply terrible.

It's not just an ordinary kowtow, but a sound must be made.

At this moment, I was full of infinite admiration for Lao Cai.

The perseverance of the other party is too scary, it is simply indomitable.

Lao Cai said: "To be honest, kowtowing is not the most uncomfortable thing. The most unbearable thing is drinking. Do you know how bad Sanbian wine is? It's even worse than drinking horse urine."

I'm surprised.

It is simply hard to imagine.

What kind of life did the other party lead?
The other party made such a big sacrifice in order to be able to have a son.

I suddenly thought of one thing, three whip wine is made from a mixture of dog whip, wolf whip and donkey whip.Dog whips and donkey whips are easy to get, and you can buy them in the market.But where did the wolf whip come from?
Lao Cai said, "You're right. Wolf whips are really hard to get. There's nowhere to buy them. I can't risk my life to find them. It's all by chance."

Hearing the word fate, my heart suddenly moved.I immediately asked, "Can you tell me, what do you mean by fate?"

"30 years ago, I just had two daughters. In order to be able to have a son, after I got the secret recipe, I was short of wolf whips. I went to the market to buy them, but there were none. I really had no choice, so I just Bought a shotgun and went to the mountains to find wild wolves."

"My idea is very simple. Since there is no one on the market, I have to do it myself."

"The rural area I went to was far away. It was a mountain village. I heard that there was a big mountain behind that mountain village, and there were wild wolves in the mountain. So I wanted to try my luck."

"I didn't expect that my luck was really good. After I took the shotgun to the mountains on the first day, I soon met a wolf. When I raised the gun to aim at the design, a white wolf came suddenly. Bearded old man, stop me..."

"The old man with the white beard said to me, don't shoot, you have to understand, this is a female wolf, don't you want a wolf whip, you can only do it if you find a male wolf."

"I was taken aback at the time, and I quickly asked who this white-bearded old man is..."

(End of this chapter)

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