wife's secret

Chapter 544 1 Everything is the best arrangement

Chapter 544 Everything is the best arrangement
How to complete this challenge.

Must be roundabout, not too direct.Otherwise, it is possible to scare the other party.

I said: "Don't worry, let's talk about this matter slowly. Since you said that the board of directors must be passed, then it is fine to pass the board of directors. You have worked hard enough these days. It is not easy for you as an assistant. Your responsibility You have a strong heart, and you work very hard..."

"Chairman, you don't need to put a high hat on me. Just tell me what you want to do."

I am a little embarrassed, the other party is very smart, I need to change my way to deal with such a woman.

"Actually, there's nothing else, I just want to treat you to a meal."

"Why did you invite me to dinner?"

"The reason is very simple. We are destined to be together. In the beginning, you were the boss of Ant Moving Company, and I worked for you. At that time, you treated me very well, and you invited me to drink several times. You are right I remember all my kindness in my heart. Now our identities are different, I am the boss now, and you are my assistant now..."

Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered something, "I remember that you seemed to tell me, what did I tell you before, is it true?"

The other party's face turned red, "Why do you ask questions knowingly? Didn't I already tell you that it was about the old man with the white beard."

As soon as the other party reminded me, I immediately remembered.

The other party was right. She said that she had had the same dream for several nights in a row, dreaming of an old man with a white beard.

"That's it, I'll treat you to dinner tonight. I'm the king of Dolly now, and I want to treat you well."

Some people may find it strange that the chairman invites his assistant to dinner, what is this all about?

In fact, there is a lot to do here, and some strange things will happen later.

"Then thank you, Chairman."

At six o'clock in the evening, I entertained Meng Xue in my tent.I had someone cook a big meal, and my main purpose was to get him to drink.

Everything is going according to my plan.

Originally, my idea was to find a way to make the other party drink more, preferably to be able to get drunk, and then the two parties began to cooperate to do that.But to my surprise, the other party began to find a way to make me drink.

It seems to be reversed?

How could the other party think of a way to get me drunk?

I feel like there's a trap here.

I saw Meng Xue holding up the wine glass for me, "My dear chairman, you have worked hard during this time, and I understand very well that you are under a lot of pressure. If the development of this [-] mu of land cannot be carried out smoothly, The [-] billion loan from the bank was in vain, and the company went bankrupt. Now everything is different, and [-] buildings have been successfully built. Your ability is too strong, Everyone in the company admires you."

This sentence reminded me.

That's right, I have established a good prestige in the company through this big event.It seems that it is necessary to hold a board of directors today, and I want to meet other members of the board of directors.

"To be honest, this has nothing to do with my ability. The most important thing is the old man with white beard. If it is not for the discovery of the coffin, it is really hard to tell. What happened to me is simply a Miracle."

"Chairman, you are right. It is indeed a miracle. Up to now, all the employees in the company are talking about it. They say that there are gods helping you. To help you is to help Ninghua Real Estate Company, which is to help the whole company. Staff. Thank you so much everyone."

Speaking of this, Meng Xue pointed to the wine glass in my hand, "You must drink this glass of wine, this is my heart for you on behalf of all the employees of the company."

When the other party said this, there was something wrong with his eyes.

I feel a little strange, it seems that the other party has some plans for me, what plans will there be?
To take a look.

"If that's the case, I'll accept this offer." After I finished speaking, I drank the wine in one go.

The other party immediately poured me another glass of wine, "This is my respect to you on behalf of Jiang Haiyang. He is very grateful to you. The company was almost destroyed in his hands. Now you have saved the company. You are his Reborn parents."

I sneered and said, "I don't know how to drink this glass of wine."


"I almost died at the hands of this old guy. You actually said that I was toasting me to drink on his behalf. What do you mean?"

Meng Xue was taken aback, "What did you just say, Jiang Haiyang wanted to harm you? What's going on?"

I told what happened after I traveled back to Yanxia through time and space.I especially emphasize that if the three monkeys hadn't deliberately protected me, I would have died long ago.

After Meng Xue heard it, she was full of doubts, "What you said doesn't seem right, did you have a dream, haven't you been in Duoli, didn't you just have a bridal chamber wedding night last night, you When did you go back?"

I know this thing can't be explained clearly.

Surely she wouldn't believe me if I told her the truth.

No one will believe this kind of thing. Who would believe that I passed through the gate on the night of the wedding and traveled through time and space.

I had no choice but to say: "You are right, but I had a dream."

The other party smiled, "Have you ever dreamed of your white-bearded old man? He is your protector."

I took the opportunity to fool around, "I was about to tell you about this, I did dream about the old man with the white beard. Do you know what he said to me?"

"What did you say?"

"He said to me, your assistant is a very good woman, you must not miss it."

The other party blushed, "You are talking nonsense."

"I'm not lying to you at all. The old man with the white beard told me that if you miss this woman, the sales of the building you have successfully developed will be very difficult. So you must cooperate with her."

"Chairman, you are too good at joking, haven't I been cooperating now?"

"You misunderstood. The cooperation I am talking about is not cooperation in work and business, but cooperation in life."

"Cooperation in life? What do you mean?"

I'm surprised.

Unexpectedly, the other party couldn't even understand this sentence.

From this, it can be imagined that the magnetic field on the other party's body is indeed powerful, and indeed no man has ever had close contact with her.This sentence said that she had never cooperated with other men, so she didn't understand what cooperation in life meant.

I just gave it a go, "Do you know what I did last night?"

"Of course it's wedding night in the bridal chamber."

"What exactly do you do on the wedding night?"

"Life as a married couple."

"That's collaboration in life."

The other party finally understood.Originally, I thought she would be very shy after hearing this sentence.Unexpectedly, the other party's face was very calm, if he thought about it for a while, he said to himself, "Everything should be arranged."

I was a little surprised when I heard this sentence.Analyzing this sentence through the dialogue, there is a lot of information in it.

When I was about to ask what happened, I was taken aback by what the other party said next, "Actually, the protagonist of the wedding night in the bridal chamber last night was not her, but me. But the old man with the white beard once said something to me. I said it like this, everything that happened was planned in advance, and one day this kind of thing will happen to you."

I totally understand now.

The old man with the white beard and I must have a deep connection.It could very well be my grandpa.

What happened to my grandfather back then, why did he suddenly disappear, and what does it have to do with aliens?
I thought of the possibility that my grandpa must hold some secret of the aliens.The aliens didn't want my grandpa to reveal this secret, and then I let my grandpa master some kind of supernatural power in my heart, or my grandpa and the aliens reached some kind of agreement.

Someone may say, you are talking nonsense.Where are the aliens?

I don't want to explain any more about this issue, I have already made it very clear before.Now I just want to stress that a comet exploded when it flew past the earth 60 years ago, and the fragments after the explosion landed on the earth, that is, meteorites.Later things happened around the meteorite.

(End of this chapter)

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