wife's secret

Chapter 547

Chapter 547
Some people may say that your imagination is too rich, you are simply talking nonsense.

In fact, there are many things that cannot be explained clearly. Didn’t I just say that everyone has the habit of dreaming, dreaming of strange things, sometimes there is no logical relationship at all.

There is a basis for what I said. I have already reached the conclusion before that the old man with white beard should be my grandfather. I cannot have some rare adventures. My grandfather cannot let so many people follow me. He used a The spell shut the men in the cave.

"What happened to those pythons, where did they get you, and what happened afterwards?" Teacher Liu asked curiously.

As soon as the words fell, other people also asked:

"I was terrified at the time, and I thought something must have happened. I thought I would never see Chen Yang again."

"It's strange, why did a group of pythons emerge? It's so wonderful."

"Don't be dazed, what happened, tell us the situation quickly."

"Yeah, let's talk about it quickly. There must be a lot of strange things happening to you."


I don't think this matter can be explained, and I can't explain it clearly. If I tell them now that I have traveled through time and space, will you believe it?They must have thought I was talking nonsense.

At this time, when I felt that it was difficult to explain, Hu Handlei came over and said, "I will sum up now, but if I have something wrong or inappropriate, everyone can add it."

Everyone looked at him, not knowing what he was going to say.

"During this period of time, I have already written seven reports, each of which is very shocking and has a bombing effect. I am going to set up a newspaper office. How about everyone working in my newspaper office?"

After hearing what he said, I immediately came to a conclusion.Reporter Hu has become crazy.

Why do I say that, the reason is very simple.

Under such circumstances, it is crazy for him to say such a thing and want to set up a newspaper.

Everyone was very surprised. Hu Grenade's face was flushed, and he said excitedly: "Maybe the primeval forest harvest is simply too great. For a reporter, it is a dream thing in his life. I am the person who likes to play exciting games the most." , I have caught up with many interesting things. As I said just now, I have written seven reports, and each report can bring me a lot of money. After I set up a newspaper, wait for everyone to follow After I mix, you will be happy."

Ma Dapao shook his head, "Now it's different from before, I can't follow you casually, my paparazzi declared bankruptcy starting today, and my more than 300 members have chosen their own new lives from now on, I've made a decision, my future Just follow Boss Chen."

Niu Lili said: "I'll be honest. I don't know how I got here. I was with Lao Pao. It's really strange why I suddenly appeared in the forest."

I thought I should tell her something, so I quietly pulled her aside, and said in a low voice, "You're right if you think it's strange, I'll tell you the truth, a lot of very strange things happened to me. I can't explain it. I'm asking you something now, and you have to tell me."

"whats the matter?"

"Where is Brother Pao now?"

"do not know."

"How could you not know, you have been with him all the time."

I say so with a basis.I remember very clearly that the two of them went to the south together to find the map of Taoyuan Wonderland. On the way back by train, I lost contact with the two of them, and the phone couldn't be reached.

I once analyzed that the two of them may have gone to a place to enjoy a primitive life.

Now I was surprised to see the other party in the tree hole, of course I want to find out the orientation of Brother Pao.

Maybe someone will say, why do you care about Brother Pao.

To be honest, Brother Pao has always been a mystery to me. This guy used to be a monk and married four wives, one of whom was a foreign girl.That in itself is something that makes me curious.

There is another reason, both of us graduated from Ninghuang Ancient Academy in Nianning. I am his senior brother and he is my senior brother. It is normal for a senior brother to care about his senior brother.

Of course, there is another reason I want to talk about, and that is about Hua Gu.To be honest, I am still skeptical about Hua Gu's identity. I have long known that she is the goddaughter of Eunuch Liu.What happened to Eunuch Liu?

After listening to my question, Niu Lili shook her head, "Do I still feel like I am dreaming? Everything that happened seems to be in a dream to me. I can't answer these questions you asked, maybe One day my dream will wake up, and then I will tell you."

At this moment, a person suddenly burst into laughter, "Hahaha~~~~~"

The laughter was very loud and harsh.

All of us were taken aback by the sound.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and it turned out that it was Asyang who laughed.

Of course I was also taken aback, what happened to this old guy, what kind of stimulation did he receive?

"Now you people have only one chance to survive, and that is to surrender!"

Asyang suddenly said such a sentence.

This is simply too strange, is this guy's nerve really stimulated?

Teacher Liu Jiakui didn't understand. He put his hand on the other person's forehead, "I said old classmate, did you suddenly have a high fever?"

The other party took Mr. Liu's hand aside, and smiled coldly, "To tell you the truth, I am a spy sent by Jiang Haiyang, and I am here to carry out a mission. Let me tell you some bad news. Surrounded."

Everyone laughed.

"What's the matter with this old guy?"

"Why is he talking nonsense all of a sudden?"

"Is your brain stimulated?"


I suddenly had a bad feeling.I had my doubts about this guy a long time ago.But then I didn't think much about it.Now that the other party suddenly said such a thing, my intuition told me that something big might happen soon.

At this moment, Shunfeng'er's face suddenly changed, "I heard the sound of tanks and planes flying over from a distance, what happened?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several planes appearing in the sky and buzzing over.One of the planes was a helicopter, and the plane was flying very low, getting closer and closer to the ground.

I saw clearly at once that it was Jiang Haiyang who was piloting the plane.

After seeing Jiang Haiyang, Asyang hurriedly waved his hand to greet him, "Report to Sasaki, my mission has been completed. These people are all surrounded by us."

I thought I got it wrong, Sasaki?What's the matter?

"You did it very beautifully. Don't worry about your safety. These people dare not touch you. I once promised you that as long as you complete the tasks I entrusted to you, you can return to the Sakura Kingdom."

After Jiang Haiyang finished speaking, he saw me all of a sudden, and he said proudly, "I knew you had to come back. I had my people ambush around. You can't escape now."

I was taken aback, "What's going on here? Can you explain it more clearly?"

"Let Asyang explain to you."

After the words were finished, the plane flew high and quickly disappeared.

At this moment, the rumbling sound of the tank was clearly heard.It can be seen that there are many tanks in the distance, and the dark muzzles are aimed at this side, as if they are about to fire at any time.

Until now, I still thought it was all like a dream.

I asked Asyan, "Can you explain what's going on?"

The other party smiled coldly again, "You really should understand the truth of some things."

Next, the other party explained.

It turned out that Jiang Haiyang, the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate Company, was actually a native of Sakura.

That's a little strange, how could he be a native of Sakura Country?
This matter started 30 years ago. At that time, there was no Ninghua Real Estate Company, and Jiang Haiyang’s name was Sasaki. He was a standard Sakura countryman, to be precise, a member of the Sakuragi Road organization.The resources in the Cherry Blossom Country are very short, so they set their sights on the fertile resources of Yanxia.

(End of this chapter)

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