wife's secret

Chapter 549

Chapter 549
What the other party said makes sense.

There is indeed only one person on the other side. With so many of us surrounding him, where can he go?

Cannon shook his head, and took the dagger away.

Everyone's eyes were on this guy, and they didn't know what he was going to pick up.

I suddenly thought of a possibility, will this guy take out a grenade?
I thought of something that happened in the ribbon-cutting ceremony square of the sales office.The ribbon-cutting ceremony was hosted by this guy, and it went very well.Suddenly, Yan Chengsen broke into the scene with a group of bodyguards, who wanted to find me by name.

When it was extremely dangerous, Brother Pao suddenly appeared and shocked the audience with a grenade explosion.

Is this guy also going to take out a grenade?

Are you ready to die with everyone?

Speaking of this, I have some back chills.When I wanted to stop it, it was too late, the other party had already pulled out something from his bosom, but it wasn't a grenade, I was thinking too much and made a mistake.

What is it?

It's a small white medicine bottle.

Why does it look so familiar, as if I have seen this thing somewhere.

Just when I was wondering, Asyang had already opened the small white bottle, he took out a pill from it, picked up his hand, and motioned for everyone to see, "Have you seen this thing? Do you know that this thing is called What's the name? If someone can name it, I'll send him 1 yuan using WeChat right away."

I feel very funny, what is the situation now, this guy actually said such a thing?

But I feel uneasy in my heart, this old guy is too confident, surrounded by enemies, and the black muzzle is aimed at us, this old guy actually has the mood to talk about such an easy job.

It's a bit unbelievable.

Want to see what he wants to do.

I said, "If I'm not mistaken, what you're holding should be a mandala."

"Congratulations on your correct answer, I will transfer you 1 yuan now. I keep my word. Come on, the two of us add a WeChat first... You open the QR code on your phone, and I will scan it for you."

After he finished speaking, he walked up to me and scanned my QR code with his mobile phone WeChat very seriously.

If outsiders see this scene, they must think that he and I are good friends. No one would have guessed that this is a time of danger.

The behavior of the other party is too strange.

Just when the other party scanned my QR code with his mobile phone, I suddenly felt a cold feeling on my body, which is not right, it is very hot in summer and the temperature is very high, how can I feel so cold.

My eyes fell on the other person's face, and I suddenly felt something was wrong.I found that the other party's eyes suddenly became a little dull, and the eyeballs emitted a faint green light.

It seems to be the light only in the eyes of wild wolves.

I was taken aback.

I quickly took a step back, completely subconsciously.But it was too late, and the other party hugged me tightly.

That's when I realized I had been duped.

Asyang should have known for a long time that I know the name of this pill. He said those words on purpose just now, that there will be rewards on purpose. His purpose is to get close to me.

The other party hugged me very tightly.

What exactly does the other party want to do?

Do you want to die with me?
Just when I was puzzled, the other party opened his mouth suddenly, and something unbelievable happened.I saw a small clay figurine suddenly appear in the other party's mouth. I could see it very clearly. It was actually an old man with a white beard, and his facial features were very clear.

At this moment, I feel that the world is a little messed up.

I believe that after seeing this, everyone's thinking must be a little confused, and they will definitely say that you are talking nonsense.

Don't worry, the wonderful story is about to begin.

I was stunned for a moment, I remembered that I had seen this little clay figurine somewhere, it was not a dream, I had indeed seen it in real life.Where did you see it?
When I was thinking about it, the little clay figurine suddenly disappeared, and a rotten and unpleasant smell came out of the other party's mouth. It was a feeling that made people want to vomit after smelling it.

I don't know where the strength came from, and I punched the opponent's head with a punch.

The other party never dreamed that I would suddenly throw a punch.

My strength is very great.

I have already introduced it before. When I appeared in the warehouse of the sales office, I saw Gu Ruoshui and the two killers he brought. The situation was very critical at that time. They all pointed their pistols at me, thinking that I would never escape again. In that instant, I wiped out all three of them.

So I am very confident now that I already have supernatural powers.

Please don't believe me, or call me nonsense.I have experienced so many strange things, and I also ate the eggs of the python king, so it is not surprising that I have supernatural powers.

My punch was so sudden and powerful that Asyang had no defense at all.

So my fist actually landed on the opponent's face.

Then something incredible happened.

The opponent's head suddenly left his neck and fell to the ground.Of course, the moment the other party's head left his neck, I heard a sound clearly, that is click.

I was taken aback. I didn't expect that I knocked the opponent's head off with one fist, which is incredible.

Everyone exclaimed in surprise:
"My grass!"

"What's the situation?"

"Is there a mistake?"



At this moment, the opponent's body shook twice and fell to the ground.What surprised people the most was that not a single drop of blood flowed from the other party's neck. After the head fell to the ground, it rolled like a ball.

This is simply incredible.

Then something even more terrifying happened.

The head that fell to the ground seemed to be full of spirituality, and its two eyes were wide open. When it rolled to someone present, it stopped, and its two eyes were staring at each other seriously.It seems to be identifying something.

Then it leaves the person and rolls toward another person.

All of them grew their mouths.

I don't even know what the situation is.

I see a chill down my back.A word popped up in my mind-ghost!

Some people can be sure that Asyang is a ghost.

Everyone may have said that you are simply too good at talking nonsense.He is obviously a living person, how could he be a ghost?

Don't worry, everyone will have the answer later.

When I showed everyone stunned, I saw this head finally rolled in front of my eyes, with two eyes fixed on me, making me feel hairy.

Suddenly, a stern voice came from the mouth on the head, "You did it just now, I finally found you, you pay me back!"

Trying to stay calm, I drew my pistol and fired three times into the head.

Pop, pop, pop.

The sound is very clear.

I could see very clearly that there were three black holes in the head on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, I lifted my foot and kicked hard at the head on the ground.When I was very young, when I was in my hometown in the countryside, I once heard from the old people in the village that there were people who cheated on corpses in their graves.There is only one way to deal with a corpse fraudster, and that is to separate his head from his body.

When I paid attention, I used very strong force. If I kicked it, the head on the ground would definitely be kicked far away by me like a ball.But I was wrong, just when my foot was about to kick the head, the head dragged very fast and ran to the side of the corpse, the head and body were integrated into a whole, stood up staggeringly, and finally stood up .

Asyan is alive again!

My goodness!

What is going on? ? ! !

After being stunned for a few seconds, before I could react, I saw Ma Dapao forcefully threw the dagger in his hand and stabbed at the opponent.

In the dark night sky, the shining dagger is very dazzling.

I couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as expected of the person in charge of the paparazzi, he was well-trained at first glance, and just now, the opponent should be from the special forces.

With a cold light, the dagger landed on the opponent's body at a fast speed.

If the opponent is a normal person, after being stabbed with a dagger, his body will definitely fall to the ground.

However, Asyang turned his head and said fiercely to Ma Dapao, "Among the damned people, you are one of them."

After finishing speaking, his body ran forward at a fast speed and disappeared in the darkness.

Almost at the same time, the surrounding tanks moved.I heard a loud voice yell, "Fire the guns."

(End of this chapter)

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