wife's secret

Chapter 551 The Hero of the Women's Middle School

Chapter 551 The Hero of the Women's Middle School
"You're right." I nodded.

I admire him very much. As expected of a famous reporter, he hit the point in one sentence.You are right, if Jiang Haiyang wants to regain the chairman, there are too many ways and means, there is absolutely no need to use so many tanks and planes.

What exactly does the other party want to do?

Why do you want to kill me and die?

It seems that this matter is not simple, I have to think about it.

Everyone participated in the discussion, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic:
"The problem is very simple. I thought Jiang Haiyang was from our place, but no one thought that he was from the country of Sakura. There is only one reason why he is killing you now, because you have mastered his secret."

"I agree with this opinion. He definitely doesn't want others to know that he is from the country of Sakura, otherwise, the real estate company will go bankrupt immediately. Why do you say that? The reason is very simple. People from the country of Sakura are enemies with us. Isn’t it courting death to develop real estate on the site?”

"This guy is ruthless enough. In order to prevent his secret from being leaked, he even used planes and tanks."


When everyone was discussing very enthusiastically, I suddenly thought of a piece of information, that is, Niu Lili's escape.

That is, not long ago, I asked the other party a word, and the other party showed a panicked look on his face and ran away.

One possibility occurred to me.

Niu Lili should be from Jiang Haiyang, of course, Jiang Haiyang is Sasaki.

What's going on here, how can the two of them get in touch.It doesn't seem right. I know very well that Niu Lili and my wife are good friends. According to my understanding, Niu Lili is definitely not from the Sakura country.

If the two of them were indeed connected, there was only one possibility, that Niu Lili was bribed by Sasaki.

From this, I thought of another possibility. Duodumu bought Lily for only one purpose, that is, to let the other party monitor me and control me.In this way, my every move, every word and deed will not escape Sasaki's eyes.

I began to recall the process of my contact with Lily.

I remember that it started with Datura pills at the earliest time. I ate and drank in a restaurant with the other party, and then I got drunk, and then she gave me a small bottle of Datura. The other party said that this thing is absolutely nice one.

Later, it was Lily who took me to meet Brother Pao. I still remember the scene very clearly. Aunt Hua was giving Brother Pao an injection.

The process of my contact with the other party seems to be as simple as that.

After thinking about it, I think it's nothing.This is very normal, I don't seem to be fooled by the other party.But when I asked her that sentence just now, why did she run away, and didn't even bother to say hello.

While thinking about it, Ma Dapao said, "I thought of a possibility, Lily should go to lie to Sasaki."

"What do you mean?"

"Bitter tricks plus beauty tricks."

"Speak clearly."

"According to what I know about Lily, she is a very scheming woman. I noticed a detail. When I heard the sound of tanks approaching, Lily's face changed. She realized the danger, and she put my pistol to go. gone."

I was taken aback, "What did you say, you gave Lily the pistol?"

"I didn't give it to her, but she took the initiative to go."

Then Mao Dapao explained, "After discovering that there were tanks surrounding us, Lily walked into me quietly, and she said to me, Jiang Haiyang is indeed an old fox, and now I am the only one to kill him. But I heard this sentence After the conversation, I asked if there was any way to kill him. Lily told me that she has mastered the opponent's weakness and is very confident in killing him."

I was very surprised, "So that's the case. But I don't understand. When I was talking to her just now, I could see very clearly that she had a panicked look on her face and left the scene very quickly. This is why?"

"It's very simple. The reason why Lily did this is because there are enemies all around, and she deliberately made it like this."

I suddenly realized.

After I understood it, I felt very moved. I knew that there were tigers in the mountains and I preferred to go to the mountains.For everyone's safety, Lili went to kill Sasaki by herself, how much courage it takes.

I immediately worried about the other party, "Will it work? It's just a woman. There are so many enemies. There are planes and tanks. Why should I deal with Sasaki?"

But Ma Dapao is very confident, "You may not know, Lily has already suspected Jiang Haiyang's identity. Do you remember the incident where she and Brother Pao disappeared? I didn't find out until later that they The two of them went to the Sakura Country. Do you know what they went to the Cherry Blossom Country for one purpose, to investigate Jiang Haiyang."

I was surprised, "How could it be like this, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Lily didn't want me to tell you. She said that there are some things she still can't figure out, and she will tell you the result after she has figured it out thoroughly."

"You mean Lily has long suspected that Jiang Haiyang is Sasaki?"

"It's not appropriate for you to say that. To be precise, Lily already suspects that Jiang Haiyang is from the country of Sakura."

I'm ashamed of that.

It turns out that I misunderstood Lily.

When I found out that the other party and Brother Pao went to the south and disappeared by train, I suspected that the two of them were looking for a place to be chic and happy.I never imagined that they went to the country of cherry blossoms.The two of them worked so hard.

"I admire Lily's courage. But I'm very worried. It's still the same sentence. Why should a woman deal with a powerful enemy?"

Ma Dapao said, "I was also worried about this issue, but I still have confidence in Lily. She once told me that she used evil tricks and beauty tricks. I am confident that I can kill Sasaki."

"Can you explain in detail?"

"Let me first explain to you what is a bitter trick. It is easy to understand. I just want to mutilate myself and make the enemy believe in me. As for the beauty trick, there is no need to explain this. Do you remember the incident where Sasaki was almost taken away from the bird's nest? ?”

"Of course I do. Does it have anything to do with the beauty trap?"

"Let reporter Hu explain, after all, he is the person involved."

Hu Grenade came out from the crowd, and said to me embarrassedly: "I should have told you about these things a long time ago, but I don't think it's convenient. Now that the danger is coming, Lily bravely kills you for everyone's safety." Sasaki. I have nothing to hide."

I immediately realized that the other party was going to tell me a secret next.

In fact, I had wondered before that why Reporter Hu hated Jiang Haiyang so much.According to my understanding at the time, it seemed that Reporter Hu fell in love with a female employee of Ninghua Real Estate Company. The matter between the two was basically settled, but Jiang Haiyang broke up for some reason.So Reporter Hu hated the other party to death.

Later, reporter Hu's cousin, Bai Jie, joined Ninghua Real Estate Company after graduating from university. Jiang Haiyang had no son, so in order to train a successor, he and Bai Jie wanted to cooperate in making a man.After the reporter found out about this incident, he almost died of anger.

So Reporter Hu decided to settle the old and new grudges together. He spent 500 million to hire Dunzi to do this job. Force wrestling gym.

Then things will no longer be wordy.

I have always been full of doubts about this matter.I always suspected that Reporter Hu was hiding something from me.

Now is the time to reveal the secret.

Hu Shoulei said: "The reason why I am in Duanjiang Ocean's Bird's Nest is actually to avenge Lily."

I was taken aback by one sentence, "What do you mean by that? Did Jiang Haiyang ever have any plans for Lily?"

"You are very right. Jiang Haiyang did have plans for Lily. He once tried every means to get her. After I found out about this, I wrote a report and it appeared in the Ningzhou Evening News. So Jiang Haiyang treated me I hate it so much, I just separated my girlfriend and me..."

"What's going on? Tell me the whole process quickly. Jiang Haiyang is the chairman of Tangtang Real Estate Company. How could he have plans for Lily?"

(End of this chapter)

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