wife's secret

Chapter 554 Guess

Chapter 554 Guess
Congratulations, you got the answer right, I won't hide anything, just announce the answer here in advance.

It is true that Asiyang, Liu Jiakui and Zhou Zhengkang were classmates in high school. The three of them had a deep friendship back then, and they all had common ideals and interests, and they were all very interested in astronomy.The three of them once met, and if there is an opportunity in the future, they will definitely cooperate to explore the secrets of astronomy.

Afterwards, Asyang became so awesome. After graduating from university, this guy joined a large international consortium. He is very capable and capable.However, this large consortium was involved in an international fraud case during its subsequent operations.Asyang, who had a promising future, suddenly became nothing.

This guy suddenly became mentally unbalanced, he said to himself, I'm ignoring his grandma, why, I've worked hard all these years, it's not easy, is it all in vain in the end?
no!Asyang gritted his teeth secretly.Taking advantage of the resources accumulated through years of hard work, he decided to make some money.

Therefore, Asyang set his sights on Ninghua Real Estate Company.

Why stare at Ninghua Real Estate Company?
the reason is simple.Because Asiyang discovered that Ninghua Real Estate Company is a very influential company in the hot summer land.So, he decided to take the company down.As long as he wins the Ninghua Real Estate Company, Asyang will not be ordinary, it is quite awesome.

So Asyang went to Sasaki, claiming to be the CEO of an international financial organization, and he could provide the other party with a loan of 10 billion.

Sasaki was immediately tempted.At that time, he had just won 10 mu of land from Duoliguo and was about to develop and build it, but he was short of funds.Therefore, Sasaki said to Asyang, as long as you can lend me [-] billion, I will let you join the board of directors, and I will give you one-third of the company's shares.

Asyang is not a fool, I will analyze and judge right away.

My understanding is this, Asyang wanted to fudge a lot, here and there, and finally got a billion.

There is a basis for me to say this. Everyone should remember the day of the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the real estate sales office. This guy summoned the presidents of five banks that day and collected a billion yuan on the spot. There were many guests who participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony I didn't believe it. In order to prove that this matter was true, the bank president took the check to the bank for verification.

These are all judged by me.

But why did this guy suddenly appear as a fraudulent corpse?

After hitting the head with a fist, the opponent's neck rolled to the ground, rolling around like a rubber ball.The most incredible thing is that this head seems to be full of spirituality, rolling to this person for a while, and rolling to another person for a while, looking for who knocked his head off.

I remember very clearly, those eyes staring at me fiercely.It was just too scary.

I said: "Everyone has seen this incident, and I find it incredible. I have a judgment, isn't Sasaki looking for meteorites? Asyang's thoughts are the same as his. It must be that Asyang got the news of meteorites from Sasaki. , Knowing that the meteorite is in the primeval forest of this place, in order to be the first to attack, he came here ahead of time. After arriving here, in the process of searching for the meteorite, he found an ancient tomb. He suspected that the meteorite was in this ancient tomb inside."

"So this desperate guy entered the ancient tomb. After entering, of course, he found a coffin. I don't need to explain what I remembered. You can imagine that there should be a dead person in the coffin, which should be a thousand-year-old man. Corpse, Asyan was possessed by an ancient corpse, so the fraudulent corpse situation we saw appeared."

Hearing what I said, everyone's expressions changed.

Liu Jiakui said: "What you said reminded me. In fact, as I said just now, the three of us set up an expedition team. After driving into the primeval forest, we all lived in a tent at the beginning. One night in the middle of the night I When I woke up, I found that Asyang was gone. I thought he might have gone out for convenience, so I didn’t care, but when he came back, I saw that his body was covered in mud, there were many leaves on his body, and his face was very ugly. This has happened many times. Thinking about it now, he should have sneaked into the ancient tomb alone."

I suddenly realized, "My judgment was also wrong at the beginning. Now let me correct it. After Asyang got the news of the meteorite from Sasaki, no one dared to come. He found two of his high school classmates, Teacher Liu and Mr. Liu. Professor Zhou. The three of them set up an expedition team and flew to this primeval forest together. If I am not wrong, after this guy got the specific location of Yu Shi, he wanted to eat alone, but he did not think of the ancient tomb. There is a thousand-year-old corpse in it, so the fraudulent corpse occurred."

As soon as I finished saying this, someone immediately said: "Didn't you enter that coffin? Do you still remember what was inside? It should be very impressive. You have experienced it yourself, and you have the most right to speak." .”

This sentence reminded me that when I saw the coffin, a pair of hands emerged from it and dragged me in immediately.But when I went inside, a big palace appeared in front of my eyes, and I saw the old man with the white beard.

And what else did I see?
After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a figure floating in the middle of the hall of the palace.At that time, he looked very familiar, as if he had seen this person somewhere.I didn't care either.I did ignore it at the time.

Thinking about it now, I suddenly remembered it.That very familiar shadow is Asyang.

After someone sees this, they may say that you are talking nonsense, and that your story is too outrageous.

Don't worry, I'm telling you very sincerely.I say so with a basis.

After Asyang entered the ancient tomb and opened the coffin, the soul of the dead body inside was attached to his body, and its soul remained in the coffin.That's why I saw figures floating around.

I don't want to think that all this is very unbelievable and difficult to understand.

But I once said that many things in the world cannot be explained, and the current situation is like this.

There will be a detailed introduction about Asyan later, and a series of wonderful stories happened.I can only change the subject here.

At this time, Ma Dapao said, "Everyone just checked my WeChat, and Lily sent me a message."

Everyone rushed over, more anxious than anyone else, and I rushed to the front.In Ma Dapao's WeChat dialog box, two words appeared: Help me! ! !
The two words are followed by three exclamation marks, indicating that the situation is very urgent.

Ma Dapao frowned, "Lily is in danger, we must rescue her now. But we don't know where she is, what should we do?"

At this time, everyone's eyes were on me.

I understand what you mean. Lily risked her life to find Sasaki for the sake of everyone's safety. It's a bit general to say that.To be more specific and more precise, it is actually for my safety.

I know better than anyone that Sasaki is dealing with me, not anyone else.

If I don't come up with a good idea quickly and go to rescue Lily right away, it will be too wrong.That's not a man at all.If nothing else, this group of people will beat me to death.

But how can I find Lily, how can I save her, and I don't know where she is, but what should I do.

At this time, Hu Handlei spoke, staring at me, "Haven't you already become the king of Dolly, this matter shouldn't bother you, right?"

His words immediately aroused everyone's reaction:

"Yes, you are a majestic king, this matter is nothing to you."

"Hurry up and make up your mind, we will do whatever we say, Lily is a very good woman, we can't let her suffer."

"The situation is very serious now, we can't lose a second, let's stop hiding in the tree hole, and rush out to fight the enemy. We men are ashamed, I am like a shrinking mouse here, but let a woman Going to the front line is simply not human, and it would be better to die than to live."

(End of this chapter)

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