wife's secret

Chapter 559 There Should Be a Deal Between You

Chapter 559 There Should Be a Deal Between You

How did you make it like this?
It shouldn't.

Think about it, Ma Dapao's level is high enough, and his ability is also very strong.And he's the captain of a paparazzi.This one is very good.

Maybe someone will say, the paparazzi is no good to the captain, please don't exaggerate it so much.

I am not exaggerating at all, let me emphasize again, there are more than 300 paparazzi members of Ma Dapao, these people are not ordinary people, they all have unique skills.Being able to win over so many good people together, it can be seen from this incident that Ma Dapao's level is definitely not ordinary.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ma Daopo's paparazzi is equivalent to a limited company, and he was originally the chairman of the company.

Niu Lili is very beautiful and charming, but Ma Dapao is completely worthy of her. What is Lily not satisfied with?

I couldn't help but say: "Ma Dapao is a good comrade, there are not many such excellent men, Lily, you have to seize the opportunity."

Just as I finished speaking, Niu Lili glared at me, "Don't talk nonsense, okay, there are some things you don't know."

After I finished speaking, I discovered a detail, her face turned slightly red.

This is a bit strange, according to my intuition, and according to my experience, there must be a story in it.

But now is not the time to think about these issues.

At this moment, Liu Jiakui yelled, "A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

His voice was very abrupt and loud, which startled everyone immediately.

Everyone looked at him, only to see Liu Jiakui had a very satisfied expression on his face, and said to himself: "After this incident, I have finally become a real man."

This sentence was said very strangely, but it was clearly heard.Teacher Liu, what's the matter.As if to say something.

I walked over, "Mr. Liu, what do you mean by what you said just now? Why can't I understand at all."

"To be honest with you, I have always felt inferior in these years. I feel that I am not a man, and I have never made any real career. After coming to the virgin forest where Dolly used to go this time, I really did not expect to experience Such a strange thing. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. I have reason to believe that after going through this incident, Tang Xuelan will definitely look at me with admiration."

Tang Xuelan?
My mind suddenly flashed and I found something.On the day of the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the sales office of the real estate company, Mr. Liu once sat down with a woman and talked quietly.

I remember very clearly that when I was pretending to be a woman, I reminded Mr. Liu very euphemistically that such things must be done quietly, so that no one can find out, especially this woman's husband.

I heard him mention this woman's name just now, and I have reason to believe that they must have crossed paths in the past.

Of course, I don't have time to inquire about such things right now.

The most important thing now is to lead everyone to leave this tree hole and this virgin forest as soon as possible.

There are too many things to do now, I am the king of an independent country now, I have to go back to my king's work to deal with some necessary things.Because I am still the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate Company, and [-] suites are being sold. I don't know what the situation is now.

To be honest, selling a house is very important right now.Jiang Haiyang, that is, Sasaki, borrowed [-] billion from the bank to invest in this land. Now the development and construction are very smooth. Only when all the houses are sold can the bank loan be repaid.

"I am announcing an extremely important matter," I said aloud, "get out of here immediately."

As soon as I finished speaking, I realized that the situation was not very good.The very narrow door in the hollow of the tree suddenly disappeared.

I was taken aback.

so, what happened?
Everyone was also in a panic. At this time, the tree hole suddenly became pitch black, and they couldn't see each other clearly.

To make matters worse, I suddenly smelled a very bad smell.How to describe this smell, my throat is a little sweet, after smelling it, I feel a little dizzy immediately.

At this time, everyone was even more confused, coughing one after another, coaxing not knowing what to say:
"Run away, the enemy is setting off smoke bombs."

"No, it seems to be poisonous gas."

"I don't want to be in trouble, surrounded by enemies. The worst can't be worse."


At this moment, when I felt that I didn't know what happened, I suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Everyone must die, all of them must die."

This voice is so familiar.

Will it be Sasaki?

of course not.Sasaki had already been killed by me, the scene at that time was very profound, the opponent's head was knocked down to the ground by my fist, the dead really couldn't die anymore.

Whose voice is this?
Several people immediately popped into mind.Yan Hao?Gu Rushui?Xiao Zihang?
wrong.All wrong.

Who is it?
When I was thinking about it, the voice came again, "Kill all these people, especially Chen Yang, he is now at his best time, he has just experienced the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and just sat on the king of Dolly, Just became the chairman of a real estate company. Too much swan meat for this toad. It's not a good thing,"

The voice became clearer and clearer, and it became more and more familiar to me.What is going on here, and who is the person who said this?

At this time, everyone also heard this voice, and suddenly became a little flustered.

It is understandable that after killing Sasaki just now, I feel so relaxed and happy when I get home, and this kind of thing suddenly happened.There is a saying that after the mantis catches the snake and the sparrow, no one thought that a new enemy would appear again, and it seemed that the enemy was prepared.

I couldn't help being curious, I went to the front, looked outside through the gap in the tree hole, and was shocked. I never thought that the person who said these words and wanted to kill me just now Yes - Crab Six.

I suddenly felt a little confused, Xie Lao Liu is the president of the Poison Dragon Society, how could he appear here.After discussing around, he immediately realized that, by the way, this guy gave Sasaki a loan of 15 billion.

This is a bit difficult to understand.

According to previous reliable information, Sasaki was able to fund the development of [-] mu of land by relying on these loans.It can be said that without the help of Xie Lao Liu, there would be no way to develop the land.

Normally, Sasaki's life and death are very important to Xie Lao Liu.After all, the loan was so much money, if Sasaki didn't exist in this world, the money would be in vain for Xie Lao Liu.

So this is very difficult to understand. Sasaki's death seems to be irrelevant to Xie Lao Liu.

Ma Dapao said: "I have already heard it. It turns out that this person is the president of the Poison Dragon Society, Xie Lao Liu. But I don't understand. He seems to hate you to death. This is simply unreasonable. Compared to me As we all know, the relationship between the two of you is very good. Back then, Xie Lao Liu went to retreat, and he chose the person he trusted the most, and that person was you. What is going on now, it seems that he hates you so much, It looks like I killed you. If I'm not wrong, there must have been some kind of deal between the two of you?"

Ma Dapao's words confuse me, "What do you mean by that? This guy did retreat, so why did he choose me? I don't understand why. Why did you choose me? You said we The two have a deal, isn't this pure nonsense?"

Ma Dapao grinned, "There is also something I already knew, and I don't think it's convenient to say it all the time. Today, this guy is trying to kill you, and this matter should be confirmed."

"What are you talking about? Why do I become more and more confused the more I listen? What has been confirmed?"

"Actually, it's for a woman."

I was surprised, "Huh? Woman? Who is it?"

"Li Caier."

I said "ah", "The president of the Chrysanthemum Club?"

(End of this chapter)

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