wife's secret

Chapter 566 Letter from afar

Chapter 566 Letter from afar
Now, because of my strange experience, I came into contact with meteorites and ate the eggs of pythons, so my current body structure has changed a lot from before, and my physical strength has become very strong now.

So when interacting with the two women, they both felt a little overwhelmed.

Well, I won’t talk about this topic anymore, it’s a bit boring to do too much.Now for the point.

Last night, when I was interacting with Liu Lili alone, my cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the phone number, I was surprised that it was my wife Huang Yijia.

"Chen Yang, I heard that you have forgotten me and abandoned me. You simply made me unexpected."

On the phone, my wife's business is very cold, and I think that's what it looks like.

I hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, you are my wife, no matter what happens, you will always be my wife, this is a fact that will never change. How could I forget you."

"Stop being hypocritical, I didn't expect you to be a hypocrite. I'll ask you a question now, and you should answer it honestly. What have you been doing for the past two months?"

For a while, I found it difficult to answer the other party's question.

To be honest, I have been too busy with business recently, and I really neglected my wife's affairs.I don't care too much about him, I really don't have my responsibility.

I said, "A lot of strange things have happened recently. What I wanted to explain to you is that I have become the king of an independent country, but I can't go back. I can only explain it to you after I go back." .”

"I heard you right, have you become an independent king? It's simply a fantasy. Let me ask you again, where are you now, and what happened in the past two months? I hope you don't lie to me."

"Well, since you want to know, I'll just tell you." I briefly told what happened.

Of course, I am very clear in my heart that the interaction between me and women must never be mentioned.I mainly talked about the dangerous things that happened to me, and that Jiang Haiyang was actually a native of Sakura Country.

My wife was very shocked after hearing this, "Is there any mistake? He is the chairman of the real estate company. When did he become a native of Sakura Country? And his name is Dodomaki, are you kidding me?"

"I don't have time to explain to you now, you tell me where you are now."

"Where else can I go, of course I am at home. When will you be back?"

"I still have a lot of business to deal with here, and I'll go home after I'm done helping."

After putting down the phone, I was a little worried. Too many things really happened in the past two months.And my wife doesn't know anything about it, so I find it hard to explain it to him.

Of course, I have already thought about it. Although I have come into contact with many women now, my wife is the boss, there is no doubt about it.

Happy moments are always very limited.

When I was sleeping last night, I suddenly dreamed of an old man with a white beard, and he said to me: "Danger is coming soon, it depends on whether you can pass this level, if you can pass, you will If you reach consummation, you will have no regrets in your life. But if you can’t make it through, you will die.”

The appearance of the old man with white beard surprised me very much.

But I didn't care, I thought it was just a dream.

But for the next seven or eight days, I have the same dream every night.I thought this was a bit weird.

In my imagination, the white-bearded old man should be my grandfather. It is not surprising that he is busy. It is something that happened in a parallel space. My grandfather should remind me in this way.

I asked the old man with a white beard, "Can you tell me more about what kind of dangerous things are going to happen?"

"The secret must not be leaked. You have to do it yourself."

A week later, the danger finally came.

At the beginning, I received a letter, a letter from Sakura Country, which roughly said that Jinghua Real Estate Company was established with the investment of an organization in Sakura Valley, and the chairman of the board was Duo Duomu for them. The chairman appointed to them has been killed by me, and I am now the chairman.This is something they cannot accept.

The signature of the letter is Cherry Blossom Country Sakuragi Road, and a large official seal is stamped on it.

I think this thing is a bit interesting.

In fact, I have already thought of it a long time ago. After Dodomu is killed by me, their person in charge will definitely ask me to settle the score.

After I read the letter, I immediately summoned all these important members of my staff to discuss countermeasures together.

Dunzi said loudly: "There is nothing to discuss, just do it."

Niu Li rolled up his sleeves, "I heard that there are many karate masters in Sakura Country. I have wanted to compete with them for a long time, and this opportunity finally came."

Ma Dapao said: "There is nothing to be afraid of. We now have more than 1000 people. We have all kinds of weapons, pistols, submachine guns, and bombs. They have no way of taking back the real estate company."

At this time, I saw Reporter Hu unhurriedly taking out a grenade from his pocket. He introduced: "In this era, the original Xianghua No. [-] technically developed a new product, which is very powerful. It's an exaggeration to say it's equivalent to an atomic bomb."

Hearing what he said, everyone laughed:

"This is too exaggerated, how can it be compared with the atomic bomb."

"Reporters can indeed fool me, it's too awesome to brag."

"The words are too exaggerated. Reporter Hu is really extraordinary."


I also find it hilarious.Just as I was about to say something, Hu Grenade said, "You bird people, you know a lot. I said that it is equivalent to an atomic bomb. There is nothing wrong with it. If you don't believe me, I will test it with a small one now. Sample?"

I hurriedly stopped, "Aren't you kidding, as long as the phone in your hand rings, all of us will be finished. I don't want to die together."

Hu Handlei said: "I'm just joking. Who would want to die together? Everyone doesn't want to die, and I'm certainly not an exception. Maybe it's not clear inside. We've encountered real trouble this time."

He spoke with a very serious expression, and everyone suddenly became curious and started talking for free:

"Tell me quickly, why did you encounter real trouble. What is the situation?"

"Isn't it just a letter, why be so nervous."

"Who wrote this letter? It looks very arrogant. If you can't eat enough, let's act first and get him out of his mind."


Hu Shoulei took the letter seriously, and pointed to the seal below, "Did you see this official seal? Generally speaking, the color of official seals is red, but the color of this project is blue, and It's very dark, almost purple, do you know what that means?"

"Of course I don't know, you don't want to be fooled, and tell us quickly."

The other party's explanation next was very scary.

It turned out that the letter came from the Sakuragi Road Organization of the Sakura Country.Hu Handlei is very familiar with this organization. Three years ago, he went to Cherry Blossom Valley, where and what he did, just to understand this organization.

Some people may say, you are talking nonsense, why did the reporter go to Yinhua country, is it necessary for him to understand this organization?
Here I want to explain that a very important event happened in Sakura Country three years ago. The person in charge of the screen organization became the center of the country’s highest authority organization. , looking for my first-hand information.

After arriving there, after careful investigation, Hu Handlei mastered some secrets of this organization.

He said this: "The Yingmudao organization is very vicious. They have been very powerful over the years. They are all professional killers. They will not stop until they achieve their goals. If anyone does not follow their requirements, they will definitely die." Report to the other party to kill them all..."

"This is not the scariest thing, they also cultivate a group of special killers, such as robots, zombies and so on."

(End of this chapter)

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