wife's secret

Chapter 571 The person in charge behind the scenes

Chapter 571 The person in charge behind the scenes
This guy is very smart, and he knows very well the unconventional means that must be used in order to gain the trust of the enemy.After some spiritual efforts, this guy finally gained the trust of the enemy, not only successfully joined the other party's organization, but also became a small person in charge.

Don't talk about all this, Brother Pao lowered his voice, "Didn't you just see that there are surveillance cameras installed everywhere in the outside room, everyone's every move is under surveillance, there is no way I did that just now ah."

I finally understood, I finally understood why the other party slipped into this bathroom.

Don't underestimate this bathroom, it's very spacious, and there's a long corridor connected to it, which is actually an authentic tunnel.

Brother Pao led us inside while introducing the situation.

I said: "I really didn't expect that everyone there is our own people, and now our strength is stronger. What should we do in the next action?"

Dunzi said excitedly: "There is nothing to hesitate, but what we have to do is very simple. Everyone's strength has grown stronger. Now we will become the enemy's lair."

This sentence surprised us, and I quickly asked: "Do you know where the enemy's lair is?"

"Of course I know. Now my heart is full of doubts, and some things are not very sure."

"What do you mean by that?"

"To be honest, I have been feeling like a dream until now. You may not have imagined that Jiang Man is the person in charge of the Yingmudao organization."

I cried out in surprise, "What are you talking about? Jiang Man?"

"Don't be surprised, it's her." Brother Pao narrowed his eyes and said, "When I successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior, when I saw the person in charge of the Yingmu Dao organization for the first time, I was almost stupid, my God, It's Jiang Haiyang's daughter, it's Jiang Man, it's unbelievable."

I figured it out right away.

It can be said that at this moment, I suddenly realized.

It turned out that Jiang Man was not Jiang Haiyang's daughter, but just a superficial phenomenon.

Everyone should understand, right?
The situation is now very clear. Jiang Haiyang's real name is Sasaki, and he was sent by the Yingmudao organization. Jiang Man is Jiang Haiyang's superior leader. In order to deceive people, he deliberately claimed to be his daughter.

"However, if Jiang Man is the person in charge of the Yingmu Dao organization, she shouldn't be in Yanxia, ​​she should be here in the Sakura Kingdom. Why did she appear in Yanxia?"

It was Liu Jiakui who asked the question.

I found that after Liu Jiakui uttered this question, he immediately opened the WeChat video and recording on his phone.

I took a closer look, and it turned out that the "teacher-student friendship group" of the other party was doing a live broadcast.

I'm a little confused, Liu Jiakui is my head teacher, what does the old guy want to do?

Brother Pao glanced at Liu Jiakui, and instead of answering his question directly, he laughed, "I said old comrade, you are still here at such an age, I want to congratulate you."

"Congratulations on what?"

"At your age, you have already retired at home, drank big tea, held grandchildren, and enjoyed the fun of your old age, but you took the risk to come here, you must have an idea. What idea, I can guess it, can you believe it? "

"Yeah, of course I have an idea. I had a dream when I was young. I wanted to explore the primeval forest of Dolly. Now my dream has finally come true. I am satisfied."

"Wrong, this is not your truth. You just want new flowers to bloom on old trees."

I couldn't help frowning.

When is this, Brother Pao, how do you say these nonsensical words, are you fooling around?
Unexpectedly, Teacher Liu Jiakui's face turned red all of a sudden, "Young man, you are the famous gun brother in the world, I already knew that you are good at talking nonsense. I saw you today, and it is as expected."

"Just talking nonsense? Haha, why don't you tell me what you want to hear." Brother Pao proudly said, "If I'm not wrong, Mr. Liu, you came to this country of cherry blossoms all the way from Yanxia, ​​probably for a woman."

"Woman? Tell me."

"You have a good friend in Sakura Country, you came here for her..."

Next, Brother Pao explained.

Thirty years ago, Liu Jiakui went abroad to Sakura Country to participate in an academic exchange event, and met a woman in a suit named Ono Maruko.Not long after Mr. Liu returned to China, Maruko Ono wrote to him and told him the embarrassing news that Maruko Ono was pregnant with his child.

Ono Maruko told Teacher Liu that this is the crystallization of their love, and she must give birth to the child.

Teacher Liu panicked when he heard this. This is not a joke.At that time, Yanxia had a bad relationship with Sakura Country. If the higher-ups knew that he was having an affair with a woman from Sakura Country and had a child, then Teacher Liu would not only be fired, but also be severely punished.

Mr. Liu immediately told the other party, get rid of the child, and absolutely not want it, otherwise, my future will be ruined and my life will be ruined.

In fact, Mr. Liu had a wife before he went abroad, and he and Maruko Ono were pure nonsense.

Ono Maruko was sincere to Liu Jiakui, she expected that after hearing the news that she had a child in her stomach, the other party would offer to let her go to Yanxia, ​​but she didn't expect the other party to be so cruel.

So, Maruko Ono was disappointed.

Since then, Teacher Liu has never heard of Maruko Ono again.

Fast forward 30 years, during this period, Liu Jiakui blamed himself deeply, he felt that he was not a man, dared not take responsibility, and felt sorry for Maruko Ono.He has always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to come to Sakura Country to look for Maruko Ono, trying to know the whereabouts of the other party, and trying to give the other party some compensation.

However, in the past 30 years, due to various reasons, Liu Jiakui has not been able to come to the country of cherry blossoms.

Three months ago, Jiang Man from Ninghua Real Estate Company took the initiative to find Liu Jiakui and told him that there were meteorites in the primeval forest of Duoliguo. He hoped that he could form a three-person expedition team with Zhou Zhengkang and Asiyang to find the meteorites.

You may be wondering why Jiang Man took the initiative to find Liu Jiakui?

It turned out that Jiang Man's mother was Ono Maruko.

After being completely disappointed with Liu Jiakui, Ono Maruko did not kill the child in her stomach, but gave birth to it, gave her the best education, and sent her to Sakura University to study astronomy.

In fact, Maruko Ono is not an ordinary woman, her father is the person in charge of the Sakuragi Road organization, and her influence is not ordinary, it is quite awesome.When Ono Maruko's father heard that his daughter was cheated by a stinky teacher in Yanxia, ​​he immediately arranged for a killer to go to Yanxia to capture Liu Jiakui, and he wanted to kill Liu Jiakui himself.

But was stopped by Ono Maruko.

Ono Maruko told her father that Liu Jiakui was not an ordinary person and had connections with aliens, so she was willing to give birth to the other party.

Her father was dumbfounded when he heard it. What is the situation? Why did aliens appear?

It turned out that when Maruko Ono was sleeping one night, she dreamed of an old man with a white beard. The other party told her that a man named Liu Jiakui would come to Sakura Country to participate in an academic exchange event in the hot summer, and he must be taken down.

The white-bearded old man said that 60 years ago, a comet exploded when it passed the earth, and almost all the fragments fell into the primeval forest of Dolly. There was one fragment that fell into the hot summer and was picked up by Liu Jiakui. Since then, Liu Jiakui became different from the people on Earth.

The old man said very seriously that as long as he has a child with Liu Jiakui, he will have alien genes, which will have an inestimable effect on the entire family in the future.

For more than ten days in a row, Ono Maruko had the same dream every night, so Ono Maruko firmly believed that there must be some gods helping her and reminding her.This is what happened later.

After listening to his daughter's explanation, Ono Maruko's father couldn't be more surprised.At the same time, he couldn't be more excited.

It turns out that although the Yingmudao organization is very powerful, the power of the Jumudao organization is not small, which poses a great threat to Yingmudao. If the daughter can really give birth to a child related to aliens, then, Yingmudao The strength of the Dao organization is no small matter.

Listening to Brother Pao's explanation to this point, all of us are dumbfounded.

My goodness, what is this situation? ?
How is it like the Arabian Nights?
Liu Jiakui got excited, he grabbed Brother Pao's arm at once, "These facts are very true. But, how do you know, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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