wife's secret

Chapter 573 The Unbelievable Level 2

Chapter 573 The Unbelievable Second Level
I was taken aback.

When I wanted to organize the pier, it was too late.

The rest were also taken aback.

Everyone has the same idea, what happened to Dunzi?
Of course, the woman who appeared out of nowhere must be very strange, and she must be a killer sent by the enemy. There is no doubt about this. The question is how does Dunzi use the trick of fetching eggs from the nest?

If the other party is a man, it is understandable to use this trick.The problem is that the other party is a woman, so this trick doesn't work at all.

At this time, Dunzi's fast attacking hand has already attacked the opponent's key point.The other party was walking forward, without any precautions.

Hearing "click", Dunzi succeeded.

The specific situation is like this, Dunzi's hand really hit the opponent's key point, and seeing Dunzi's hand grab it directly, he laughed, "It's so fucking enjoyable."

The woman's complexion changed immediately, and I saw an extremely fierce look in her eyes, which was vicious and frightening, and I even found a faint green in her eyes.

I go!

It can't be a wolf, can it?
Just when I felt helpless, I saw the woman slap Dunzi across the face.


The sound is crisp and audible.

Originally, a slap was nothing, but Dunzi seemed to have been hit by a hidden weapon. He screamed "Oops", opened the opponent's key in a panic, and then rolled on the ground.

I go!

Did you make a mistake?what happened?What's the matter, Dunzi?
Just when I was at a loss, Xie Lao Liu couldn't help but grab the submachine gun from a man in black next to him, pointed the gun at the woman, and pulled the hook.

"Da da da……"

The bullets shot out of the gun barrel like a string of tongues of flame, and shot directly at the woman.

Everyone had the same thought at this time, and they all admired Ma Dapao. He was worthy of being the captain of the paparazzi, and his reaction was so fast.

I secretly exclaimed, Ma Dapao is so ruthless, it would not be easy for me to strike, the other party is a beautiful woman after all, it is a bit too much to use a miniature submachine gun.

Next, an incredible scene appeared.

I saw that after the bullet fired from the miniature submachine gun hit the opponent's body, it immediately shot the opponent's chest into a hornet's nest.

As for the woman, she didn't die, but rushed towards Ma Dapao, screaming, "I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

As the woman rushed, she raised her hands high.

This scene is so scary.

Ma Dapao pissed his pants in fright. He threw the submachine gun on the ground, turned around and ran, the speed was ridiculously fast.In less than ten seconds, he ran 100 meters. This speed is comparable to that of Bolt.

Unexpectedly, although Ma Dapao was fast, the woman was even faster. Almost when Ma Dapao ran to the end of the tunnel, the woman had caught up with him and grabbed him with both hands.


Hearing Ma Dapao let out a scream, his eyes were suddenly dark.

In an instant, there was no sound in the tunnel.

It's as if nothing happened just now.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I don't even know what happened.

At this time, Dunzi had stopped rolling and got up from the ground in front of him.We hurried over and helped the pier up from the ground.

My first words were, "Dunzi, what happened to you just now?"

I saw that Dunzi's face was already swollen, and there were five clear slap marks on his face, which belonged to the woman just now.

Moreover, Dunzi's face was pale, and beads of sweat were streaming down his forehead.

"This woman is not human, absolutely not!" Dunzi said repeatedly, covering his cheeks with his hands, "My grandma, it hurts so much. Although this slap slapped my face, it seemed to take my heart away." Got it. It hurts!!!"

Seeing that there was no big problem with Dunzi, I breathed a sigh of relief, and I said: "Dunzi, you are a little too exaggerated, you just got slapped by someone, why are you rolling on the ground like It's like being fried in a frying pan."

Hu Shoulei laughed, "Brother Dunzi, you are too careless. How can you use your trick on women? You are using this trick to deal with men, so how can you use it on women? Let outsiders see How should I put it, I thought you were playing a hooligan."

As soon as Hu Grenade finished speaking, Niu Li also shook his head, "Apprentice, when I was training in the wrestling gym, I told you, don't use unique skills lightly, only use it as a last resort. But you didn't listen to the master, and even used it directly. , Alas! I really regret accepting you as an apprentice."

Brother Pao agreed with Dunzi's behavior, "Don't listen to other people's nonsense, just insist on being yourself. In fact, I have already felt your move, and it is already superb. If it were me, I would use this move just now."

Everyone didn't expect Brother Pao to say this, and they all looked at him in surprise.

Brother Pao explained solemnly, "Don't think that the trick of taking eggs from the nest can only be used on men. In fact, women are more afraid of this trick. Why, think about it, as a woman, she would never think of the enemy I will attack her directly without saying hello, so this trick is easy to succeed..."

"Bah!" Brother Pao hadn't finished speaking when Niu Lili glared at him, "You're really thick-skinned."

I said: "Okay, stop messing around, the current situation is very weird, we have to get out of here quickly. Keep going forward!"

But Hu Handlei said: "You really disappoint me by saying this. Ah Dapao is our brother, and his life and death are unknown now, how can we leave him alone."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone echoed:
"Yes, you can't ignore Captain Ma."

"Captain Ma must be found."

"We are a whole, and none of us is missing."


Of course, there are also opposing voices:

"The woman just now seemed to be a ghost. Captain Ma deliberately led her away. Let's withdraw quickly, otherwise, we will disappoint Captain Ma's good intentions."

"The situation is getting weirder and weirder. I have every reason to believe that we are in big trouble and may have entered the enemy's ecstasy formation. We should listen to Boss Chen Yang's advice and withdraw quickly!"

Everyone disagrees.

Dunzi stretched out his hand towards Hu's grenade, "Old Hu, give me your grenade."


"Tell me first."

Hu Shurenei took out a grenade from his pocket and handed it to Dunzi.

Dunzi said bluntly: "I will leave the task of finding the captain of the horse to me. You should leave this place quickly. We cannot be taken over by the enemy."

What Dunzi said was righteous.

Everyone was so moved that they almost cried.

Suddenly a woman stepped out from the crowd, with delicate features and delicate features. When I saw it, I was surprised. This woman turned out to be Xiao Xie.

Do you still remember Xiao Xie, the girl who went to work in the city with Xiao Fang, and then joined the Sunflower Auction House.I was once framed by the other party, and the other party realized that I was wrong, and then I took the train back to my hometown.

Why did Xiao Xie appear here?
This is incredible.

"Brother Dun, I agree to your marriage proposal now." Xiao Xie walked up to Dunzi, looked affectionately at Dunzi's red and swollen face, "You are a brave, responsible, and responsible man, I like you. "

Dunzi cried out in surprise, "Xiao Xie, did you really agree?"


"Great. Haha, I can finally marry Xiaoxie as my wife."

After Dunzi finished speaking, he held the grenade tightly, and quickly ran towards the direction where Ma Dapao and the woman disappeared.

I'm a little confused, what's going on?
I walked up to Xiao Xie, "Xiao Xie, why did you appear here? When did you join this team?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Chen, I should have told you."

Next, the other party explained.

It turned out that Xiao Xie was very ashamed after what she did to me. She felt that she was still a simple rural person, so she stopped working and returned to the countryside.

After returning to the countryside, he received a call from Dunzi.Dunzi asked her to come back. On the phone, Dunzi said, "Brother Chen Yang has set up an expedition team to deal with the people from the Sakura Country's Yingmu Dao organization. Now is the time to employ people. If you come back, Brother Chen Will be very happy."

Xiao Xie was very surprised that Dunzi called her. She had almost no contact with Dunzi. It was Dunzi who explained for a long time before she understood the relationship between Dunzi and me.

Xiao Xie said, "What do you mean by letting me join the team? What role can I play?"

(End of this chapter)

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