wife's secret

Chapter 589 Future Plans

Chapter 589 Future Plans

"Your luck is indeed not very good, but it is also a good thing for you to know me. I already know your situation very well. I will give you a promise now, as long as you listen to me honestly and cooperate with me If so, I have a way to extend your time."

"Stop kidding, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't need to hide it. In fact, I know your secret. Didn't you major in finance back then, why did you become interested in medicine later? You are not good at that, the time is too short. You feel very painful, in order to solve this unspeakable secret , You have seen many doctors and taken many medicines, but you have not been cured. As far as I know, the longest time you have spent is only three seconds..."

Before I finished speaking, Yan Hao was very surprised, "How did you know this situation, I never told anyone, it's so strange."

I said: "This shows that I care about you very much. After all, the two of us are high school classmates, and I know you quite well."

"It's nonsense for you to say that you care about me. Don't I know that the two of us are not the same way at all. We didn't talk or communicate with each other in high school. You Tell me the truth, what the hell are you trying to do?"

"Didn't I tell you, if you can cooperate with me, I have a way for you to extend the time."

"You count?"

"of course."

"What can you do?"

"Secret for now."

"Tell me, why do you want me to cooperate with you?"

"Come with me to Sakura Country. There are some things I need to figure out."

"If you don't understand anything, just ask me. I've already said that as long as you can make me last longer, you can ask me to do anything."

"To be honest, I never thought that you and Meng Xue have a relationship with Yingmudao, it's just too incredible..."

Before I could finish my sentence, a familiar voice came from outside, "Don't worry now, I will tell you all about the process."

I looked back and was surprised.

Meng Xue unexpectedly appeared again.

Before I could speak, the other party spoke first, "It turns out that you have misunderstood me. This misunderstanding is too great. We must resolve this misunderstanding. Chen Yang, why do you suspect that I am from the country of Sakura? Who told you?" your?"

I said: "Isn't this the truth? Just now, I didn't hear what the two of you said. Isn't this a living fact? Can you give me an explanation?"

Meng Xue smiled, "So you misunderstood because of this, let me tell you the truth. Actually, the two of us are rehearsing."

"What do you mean?"

"The two of us have discovered Yingmudao's conspiracy a long time ago. The two of us want to penetrate into the enemy's interior and thoroughly understand what the other party wants to do. Let me tell you the truth, the person in charge of Yingmudao's organization is actually Xia Mingyuan."

I was taken aback, "Is there a mistake? Do you know what you just said?"

"You must be surprised, don't you?"

Then the other party explained.

It turned out that all the problems came from the picture of Taoyuan Wonderland.

This matter needs to start from the time of moving. Everyone should remember that Xia Mingyuan lived in a villa at the beginning. Mengxue was the owner of Ant Moving Company, and I was her employee. I saw an ancient painting on the wall, which is the picture of Taoyuan Wonderland that I have mentioned many times. Many stories happened in it.

Meng Xue said, "There is a secret in this ancient painting. After zooming in with a magnifying glass, you can see it clearly. There is a place where a treasure is buried on it. This thing started 60 years ago. There is a When the comet flew over the earth, it exploded, and the fragments after the explosion fell to a certain place in Sakura Country. If you can find that place, it will be of great significance."

"When I discovered this situation, I thought I should do something. I should do something meaningful, so I conducted a secret investigation. After investigation, I found out that Xia Mingguang was Sakuragi He is the person in charge of the Dao organization.”

Speaking of this, Meng Xue smiled mysteriously, "You should know one thing, your wife just got a huge sum of money, do you know where the money came from? Let me tell you, it was Xia Mingguang of."

I was taken aback, "Is there a mistake? How could it be like this?"

"If you don't believe me, you can go to the villa to find Xia Mingguang now. According to the information I got, he is at home now."

Soon, I saw Xia Mingguang.

When asked me to question, the other party explained to me.

Just like what Mengxue said, the other party was indeed the person in charge of the Yingmudao organization.The other party has built a huge system, and the other party's original ambitions are very big. Let's put it this way, Ninghua Real Estate Company is invested and built by this guy.

I was very surprised.

I never thought that this guy turned out to be a lurking enemy.

I said, "We have seen through it, and you can't escape."

The other party laughed loudly, "What is there to be afraid of, we are grasshoppers on the same rope, if we can't run away, I can't run away from you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I have already given your wife a huge sum of money. You cannot shirk your responsibility for this matter. You have been bribed by me. Therefore, you are responsible for my safety."

It suddenly dawned on me that I would like to suffer like this.

As I said long ago, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky.Suddenly getting a huge sum of money is not a good thing.

I said, "You're wrong. You haven't moved a penny of the huge sum of money you gave my wife. I want to return it all to you and draw a line with you. You must be responsible for your actions."

The other party almost cried, "What's the point of you doing this, it's not good for you at all."

"You're wrong, it's very big for me to do this. I'm not for myself, not for myself, I'm for everyone's benefit. I can't betray everyone."

The other party sat down on the ground.

He never imagined that I am such a noble person.

I immediately reported this matter to the Police Department, and with my help, all members of the Yingmudao organization were arrested.

What I did had a great impact. Everyone heard about it and came to congratulate me.

Dunzi said: "You are so powerful now. Now that you have established a public figure with great influence, your career will grow bigger and bigger in the future. I don't know what your future plans are?"

I said: "The chairman of the real estate company is all fake. This company was invested and constructed by Yingmudao, and it will be taken back now. One more thing, I don't plan to go to Duoliguo. The construction of the wood decoration base is very good. This matter makes me feel very relieved. After all, I have done a meaningful thing. I have already explained that the wedding night in the bridal chamber with the chief’s daughter was just a farce, and now everything is over I've already made up my mind, don't continue to open an auction house."

"Do you still want to do this?"

"This is my old profession. I went to university at the Ninghuang Institute of Archaeology, and this is what I majored in. I am interested in this matter."

"You're right, let's get back to our true colors. I've already thought about it. I'm going to open a wrestling gym. I won't go to Sakura Country either. Just like what you said, what happened to me is the same. It's all a farce."

After returning home, I said to Huang Yijia: "I told you once, there is no pie in the sky, if it falls, it is either a trap or a trap. We have nothing now, and I want to open an auction house again." , the name is the same as before, it is called Hejude. What do you think?"

"Looking back, everything that happened was like a dream. I have already figured it out. I should go back to dance school and become a teacher?"

Maybe someone will say, you are talking nonsense, hasn't your wife already bought the dance school?Isn't she the headmaster you used to be?Why are you going back to be a dance teacher now?
I won't explain it here.

There are various complicated reasons for this. As I said just now, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. There are too many misunderstandings and misunderstandings.

In a word, life is like a dream, and now we can return to our true colors.

(End of this chapter)

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