wife's secret

Chapter 8 Ancient Paintings

Chapter 8 Ancient Paintings
After eating, Gu Xiaoxiao got up to pay the bill. I didn't argue with the other party, I had no money, and I didn't even have the qualifications to pretend.The feeling in my heart was very uncomfortable. When the business of Hejude Auction House was booming, I didn't even blink my eyes when I took friends out for dinner and spent thousands of dollars.

"Pengpeng, Dad asks you,"

Taking advantage of Gu Xiaoxiao's absence, I asked my son, "Does Teacher Xiaoxiao often bring you here for steak?"

Children don't lie, they always tell the truth.Unexpectedly, when my son heard what I said, his face flushed red, and he wanted to say something but he couldn't seem to.

"Pengpeng, Dad asked you something, what's wrong with you?" I felt strange.

"Father..." The son's eye circles suddenly turned red, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Okay, Dad won't ask you anymore. Eat it while it's hot." I know my son very well, and his way of saying this shows that my questioning has been confirmed, but Gu Xiaoxiao must have told him not to tell him about it. I.

I feel very strange, very puzzled.Gu Xiaoxiao often took her son to eat Western food, at least a few hundred yuan a time, a kindergarten teacher’s monthly salary would be five or six thousand more, how could she be willing to pay out of her own pocket?
In addition, Huang Yijia usually picks up her son after school, but Gu Xiaoxiao left her son and took him to eat western food. Huang Yijia should know about this, but she never told me.Why not?Do you think it is unnecessary?

After paying the bill, Gu Xiaoxiao walked back from the counter to the cubicle, and packed up the remaining dishes for me to take home.As a man, I still have this bit of self-esteem, but I refused.Gu Xiaoxiao didn't insist, she took it by herself, and said to me when she went out to say goodbye: "Chen Pengcheng is very interested in Go. Today, when the professional chess player popularized the knowledge of Go, Chen Pengcheng listened very seriously. I heard that you will Play Go, if you have time, you can play more with your son."

On the way home, I pondered what Gu Xiaoxiao said, and my curiosity turned into doubt.How did the other party know that I can play Go? She must know something about me. As a teacher, it is understandable to have a certain understanding of the parents of the students, but she even knows that I can play Go. This is a bit too much.

The most important thing is tonight's meal, let alone more than 1000 yuan, and the other party just pays for my father and son out of his own pocket, which is too abnormal.

When I got home, Huang Yijia was already back. I asked her if she knew Gu Xiaoxiao very well, but Huang Yijia shook her head and said that she was unfamiliar. She only met her a few times when she sent her son to and from school, and she had nothing to do with him.

I didn't think much of it.

When I was about to go to bed at [-] o'clock in the evening, there was a message on my WeChat. It was the owner of the moving company who asked me in the group: Chen Yang, I have a job tomorrow morning, do you have time?

I tried my right arm and thought it was okay, so I replied: I have time.

"Okay, at 04:30 tomorrow morning, gather at the gate of the professor's garden."

"Don't worry, boss, I will be there on time."

I put the alarm on my phone, and arrived at the gate of the professor's garden before 04:30 the next day.Before dawn, after a while, I saw the moving company's car coming.

The boss is Meng Xue, who is very young, very beautiful, and has a very fit body.She jumped out of the car first, followed by Da Mou.

Da Mou's name is Mou Dazhuang. He is as his name suggests. He is 1.8 meters five and has a muscular body.

I learned that Mengxue used to be a fitness instructor, and Mou Dazhuang was one of her students.Later, for unknown reasons, Mengxue resigned as a coach and registered with Ant Moving Company. Several employees were her former trainees, and Mou Dazhuang was one of them.

"It's quite early," Mengxue smiled at me, and told Mou Dazhuang, "Da Mou, you take the car there. Be quiet and don't disturb the people."


After Mou Dazhuang went to the gate guard to register, he took the car into the community.

Mengxue walked into the community, stood in the middle of the main road of the community, put her hands together, faced the road, and respectfully worshiped.This is the rule.

Soon, I followed Mengxue to a villa whose house number was 003.Professor Garden is well-known in Ningzhou City, the community is high-end, and the owners who live in the community are all rich.In addition to small high-rise buildings, there are only a few villas in the community.

The owner of Villa 003 is a fat middle-aged man who looks very shrewd.After Mengxue briefly introduced herself, the other party said: "Women don't give up on men. I really didn't expect that the owner of Ant Moving Company is a lesbian, and she is so young and beautiful." Then, he briefly introduced the situation.

It turned out that the owner of the villa was this middle-aged man named Xia Mingguang, who was a returned overseas Chinese. He wanted to sell the villa because he was going to other places for business.Before selling, he contacted Ant Moving Company on the Internet to send valuable furniture to relatives in the countryside.

At this time, Da Mou came with a car.Xia Mingguang took us into the villa and told us what we wanted and what we didn't want.

Those who can afford to live in a villa are rich people. Usually, the interior decoration of the villa is very exquisite, with a lot of expensive furniture and various electrical appliances.However, the villa that Xia Mingguang lived in had almost no decoration, just laying floor tiles and whitewashing the walls, which was not much better than the rough.

There are not many things, except for the double bed for sleeping, TV sofa, and basic household appliances, there is basically nothing of value.

After Da Mou brought two other men into the room, he handed me a pair of work gloves, and the four of us waited for Meng Xue to speak.

Meng Xue has a habit. After receiving a job, she will rush to the scene as soon as possible, and then inspect the things to be moved one by one. After there are no problems, she will give the order to move them.

When I first discovered Meng Xue's habit, I found it strange that the boss always sits at home to direct or go out to do business, how can anyone come to the scene in person?

Later, when I talked to Da Mou, Da Mou said that there was nothing strange about it, and that Manager Meng was serious and responsible.

But I think there must be a reason for it.

Meng Xue walked from the bedroom to the living room, looking at the things to be moved one by one.She looked very carefully. When she walked to each item, she observed it carefully and stroked it gently with her hands, trying to find flaws from it.

After reading all the items, Meng Xue nodded to Da Mou and me, "Go to work."

"Okay." Da Mou and I agreed, and began to divide the work.

I noticed that when Meng Xue looked away from the last item to order work, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, as if she was looking for something just now but couldn't find it.

Da Mou and two other guys went to the bedroom to carry the double bed, and I moved the single sofa in the living room by myself.I was about to back the sofa when I suddenly found Meng Xue standing next to the TV cabinet, staring at a painting on the wall.

I glanced at the painting, and my eyes were immediately attracted to it.

It is an ancient landscape painting.The trunk is vigorous, there is a deep ravine, there is a small bridge with flowing water, and a boy passes by holding an ou on the bridge.At the end of the bridge, another boy was standing with a food box, looking into the distance.There is a cave across the creek, with stalactites hanging inside, and spring water trickling out. There is an old man playing the piano by the entrance of the cave, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

In the lower left corner of the painting, there is a line of words "Taoyuan Wonderland Picture".

Ancient paintings are rarely hung in modern residences, and some are also printed matter.And this painting is of course not a print, it gives me an extraordinary feeling.

To identify ancient paintings, just from the screen, if there is only structure and a little dull, it can be identified as a copy; if there is a brushwork but no structure, it can be judged as a copy;

I noticed that the scenery in this picture of Taoyuan Wonderland is quite imposing, the characters are vivid and lifelike, and the overall atmosphere of the picture is calm and solemn.In a word, the author's pen and ink skills are very superb, and it is an excellent work.

It can't be genuine, can it?

I held my breath and my eyes fell on the paper.It's silk paper, thin, even and dense, I couldn't help reaching out and touching it lightly, the paper showed signs of wrinkling like a heap of ashes.

Come closer and smell it, there is an ancient fragrance.Near the upper part of the painting axis, there are broken grains, the cracks are horizontal and straight, and they are shaped like a fish's mouth with the axis, and there is no hair at all.

I was taken aback, this picture of Taoyuan Wonderland does not seem to be a fake.

The ink color of ancient calligraphy, no matter dry or fat or thin, can penetrate the paper, while the ink of fakes is floating and not solid.After my preliminary identification, this painting should be genuine.

"Chen Yang, you seem to have a lot of research on ancient paintings."

Because I was so focused, I just forgot about my surroundings.Meng Xue's words brought me back to my senses, and seeing her looking at me with strange eyes, I hurriedly said: "Where, there is no research, but I just looked at the scenery above and painted it really well, just like the real thing."

(End of this chapter)

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