wife's secret

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

"What did you say?" Xu Yanyan was surprised, with a look of disbelief, "You two, have you really not had sex in half a year?"


"Okay, I believe you." Xu Yanyan suddenly smiled, "Chen Yang, let's go. Remember, be safe."

After going downstairs, I took a taxi directly to the Sunflower Auction House.Along the way, I pondered what Xu Yanyan said, and the more I pondered, the more I felt that this woman should not be underestimated.

Why do you say that.

First of all, Xu Yanyan has a fierce side. Facing several strong men, she didn't tremble with fright like ordinary women, but stuck a scissors into Mao Hu's thigh.This ruthlessness, how should I put it, is simply the style of a female knight in the rivers and lakes.

In addition, Xu Yanyan has a delicate, careful and "narrow-minded" side of a woman. Many things she said and many actions were testing me, testing whether I was sincere to her.It makes me hard to guard against.

It's quite dangerous to get along with this kind of woman, either she will dedicate her all to you, or she will cut you hard.

When I arrived at the Sunflower Auction House, Yan Hao was shocked when he saw me, "Chen Yang, what happened to your eyes? Did you fight with someone?"

"Oh, I accidentally fell while walking." I responded vaguely.

"Are you ok?"

"It's okay. Rest for a few days and you'll be fine."

"That's good." After Yan Hao finished caring, he asked me, "Have you gone to finance to get your salary?"

"not yet."

"I knew you hadn't claimed it yet. Come, come to my office."

When we arrived at the manager's office, Yan Hao opened the drawer, took out a thick stack of money from it, and stuffed it into my hand, "This is 5000 yuan, your salary, you take it away."

When I was about to decline, Yan Hao said: "It is wrong to decline. This is your money, there is no reason not to."

"Thank you so much." I put the money in my pocket, thinking that there must be a story behind the money given to Yan Hao as soon as I met him.

Sure enough, Yan Hao said, "Brother, the Sunflower Auction House will hold an auction next week, and I want to auction off all the items in the warehouse. Please work hard. In the next few days, you will re-appraise every item , estimate the price, and mark the price. How about it, no problem?"

"No problem." I agreed.

There are various indications that the accident at Hejude Auction House should be related to Yan Hao. The more I doubt him, the less I can let him see that I doubt him.I can't startle the snake.

After I came to the warehouse, I re-observed all the antiques carefully, and found no traces of tomb robbery.To be honest, when I saw Zhao Yushan secretly dispose of the jade bracelet with blood stains, I suspected that the Sunflower Auction House had cooperated with the tomb robbers, and I suspected that the items in the warehouse came from the tomb robbers.After I came back from the south, I carefully screened the things in the warehouse, and found no problems.This time, I still didn't find it.

Maybe there is no problem with the Sunflower Auction House?
As Yan Hao said, Zhao Yushan cooperated with the tomb robbers without permission?

Thinking of Yan Hao's righteous words to scold Zhao Yushan and expel him, I couldn't help shaking my head.Will Yan Hao act for me?

Will the other party play a double reed with Zhao Yushan?
Very likely.

However, if there is no problem with something, it is no problem, and the facts must be respected.I didn't think too much, and based on my experience and knowledge, I estimated the prices of the antiques in the warehouse one by one, wrote the prices on the cards, and hung the cards on each antique one by one.

I work very efficiently, so I went to Yan Hao after I was done.Although Xu Yanyan warned me not to ask Yan Hao about the masked man, I still wanted to find out about Yan Hao.Of course, I will not startle the enemy with grassroots. I will try to get some information out of the other party's mouth by beating around the bush.

When I arrived at the door of the manager's office, I saw the door was closed tightly. I thought Yan Hao was not there. When I was about to leave, I suddenly heard a voice coming from inside, "Mr. Yan, Brother Pao asked me to tell you something. If you don't pay off your gambling debts, your wife will no longer be your wife, but Brother Pao's wife. In addition, your Sunflower Auction House will also change hands."

What followed was Yan Hao’s terrified voice, “Please, please tell Brother Pao that I will auction off a batch of antiques in ten days. They are all good treasures. No...you can pay it back right away, right away."

"Then it's settled, ten days! I'll give you ten days. Within ten days, if Mr. Yan can't come up with 3000 million, Mr. Yan's wife will become the boss."

"I will definitely pay back the debt. Definitely! Resolutely! Must!"

"Okay, farewell."

I dodged to the side.The door opened, and a man in a gray suit, the manager's office, came out and hurried away.

I was thinking about the conversation I heard just now, and a flash came to my mind: Brother Pao?Why is this name so familiar?

Think about it, think about it.I remember when I went to the Ant Moving Company to look for Meng Xue, I saw a flower basket in her office, which contained very valuable flowers and a card expressing my love for Meng Xue.At that time, the word "Brother Pao" was written on the lower left corner of the card.

Could it be that the Brother Pao I heard just now is the Brother Pao on the card?

I'm stupid!What's the situation? This is it?

I hurriedly pondered.After a quick brain run, I was taken aback.The two Pao Ge should be the same person, there should be no mistake, after all, the name Pao Ge is very special, and it is impossible to have the same name.I have always been curious about who the Pao Ge who likes Meng Xue to pursue Meng Xue is. Now I know, it turns out that Pao Ge is a gambler, a crazy gambler.

It's crazy that Yan Hao lost 3000 million to Brother Pao.

Brother Pao actually took a fancy to Yan Hao's wife, and asked for Yan Hao's wife instead of 3000 million, which is even more crazy.

My mind suddenly flashed, Yan Hao's wife...couldn't be Meng Xue?
As soon as this idea came to my mind, I immediately denied it.how could be?Will not.Meng Xue is my junior sister. She has trained in bodybuilding and is a professional woman with excellent temperament. Although Yan Hao is a high-class figure and suave, his behavior is cunning and elusive. Meng Xue will not find such a man as her husband. of.

Besides, I don't know if Meng Xue is married or not.

I can't help but despise Brother Pao very much.If the names are not the same, if the two gun brothers are the same person, this person is too shameless, trying to occupy other people's wives by gambling, while showing love to beautiful women hypocritically.Grass!This man is not only a gambler, but also a womanizer.

No, I have to call Meng Xue right away, and I have to remind Meng Xue to never pay attention to this guy called Brother Pao.

When I was thinking about it, my cell phone rang, and I saw it belonged to Yan Hao.After connecting, Yan Hao said anxiously: "Brother, are you still in the warehouse, come to my office now."

(End of this chapter)

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