wife's secret

Chapter 94

Chapter 94
"Mr. Asiyang has come to Ningzhou?" I was overjoyed.This is really unexpected good news.

"Yes. Mr. Asyan is in my office now. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Convenient, convenient! I'll be right there." Hanging up the phone, I immediately left the Sunflower Auction House, went downstairs and drove my broken Xiali, and went straight to the Ant Moving Company.

In Meng Xue's office, I met Mr. Asiyang. As Meng Xue said, the other party was a very kind old man with a smile and a very amiable attitude.Seeing me, Asiyang took the initiative to stand up and shake hands with me. He said, "Hello! I am Asiyang. You are the boss Chen Yangchen of Hejude Auction House. I have admired you for a long time."

In my heart, I first said twice about his ancestors. If it weren't for you, how could I be so miserable now.However, the fact that the other party can come to Ningzhou to see me shows that the other party is sincere.I held Asyang's hand, and said straight to the point, "Don't talk about Hejude Auction House, and don't call me Boss Chen, that's all in the past tense. I have nothing. According to the exact information I have, Hejude Jude Auction House has been set up by someone, I hope Mr. Asiyang can help me."

Asiyang said: "I heard Meng Xue tell me about Boss Chen, and I feel sorry for you. I never thought that Boss Chen and Hejude Auction would suffer such a huge loss because of me."

Meng Xue said to me: "Uncle Asiyang was also helpless at the beginning. If he knew that Hejude Auction House would suffer disaster because of this, he would not have complained."

Asiyang Lian said: "Yes, yes, the good Lord can testify. It is not a complaint, but a reflection of the problem. How could I, Asiyang, do such a thing as a complaint..." He said, crossing his chest , muttering something in his mouth.

It turned out that the other party was a Christian.I knew right away that the other party's complaint was not intentional to punish me, and someone must have interfered with it, and someone must have called him.

Sure enough, after Asiyang finished praying, he said to me sincerely: "After I won the bid for that precious Tangta-shaped blue and white jar, I just brought it to the capital when I received a call. The person who called me said , the blue and white pot was tampered with, and the Su Ma Li Qing inside the glaze was added not long ago. When I heard it, I was shocked..."

"I spent 1000 million yuan to buy that precious blue and white jar because the inner glaze contains Sumaliqing. This is an epoch-making event. According to historical records, it was only in the Yuan Dynasty that Sumaliqing was transported from Persia. Guess, this jar is absolutely unique in history..."

"I thought this was a big deal, so I immediately got in touch with a few old friends in the Forbidden City, and took the pot to them for appraisal. Sure enough, it turned out that the pot was really tampered with. It's a shame to spend 1000 million yuan to buy a fake I couldn’t make it through, so I told the relevant professional organization about it.”

I said, "I don't blame you. In fact, I didn't know that the jar was tampered with. If I had known, I wouldn't have accepted that jar. Someone was trying to harm me, and this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Asyang. I just want to know, who is that guy who called Mr Asyang?"

After speaking, I stared closely at Asyang's eyes.

"No, I didn't get that call. My assistant told me."

"Your assistant?" I asked impatiently, "Then, how did your assistant know?"

"It was an anonymous call." Asyang recalled, "After I won the auction of the Tangta-shaped blue and white pot, I went back to the capital the next day. I was about to show it to some of the Forbidden City antique appraisal experts. The assistant called Tell me, he received an anonymous phone call, saying that the blue and white pot was tampered with. I couldn't calm down when I heard it, 1000 million, it's not a joke..."

"I immediately took the things to find some old friends who were in charge of appraising antiques in the Forbidden City. After careful screening, they told me that the things were indeed from the Tang Dynasty, but the Su Ma Li Qing in the glaze was added later. And it didn't last long…”

"At that time, when I heard about this matter, the auction house might have made a mistake. I thought it was unbelievable. How could such a thing happen. So, I asked my assistant to find an organization in charge of the auction industry in the capital, and put this It's over..."

Speaking of this, Asyang began to cross himself again, "My good lord, I really didn't expect that this incident would bring great losses to Hejude Auction House and bring troubles to Mr. Chen's life." , I apologize to Mr. Chen."

After Asyang finished speaking, he bowed to me.

I hurriedly returned the courtesy, "I should be the one to apologize. If I were me, I would do the same. It was my mistake that caused you trouble. I'm really sorry."

After finishing speaking, I imitated the other party and drew a cross on my chest.

After crossing myself, I fell into deep disappointment.Originally, he hoped to find out the masked man through Asyang, but now this clue is broken.Anonymous call, who knows who made the call.

Meng Xue asked me, "Is there any news from Xu Yanyan?"

I told Meng Xue the information provided by Xu Yanyan, and the other party's pretty face changed slightly, "Brother, what did you say? Yan Hao asked Xu Yanyan to take down Professor Zhou?"

"Yes. Mr. Yan told me that when he heard that Professor Zhou had a Tangta-shaped blue and white pot, he was very happy and wanted the professor to transfer it to him. But Professor Zhou refused. So, Yan I have no choice but to use beauty tricks to take down Professor Zhou..."

"Chen Yang, what do you think of Yan Hao?" Meng Xue interrupted me, looking at me very specially.

I knew right away that there was a story between Meng Xue and Yan Hao.

How did Yan Hao know that Professor Zhou had a tower-shaped blue and white pot? I have been wondering about this until now, and now I should have an answer to this question.From what Meng Xue asked me just now, it can be fully concluded that Meng Xue and Yan Hao have an unusual relationship. Otherwise, why would Meng Xue suddenly ask this.

"Yan is always a rich second generation, tall and handsome. He seems to have graduated from a famous university majoring in international finance. He is very capable and good at coordinating relationships..." I showed a very sincere look on my face, and praised Yan Hao very much .

In fact, it's not flattering.I am telling the truth.In high school, Yan Hao was the hottest student among his classmates. He had a good family background, excellent grades, and was handsome and unrestrained. People like me from the countryside couldn't be compared with others.

Meng Xue didn't ask any more questions, but I noticed that her complexion was not very good-looking.

I find it very strange, why Meng Xue was not happy when Yan Hao asked Xu Yanyan to use beauty tricks on Professor Zhou?
Asiyang said: "I will stay in Ningzhou City for a while this time, if Mr. Chen needs my help, please tell me clearly."

I thought to myself that my auction house has been destroyed in your hands, and you can do me a dick favor.He asked casually, "Does Mr. Asyang have any other business?"

I know that it is impossible for the other party to come all the way from the capital for my business.The other party must have something else.

"I came here this time to explain the blue and white pot to Mr. Chen. Second, I was invited by Miss Jiang Man to write a few words for the sales office of Ninghua Real Estate."

(End of this chapter)

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