Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 15 I Fan Fan for Mom

Chapter 15 I Fan Fan for Mom

In the dark night, Zhao Qingshan couldn't see the complicated expression on He Zhongheng's face.

"Is this what you mean?"

"My own."

"Then it costs a lot of money to go to school. You have the final say in your family?" He Zhongheng didn't believe that Zhao Qingshan, who was only young, would become the one who had the final say in his family.

"I have the final say."

Zhao Qingshan's tone cannot be questioned by He Zhongheng.

"If you have a lot of money and a little money, it's only tens of thousands of dollars at most. Money is not a problem. I'll go to your house tomorrow to discuss with your aunt. Anyway, He Hui has to go to school quickly, or else next year's college entrance examination will be difficult. I really can't pass the exam."

In the previous life, Zhao Qingshan knew that He Hui did not pass the undergraduate line in the college entrance examination for one year, and then went to a teacher-training junior college, and became a teacher in the county after graduation.

"Uncle, it's getting late. I'll talk about it when I see my aunt tomorrow. You should go back first."

He Zhongheng was quite awkward in his heart. In fact, he wanted his daughter to go to school, but the situation at home and He Hui's own academic performance made him feel that this was a gamble.If He Hui is admitted to university, then the gamble will be won.Faced with the bet of several thousand dollars a year to repeat the course, he was reluctant.But now that someone helped him to place a bet, he felt embarrassed again.

"Then, then I'm leaving."

In fact, the situation in the He family is very complicated.

He Hui wanted to study with all her heart, but He Hui's mother didn't want her daughter to study at all.She hoped that her daughter could come home from school and help her. She felt that it would be great for a girl from a family to go to high school.

And He Zhongheng was more hesitant about whether his daughter went to school or not, and whether he went to school or not, he had his own reasons.

He Cong is still young and has no opinions of his own.But he himself is different from his sister about going to school. Although he is only in junior high school, he has already gone to school enough.His academic performance is very poor, and he is the last in the class.

In her previous life, He Hui repeated her studies for free, and then He Cong failed to pass the junior high school entrance examination, and her family took an extra 500 yuan in sponsorship fees to go to junior high school.

In 2002, the enrollment of primary and secondary school freshmen was relatively casual. As long as the principal wanted to let anyone go to school, basically no one could control it.

Some of them didn't even take the elementary school or senior high school entrance examination, but the principal agreed and they were able to enter the school.

However, students who enter the school under such circumstances must pay more in terms of fees than ordinary students.

This fee is called differently, some are called sponsorship fees, some are called education funds, and so on.

In 2002, the sponsorship fee of some famous high schools in the provincial capital had reached the level of [-] to [-].

You must know that at that time, even the working-class people in the provincial capitals only paid about a thousand yuan a month, and seventy to eighty thousand yuan was definitely not a small sum.

After sending He Zhongheng away, Zhao Qingshan returned to the chicken farm.

My mother fell asleep on the camp bed in the shed outside the chicken coop. Tonight, it was as if fire was falling from the sky, and it was very hot.

Zhao Qingshan saw a thin layer of sweat oozing from his mother's forehead.

He casually picked up the palm-leaf fan by the bed, and while fanning it for his mother, he calculated what to buy and install for the family after the chickens made money.

First of all, a landline phone needs to be installed. Of course, for this landline installation, I have already written an application with the telecommunications bureau, and I have to wait until someone is free to install it.

Install a phone at home, and then the next step is to buy a mobile phone for myself and my father.

In 2002, when buying a mobile phone, the most popular one was of course Nokia.Then Samsung and Motorola were relatively popular brands at the time, and Amoi, TCL and ZTE mobile phones among domestic mobile phones were also not bad.

If you want to be durable and can smash walnuts, you have to choose Nokia.

With a mobile phone, it is much more convenient to make a phone call when you are away from home.

Then after installing the landline, the next step is to buy a computer and dial-up the Internet.

By 2002, computers were not as expensive as they used to be.

In the early 90s, a computer cost several thousand dollars, which could catch up with the salary income of the working class for two or three years.

Such a high price is definitely not something ordinary people can afford.

By 2002, buying a Celeron 2 processor assembly machine cost more than 3000 points, which was still acceptable to ordinary people.

More importantly, in the 90s, when they bought a computer, ordinary people didn't know what to do. It was full of DOS commands, which was not friendly at all. To reinstall the system, you had to find an expert.

When he was in college, Zhao Qingshan also heard a story in the computer department.

Around 1990, a newly purchased computer in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee had some minor problems and could not be used.In fact, it is not a big problem, just use an eraser to wipe the memory stick, and then reinstall the system.However, in the entire provincial party committee, there was no one who could solve this problem.

Later, the leaders turned to colleges and universities in the province for help, but no one in the colleges could solve the problem.

Then the Provincial Party Committee checked the student files, and said that there was a college student who had just been assigned to a certain cable factory in Taishan City. He had just graduated from the computer major of Hefei University of Technology, and then invited him over.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will definitely know if there is one.The small problem with the computer in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee was solved by the young man in Taishan City in a few strokes.

The head of the organization department was very happy, and personally sent the young man back to Mount Tai. On the way, he asked the young man if he had any difficulties that the provincial party committee should solve?

The young man told the minister that his girlfriend had been assigned to the Wafangdian Bearing Factory after graduation, and asked if he could find a way to transfer her here.As soon as the minister heard it, it was such a trivial matter, a phone call solved the young man's problem.

At that time, Zhao Qingshan heard this story as a joke, and almost laughed out loud. Later, the older he got, the more he felt that this true story was very profound, and it was really interesting to think about it.

What do you do when you have a computer?

Zhao Qingshan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: When I have a computer, hehe, I must become the Lord of Sabak.

When everyone was young and passionate, Zhao Qingshan's memory suddenly returned to the days when he went to college in his previous life, spent nights in Internet cafes, and played legends, Westward Journey, World of Warcraft, CS and Warcraft with his classmates and brothers. .

Now Zhao Qingshan can't go to university, but in the previous life, many friends who he thought it was necessary to make friends with sincerity, still want to make friends, and then how to make friends?It's a good way to play games.

None of my college classmates didn't play games, and Zhao Qingshan knew what games everyone was playing and the names of the characters in the games, so it was easy to connect with them.

"Shanzi, look, why did mother fall asleep?"

Zhang Huifen suddenly sat up from the bed, feeling a little guilty about her son fanning her.

"Mom, you are tired, go to sleep for a while."

"Mother is not tired, Shanzi, you can lie down for a while."

Zhao Qingshan's mother and son both smiled, but their eyes were bloodshot.

(End of this chapter)

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