Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 19 Recruiting Employees

Chapter 19 Recruiting Employees
Although it is already autumn and the night turns cold, it is still very hot during the day, especially at noon.

In order to divide the sheds in a few days, father and son Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Zhijiang started busy building roads.

In Luzhong in 2002, there was a lot of rain in autumn. Although it was not very heavy, it lasted forever and the ground was muddy.

Zhao Qingshan and his son dug a tractor of river sand from the river and paved the road on the side of the chicken farm.

While digging sand from Beihe, a thought suddenly jumped into Zhao Qingshan's mind.

In 2002, the surrounding environment of the entire Fenghuangling Village, and even the entire Lianhua Mountain, was quite good, with almost no damage.

Take the river sand in the Beihe River as an example. In 2002, although the river sand in the Beihe River was much less than in the 90s, the entire Beihe River was still covered by river sand. The endless river.The vegetation on the mountain has not been seriously damaged, and various animal and plant resources are still very rich.

However, in 2002, for the people around Lianhua Mountain, a very important event happened, that is, a highway was built from the east of Dongling in Fenghuangling Village.And this major event, after a few years, everyone will find that, for ordinary people, except for a few who have received land compensation, the rest have caused serious damage to the ecological environment.

In the short period of four years from 2002 to 2006, the sand in the Beihe River was slowly dug up, thus turning the clear Beihe River into a stinky ditch full of silt.

In 2004, the Nanshan Stone Factory officially started construction, and then it took a few years to dig out one-third of the Nanshan mountain.

Since 2006, with the use of highly toxic pesticides, a large number of birds, insects and amphibians have died.In the autumn of 2006, Zhao Qingshan once saw a small field with more than [-] sparrows that had just died and some were even struggling for their lives.And in that field, there were only some scattered wheat grains.

As a reborn person, how can I sit back and watch these terrible things happen?
However, with my current strength, it is somewhat difficult to do something.

Next, Zhao Qingshan felt that it was necessary to speed up the speed of making money.

How can I make more money raising chickens?
The aquaculture industry earns economies of scale, the larger the scale, the more money it will make.

Now Zhao Qingshan's chicken farm can raise 1 chickens in one batch at most. Even if each chicken earns 5 yuan, it can only earn 6 yuan.

Although it is said that in 2002, earning 45 yuan in 6 days is definitely a pretty amazing figure.However, in 2002, compared with those steel dealers on the side of National Highway 205, this little money was not worth mentioning at all.

Throughout Laigang County, by 2002, there were already quite a few millionaires worth tens of millions.

First of all, Zhao Qingshan wants to prove to everyone that raising chickens can also create astronomical wealth.

And if they want to expand production, they will definitely not be able to rely on their family of three alone, so it is necessary to recruit workers in the next step.

For the last 4-day-old epidemic prevention, the Zhao family invited technicians from the Agricultural University Company, and this time for the 11-day-old epidemic prevention, Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Zhijiang, who have basically mastered the epidemic prevention technology, decided to do it themselves.

In fact, during the last 4-day-old epidemic prevention, the last few hundred chickens left were the father and son who did the epidemic prevention.Cao Xicai told Zhao Qingshan that the technology of the two of them can completely complete the 11-day-old epidemic prevention by themselves.

During the days of road construction and other 11-day-old epidemic prevention, Zhao Qingshan and his father Zhao Zhijiang discussed the plan of recruiting people.

Zhao Zhijiang didn't have any opinions, and he couldn't offer any opinions on his son's ideas. Anyway, he basically let his son make troubles.

In this way, two days before the age of 11, Zhao Qingshan had two candidates in mind, that is, Liu Tao's father Liu Yuren and the old bachelor Ma Jinchang in the village.

Zhao Qingshan liked Liu Yuren's temperament very much. He was loyal to others and spared no effort in his work. He was about the same age as his parents, and he was no stranger to them.As for Ma Jinchang, although he is a little older, in his 60s, he is still a very good person.

Ma Jinchang's ancestors were originally the largest landlords in Fenghuangling Village, and his business has been going all the way to the county town, and he had been a wealthy son for more than ten years.However, after the land reform, his good days came to an end.Then when he reached the age of marriage, because of his bad status, no girl would marry him, and he became a bachelor in the end.

Although Ma Jinchang is over [-] years old, he has a strong body and is more energetic than a young man in construction. People say that this is due to his boyish work.

After basically confirming these two candidates, Zhao Qingshan found Liu Yuren's house first.

Liu Yuren's son, Liu Tao, was a classmate of Zhao Qingshan's elementary school and junior high school.

When they found Liu's family, Liu Yuren and his son hadn't finished work yet.Liu Tao did not go to school after graduating from junior high school, and now works with his father as a construction worker.

In 2002, the wages of small workers were 10 yuan a day, and the wages of big workers were about 15 to 20 yuan.

Zhao Qingshan waited for a few minutes, and when he saw Liu Tao and his son returning home together, he suddenly changed his mind.

He decided to recruit Liu Tao as well, and this Liu Tao is also a loyal and honest person, so he is more suitable for his own recruitment.

After explaining the situation, without waiting for Liu Yuren to express his opinion, his wife rushed to agree.

Zhao Qingshan explained clearly that father and son both earn the same amount of money as a helper in their family's chicken farm, 20 a day, and take care of three meals a day. They start work at six in the morning and end at six in the afternoon.If there is something to do at home, you can ask for four days off in a month, and the wages will be calculated for the four days off.If you ask for leave for more than four days in a month, your wages will be calculated on a daily basis.

This kind of welfare treatment is almost the same as that of a worker. Of course, Liu Yuren has no reason to refuse.

In addition to working in Dongling in the future, Liu Yuren's wife is of course very happy.

Seeing that his wife happily agreed, Liu Yuren didn't say anything else, but said that he would not be able to work at Zhao's house until the construction team finished the work and told the team leader.

Zhao Qingshan readily agreed, and asked the construction team when the project would be completed, and Liu Yuren said that it would be completed tomorrow.

Zhao Qingshan smiled slightly, and then Liu Yuren's family hired two workers.

After leaving Liu Yuren's house, Zhao Qingshan went straight to Ma Jinchang's house.

Ma Jinchang never married, and lived with his 80-year-old mother.

Hearing that Zhao Qingshan wanted to recruit him to work in Zhao's chicken farm, and the benefits were so good, of course he had no reason to refuse.

Zhao Qingshan and Ma Jinchang made an appointment to go to work tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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