Chapter 209

The approval procedures for the embankment construction of the Mowen River have not yet been approved, and these days, Liu Wendong's work has begun to focus on the battlefield of the Hulushan Reservoir.

Zhao Qingshan bought two sand dredgers and four sand loaders for Liu Wendong, plus the original two dredgers and four yarn loaders, so there are twelve bare boats on the side of Hulushan Reservoir.In addition to the twelve boats, there are two forklifts and two excavators on the shore sand field, and the entire sand field has begun to take shape.

The four sand dredgers work together and can dig hundreds of square meters of sand per hour. However, the place for placing sand by the river is limited, so the four sand dredgers cannot operate at full capacity.

Zhao Qingshan provided Liu Wendong with a small sand dredger costing 4 yuan each, capable of dredging [-] cubic meters of sand per hour. Every hour of work requires half an hour of rest, powered by a diesel engine.

If it is operating at full capacity, this sand dredger can work for 320 hours a day, and can dig [-] square meters of river sand.

But the problem is that there is only a limited space to put sand on the bank. There is only about [-] square meters of open space for river sand. Even if the river sand is piled up to a height of five meters, it can only be [-] square meters of river sand.

If the four sand dredgers are operating at full capacity, they can dig 280 square meters of river sand a day, and within a month, the entire sand field will be full of inventory.

Zhao Qingshan had already ordered that the amount of sand dredged on the sand field should not exceed 120 cubic meters per day, that is to say, the four dredgers would only work for one and a half hours a day.

Zhao Qingshan was driving the car, thinking that Liu Wendong called him to go to the battlefield just now, and he didn't know what happened.

Ordinarily, Zhao Qingshan liked Liu Wendong's fearless character, so what made him afraid this time?
Half an hour later, Zhao Qingshan drove his own A6 from Bianjiaquan Village to the Hulushan Reservoir battlefield.

In fact, the Hulushan Reservoir sand field has been in operation for a long time. Since the first phase of Zhao Qingshan’s South Slope White Feather Chicken Breeding Base started, the supply of river sand has been excavated from the Hulushan Reservoir. It used to be 4 I bought two sand mining boats for one yuan.

This time, Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Wendong to apply for a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qingshan Agriculture, the Hulushan sand digging company, and the business license and other things have just been hung up for two days.

The sand field is located on a piece of wasteland to the east of the Hulushan Reservoir, just higher than the reservoir dam.Whenever there is a flood in summer and the water level of the reservoir rises, the location of this sand field will not be soaked by the reservoir.

The sand field is less than 100 meters to the east, which is National Highway 205. As early as two months ago, Zhao Qingshan had arranged for someone to build a cement road here, so that large trucks loaded with sand could enter and exit.

Zhao Qingshan drove directly into the battlefield, and saw from a distance that seven or eight people were blocking the door of Liu Wendong's office. The door of the office was open, and it was impossible to see whether Liu Wendong was inside.Then in the reservoir, a sand dredger was working, and next to the sand dredger, a sand loader was waiting next to the sand dug out from the bottom of the reservoir by the dredger to load into the cabin.

Seeing the boss coming, Liu Wendong's subordinate Liu Ming rushed over, and then Zhao Qingshan got out of the car.

"what happened?"

Zhao Qingshan saw that there was not much worry on Liu Ming's face, and there was even a smile on his face. He frowned and asked, "What happened? What are those people doing?"

"Hey, this matter can't be blamed on others, if you want to blame, you can blame Brother Dong."

While speaking, Liu Ming handed Zhao Qingshan a cigarette and lit it.

"What trouble did Liu Wendong get into again?"

"He made the woman on the TV station's belly bigger, and she came to her..."

"Bah, this bastard, he made a mess of himself, but let us wipe his ass? What do you mean?"

"How dare I ask, I'll ask a few more brothers to come over with me later, Brother Dong said don't make a fuss, and he plans to marry the woman from the TV station after it's over. I heard that the woman's parents seem to disagree with this marriage. Hey, trouble."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, and then said to Liu Ming: "Let's go there, it won't look good if there are too many people."

Zhao Qingshan tidied up his clothes. He had already taken off his tie and suit. Now he was still wearing trousers, shirt and leather shoes. From outsiders, he looked like a cadre.

The people who came to the battlefield to make trouble this time were all Zhang Fan's family members, her two older brothers, one sister and her husband, and after that, her parents, and his father's friends, friends of her two older brothers, a total of more than a dozen came. Individuals, now there are seven or eight standing at the door of Liu Wendong's office, and a few are sitting in Liu Wendong's office.At this moment, Liu Wendong didn't know where he went.

Zhang Fan and Liu Wendong met when Zhao Qingshan was going to Laigang County TV station to advertise. Zhang Fan was an assistant to the station director. When he met Liu Wendong, this little girl who had just graduated from university was attracted by the other party's handsome appearance and ruffian appearance. Attracted by his ruffian personality.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Zhao Qingshan actually made her belly bigger.

As soon as Zhao Qingshan came forward, Zhang Peihe, Zhang Fan's eldest brother at the door, looked at him and asked, "What do you do?"

The other party's tone was very unfriendly, while Zhao Qingshan scolded Liu Wendong in his heart, tried to put on a smile on his face, and said very kindly: "I'm really sorry, I knew that Zhang Fan's family was coming, and I asked Wendong to prepare for it." good."

"Ready? Ready to run away? Who are you, Liu Wendong?"

Zhao Qingshan looked at it, then smiled awkwardly, and said: "I am Zhao Qingshan, Wendong's boss, if something happens, I can also be Wendong's boss, or else, let's talk in the room, After all, this matter has to be carefully discussed and discussed.”

"What are you talking about? Tell Liu Wendong to come quickly!"

Zhao Qingshan said in his heart, I also want to let Liu Wendong come here quickly so that I can get away, but this kid turned off his phone and disappeared, I really have no choice.

There are so many people here on the battlefield, and if there is a big disturbance, it will also affect the reputation of Qingshan Company, otherwise he would not bite the bullet and come over to deal with this matter.

"Brother, Wendong is playing with me and disappeared! I don't know where this bastard has gone. Otherwise, tell me what happened first, and I will listen first. If Liu Wendong is good enough, I will help you Peeling the skin is enough to break your legs, I will smash it for you! Look, how about it?"

Zhang Fan's eldest brother, Zhang Peihe, thought for a while and said, "I know you. You are a well-known entrepreneur in our Laigang County. You are also responsible for your subordinates doing such an outrageous thing. I think , Talking to you is the right thing to do, you come in, I will talk to you carefully!"

"Boss!" Liu Ming worriedly followed behind Zhao Qingshan.

"It's okay!" Zhao Qingshan turned to comfort Liu Ming and said.

(End of this chapter)

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