Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 222 Confession 1 Before Leaving

Chapter 222 Before I leave, let me explain

On a quiet night, the sky is full of stars, and the village on the side of the road is like a sleeping baby. The lights are turned off, like a baby with its eyes closed.

Zhao Qingshan did not go home, but returned to Aishan Square again, parked the car on the side of the road, and sat on the bench where he and Miss Tiantian sat just now.

Tiantian's unique body fragrance seems to be still there, there is no one around, and the street lights have been turned off, it is already twelve o'clock in the night.

He looked up, and suddenly a shooting star flashed across the sky, so Zhao Qingshan hurriedly closed his eyes, and made a pious wish to Pop.

Opening his eyes, Pop has long since disappeared. Zhao Qingshan smiled and said to himself: "Miss Tiantian, see you tomorrow."

At this time, he took out his mobile phone to look at it, only to find that there was a text message from the mobile phone, which was sent by Tian Tian.

"There was a shooting star in the sky just now, it's so beautiful."

"I see, but it's not as pretty as you."

"You are poor, and you haven't slept yet?"

"Well, I didn't sleep."

Zhao Qingshan looked around, only a bench, unable to sleep.

"It's getting late, go to bed early, don't we have to go to Quancheng tomorrow?"

"Yes, we are going to play in Quancheng tomorrow, you should go to bed early too, good night."

"Good night."

Putting away his mobile phone, Zhao Qingshan happily strode back to his car, and then drove to the Dongling Chicken Farm in Fenghuangling Village.

The asphalt road along the way was empty and deserted. When I got home, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Qingshan slept with his clothes on, lying on the bed with his eyes closed, thinking about something.

He thought of a lot, from the fat man Han Li, his wife in the previous life, to He Hui in the previous life, to He Hui in this life, and finally to the sweet girl in this life.

Han Li, a very, very common girl's name, naturally there are many people with the same name.

However, it never occurred to her that the name she once hated so much became the name of her Yesi dream.

The name is just a code name, it is the living life that gives her connotation.Could it be that this is God's rebirth, some kind of revelation?
When Zhao Qingshan woke up the next day, he touched his phone, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Liu Zhao is going to the vehicle management office to take the test of subject two today, so he won't be here today, and Zhao Qingshan is going to play in Quancheng for two days today, so he called Han Sanshan and Liu Yutang yesterday and asked them to come this morning. Come and meet yourself.

Opening his eyes, Zhao Qingshan heard the voices of Han Sanshan and Liu Yutang talking in the living room outside, so he hurried out.

"You two came early?"

"It's been about ten minutes."

At this time, Shen Yue'e who was waiting at the door saw Zhao Qingshan get up, and hurriedly asked: "Qingshan, can I bring you breakfast?"

"Bring it here."

Then, Zhao Qingshan said to Liu Yutang and Han Sanshan who stood up: "You two sit down for a while."

So, Zhao Qingshan came to the faucet outside, and began to wash with the faucet.

Compared with the reality that I have tens of millions in my hands now, the living facilities in front of me are really a bit shabby.

Miss Tiantian's family is considered to be a family that got rich relatively early. After years of accumulation, their family's living standard is much higher than that of other ordinary people.

The gap between rich and poor, in 2004, has widened.However, the good idea of ​​"allowing some people to get rich first, first getting rich first, then getting rich later, and finally getting rich together" is getting farther and farther away from us.

Those who have become rich, who cares about the life and death of the poor.

However, Zhao Qingshan doesn't think so. As a person who has lived two lifetimes, making himself rich, Zhao Qingshan feels that it is too easy without any challenge.What he wants to take is a path that makes everyone around him rich.

In one's life, how much you eat and drink is counted, but you can't make enough money. There is plenty of money in the world for you to earn, but in the end, only the money that is spent by yourself can be said to be the real meaning on your own money.

In the end, how can I enjoy myself when I close my eyes and kick my legs, and leave a wealth of wealth behind me?

While eating breakfast, Zhao Qingshan listened to the work reports of Han Sanshan and Liu Yutang.

Although Zhao Qingshan handed over the Dongling chicken farm to Han Sanshan, and Liu Yutang was in charge of the first phase of the white-feather chicken breeding base, but he still took care of the finances himself, which was the core.

Han Sanshan mainly introduced the situation of the chicken farm in the past few days. Anyway, there is nothing wrong in general. There was a chicken in the chicken shed because of the high humidity, and the feces were white. Zhao Qingshan told Han Sanshan that he needed to observe more. Some oxytetracycline can be fed appropriately.Han Sanshan said that measures have been taken.

Then Liu Yutang introduced the progress of the project. It can be seen that the professional construction team is much faster than Liu Yutang's soil team. According to Liu Yutang's estimation, the entire project can be completed two months ahead of schedule, that is to say, the final Hurry up, this project will be completed in May next year.

Zhao Qingshan was very happy when he heard that the first phase of the project was completed, and the approval investment for the second phase of the entire project would be far more than that of the first phase. By then, the loan he could borrow from the bank would also be far more than 700 million, and he could do it in advance. After taking out the loan, Zhao Qingshan holds it in his hands, and can invest in the stock market at any time, and he feels at ease in his heart.

After listening to the reports of the two company executives who had spent a lot of money to recruit, Zhao Qingshan expressed his approval for the work of the two people, and at the same time told the two people that Ma Jinchang was temporarily responsible for the two days' finances.When it was over, he asked the two of them to do their own work, and then asked Shen Yuee to call Ma Jinchang to his side, and explained how he had recorded the accounts in the past two days, and then drove to Bianjiaquan Village to pick him up. Go sweet.

Driving the car, Zhao Qingshan called Tiantian, who told him that he was ready.

Arriving at the gate of Tiantian's house in Bianjiaquan Village, Zhao Qingshan saw Tiantian wearing a sun hat and carrying a canvas schoolbag, followed by her mother, just like a tourist.

Seeing Zhao Qingshan's car coming, Tiantian and her mother hurried over.

"You have such a big schoolbag, and you are not afraid of being crushed, Auntie, then let's go."

"Be careful on the road, Tiantian, you listen to your brother in everything, don't be too willful."

"I know mom."

After getting in the car, it could be seen that Miss Tiantian was quite happy.

"Brother, how many times have you been to Quancheng?"

"Been there several times."

What Zhao Qingshan meant was that he had only been there a few times in this life. In fact, he had stayed in Quancheng for more than ten years in his previous life. He knew more about Quancheng than he even knew about his hometown.

"That's good, that way, we won't get lost."

Zhao Qingshan looked at Tiantian with his head tilted, and said with a smile: "Fool, how could we get lost? Don't worry, follow brother, we will never get lost."

Tiantian nodded vigorously, expressing her agreement with this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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