Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 238 Liu Wendong Buys a Car

Chapter 238 Liu Wendong Buys a Car

As of mid-to-late September 2004, Zhao Qingshan had nearly 9 employees. In fact, most of the working-age workers in Fenghuangling Village have now become Zhao Qingshan's employees.

Zhao Qingshan's team of 200 people was temporarily divided into four parts.The Dongling farm includes three small departments, with a total of 94 people, and the general manager is Han Sanshan.The situation on the Dongling Farm is the most complicated. There are 2 chicken coop sheds, and each shed has a breeder. In addition, it is also equipped with staff such as small trucks and drivers. Now the Dongling Farm It can provide Zhao Qingshan with a net profit of about 20 yuan a day; there are now ten people on the biogas battery, and the person in charge is Zhao Zhijiang, who is Zhao Qingshan's father. The chicken manure is cleaned in the chicken farm, and then put into the biogas tank to generate electricity. The biogas tank can generate more than [-] yuan in electricity sales revenue a year, which is controlled by Zhao Zhijiang; there are only four in the Shishiling hatchery. The employees are Cui Honghan's family. Their job is to incubate chicks, and they don't have any financial transactions.At the same time, for the employees of the hatchery and biogas digester, Han Sanshan also coordinates the management. Sometimes a certain department is busy with work, and Han Sanshan will coordinate some labor to that department.

The first-phase project of Nanpo White Feather Chicken Breeding Base is now handed over to Liu Yutang who is very familiar with the construction industry. At the same time, there are more than 40 employees of Qingshan Agricultural Company following Liu Yutang, and Liu Yutang's main force is also many. He was an employee of the construction team who worked with him in construction.When Zhao Qingshan wanted to do something important, he directly brought Liu Yutang's entire construction team over.Although the entire project was contracted to the construction team, Zhao Qingshan arranged for Liu Yutang to take charge of the preparatory work for the second phase of the project and some work that the construction team needed help with.

On the side of Nanshan Fine Chicken Breeding, the person in charge is Liu Liang. This guy has a dozen or so high school students under him, and he is very happy and carefree.Zhao Qingshan took a fancy to Liu Liang's love and familiarity with Dashan, and hoped that one day in the future, the high-quality chicken on Nanshan would surprise him.

On the side of the Hulushan Reservoir battlefield, Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Wendong to be in charge, and established a subsidiary of the company's Qingshan Agriculture. Liu Wendong is the manager, and there are now nearly 50 people under him.Zhao Qingshan arranged Liu Wendong's work. Apart from digging sand in the sand field, and then building the road along the river with the money earned from the sand digging, a dozen young and strong men under him were also responsible for patrolling the entire Mowen River. And the security work on Fenghuang Ridge.

Now that Zhao Qingshan's industry is relatively large, security work must be done well, not to mention other places, here at Dongling Farm, every night, Liu Wendong will arrange four young men around Dongling, every two hours Patrol once.After the interval between patrols, he waited in the duty room inside the old school.There is a computer in the duty room, which is connected separately and is not controlled by Zhao Qingshan. Then at night, the boys will watch a movie together, eat hot pot or something.

Just now Zhao Qingshan called Liu Wendong and asked him to pick up 4 Santanas at the Volkswagen 4S store in Luzhong County. After receiving the call, Liu Wendong then called his subordinate Liu Ming.

Liu Ming is two years younger than Liu Wendong, has a junior high school education, and is a villager in Fenghuangling Village.

"elder brother."

"The boss called me just now and asked me to buy 4 Santanas in Luzhong City, and we will drive my pickup later. Oh, by the way, have my invitations been sent yet?"

"It's over bro."

"Bring me the invitations from the boss, Lao Han, our uncle, Lao Zhao, and the village chief, and I will send them myself."

Liu Wendong and Zhang Fan's wedding has been finalized, and the wedding room has been almost decorated, and they are waiting for the National Day to get married.There is still a week until the National Day, and the invitation should be sent out.

"Where's Liu Liang's?"

"Liu Liang, what kind of thing is he, you can just send someone to deliver it."

While making arrangements, Liu Wendong took out an envelope from his drawer, which contained 5000 yuan, which was the deposit for buying Santana.

After getting into the car, Liu Wendong drove the broken pickup truck on a rampage all the way, scaring passers-by to give in one after another.

Half an hour later, Liu Wendong and Liu Ming arrived at the TEDA Volkswagen 4S store located on Fenghuang Road, Luzhong City. As soon as Liu Wendong entered the venue in a suit and sunglasses, a shopping guide came over.

"Brother, come to buy a car?"

"Nonsense, what am I doing here if I don't come to buy a car?"

The shopping guide smiled in embarrassment, and then turned sideways to let the angry young people who came in look at the overall situation in the 4S store, and then asked, "Is there any model you like?"

"Here are four Santanas, when can I pick them up?"

The shopping guide was terrified when he heard it: "What?"

"Are you deaf? Four Santanas!"

"Okay, four Santanas, yes, sign the contract now?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If you don't sign the contract now, what am I going to do?"

"Okay, okay, brother, you sit first, you sit first, wait a moment, I will prepare a contract for you right away."

Some people watching the car next to them were shocked when they heard a guy at the door speak so loudly.

Liu Wendong glanced at the price of a Santana not far away. The price of one was more than 13 points. After thinking about it, the total price of the four cars was more than 50. Everyone was shocked.

From 2002 to 2004, along with the process of localization of imported cars, the price of cars has begun to drop sharply. The Santana, which used to cost 13 to 12 yuan, is now only 8 yuan, while the Jetta, which used to be [-] yuan, has already dropped. It's [-] yuan.

Buying a Santana 13 for 3000 was still very worthwhile in 2004. It will definitely be fine to drive this car for ten years.Although it is said that there are Toyotas that can't run bad, and Volkswagens that can't be repaired, Chinese people recognize this brand and ask someone to reason.

After a while, Pidianpidian's sales guide came to Liu Wendong with the contract.In fact, he has no idea at all. This guy buys a car as soon as he enters the door without asking any questions. Is he buying it for real or just for fun?But in line with the principle of preferring to believe what is there and not to trust what is not, the shopping guide not only always maintains a service attitude with a smile, but also completely tolerates Liu Wendong's rough attitude.

After receiving the car purchase contract, Liu Wendong frowned when he saw that he needed to fill in his ID number, and ignored the shopping guide, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Qingshan.

When the phone was connected, Liu Wendong nodded repeatedly, and then hung up.

Then, fill in your own ID number in all the columns that need to fill in the ID card.Of course Liu Wendong is happy to settle on his own head.

(End of this chapter)

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