Chapter 24
Zhao Qingshan’s Dongling Chicken Farm’s first batch of chickens was successful, and finally settled the accounts with the Agricultural University Company. There were still ten tons of feed left in the feed warehouse. In addition, the Agricultural University Company paid Zhao Qingshan 1000 yuan.

Ten tons of feed cost almost 5000 yuan, that is to say, Zhao Qingshan earned 6000 yuan from this batch of chickens.

As for the wages paid to Ma Jinchang and the others, it would be enough to sell the chicken coop manure in the chicken shed.

In Huangzhuang Township, there are many large-scale planters of large cherries and peaches. They urgently need the chicken pen manure from Zhao Qingshan's chicken farm as fertilizer.

After walking the chicken, Zhao Qingshan gave Ma Jinchang and the three of them a day off and asked them to go home and rest.Of course, it is agreed in advance that this is also a paid vacation.

People in Fenghuangling Village say that Zhao Zhijiang's son is generous.

Raising the first batch of chickens was really hard work. Many things had to be learned first, and it was still very difficult to raise them.Fortunately, after having the first batch of chicken raising experience, it will be much easier to raise the next batch of chickens.

After giving his workers a holiday, Zhao Qingshan hired a van rented out by the village and let Cao Minghua's son Cao Zheng drive the van to bring Zhao Qingshan's family to the county seat.

Everyone is happy that they have made money. Zhao Qingshan now has 1000 yuan in his hands.At the end of the year, the money given to the construction team was only 5000 yuan, which meant that Zhao Qingshan's net worth had already reached [-] yuan.

Zhao Qingshan spent a lot of money in the one and a half months of raising chickens. He bought two mobile phones and installed a landline phone at home, which cost 5000 yuan. Then he paid [-] yuan for wages, and [-] yuan for a car. The total cost is [-] yuan. [-] yuan.

On the way to the county seat, Zhao Qingshan saw several tractors in Beihe pulling river sand for sale.Fortunately, in 2002, sand dredging in the river was done manually, and the speed of ecological damage to the river was relatively slow.And when the excavators and forklifts all came to Beihe, it took only a few months to dig up all the sand in the river.

Since I plan to live here often in the future, it's okay if someone else destroys my favorite Beihe.

Hey, it seems that the speed of making money must be accelerated.

When he came to the county seat, Zhao Qingshan took his parents to Zipo Clothing Street in Beicheng to buy some clothes and shoes for his parents and himself, and then went to Yitieqiaotou to buy a lot of seafood, such as clams, oysters, big Shrimp, hairtail and Spanish mackerel, etc. have all bought some.

Then the family of three asked Cao Zheng to drive a tricycle to the place where motorcycles are sold in the eastern district. Finally, Zhao Qingshan fell in love with a 4000 motorcycle priced at more than 125, and then directly picked up the car, and asked his father to ride the motorcycle home. up.

Zhao Qingshan and his mother Zhang Huifen returned to Fenghuangling Village in Cao Zheng's tricycle.

After paying the fare, Zhao Qingshan took out a portion of the seafood he bought and gave it to Cao Zheng.Then Cao Zheng backed down a few times, making sure that he was really giving it to him, so he happily accepted it.

Zhao Qingshan bought a lot of seafood, and now they don't have a refrigerator at home, so they can't keep it, so after returning home, except for keeping some of what they ate tonight, Zhao Qingshan and Zhang Huifen divided them into several shares for Ma Jinchang and Liu Yuren One copy was sent to each, and another copy was sent to Cao Mingren and He Zhongheng's family.

In the end, Zhao Qingshan asked his father, Zhao Zhijiang, to ride the newly bought motorcycle and bring the largest portion left over to his grandma's house.

Zhao Qingshan's grandmother was from Xiaomiao Village, a neighboring village, and his grandfather was a well-known carpenter in ten miles and eight towns.It turned out that when Carpenter Zhang was young, he brought over a dozen apprentices, and every year on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, when he celebrated his birthday, his apprentices also came to celebrate his birthday, which was very lively.

As soon as the chickens left, the stench from the Dongling chicken farm was overwhelming, and then Zhao Qingshan locked the door of the Dongling chicken farm, and went back to his hometown to start a fire and cook.

The seafood feast in the evening was enjoyed by the whole family.Zhao Zhijiang specially took out the brewing wine that he had kept for several years, and let his son taste two tea bowls.

After dinner, Ma Jinchang and Liu Yuren came to visit the house to play, and it was rather empty for everyone to sit and talk, so Zhao Qingshan proposed to start playing cards.

In the mountain village, the evening entertainment is watching TV and playing cards.

But after playing poker for a long time, someone will often suggest to add a lot of money. Originally playing small, gradually began to play big.

Zhao Qingshan clearly remembered that in his previous life, in 2006, gambling became popular in Fenghuangling Village, and many gamblers from other villages flocked to Fenghuangling Village to gamble.

The biggest casino in Fenghuangling Village is owned by the village head Liu Mingcai and the accountant Sun Wei.

Fenghuangling Village is the westernmost village in Zhaizi Township. The west and south sides of Fenghuangling Village belong to Tainan City.There is a stone house on the top of Nanshan Mountain in Fenghuangling Village. The house usually belongs to Tainan City, and generally belongs to Luzhong City.

In such a geographical location, even if the police come to catch gambling, it will be more troublesome.The road was difficult to walk, and before the police reached the village, someone had already discovered it, and as soon as they reported it, everyone ran along the mountain road.

There are so many situations where gambling ruins people's lives. Thinking of this, Zhao Qingshan is also a little worried.In the future, if I have the ability, I must stop the degeneration of the village wind.

Fortunately, in 2002, there were not many people who gambled in Fenghuangling Village.

The four of them played level-up, two groups of Zhao Qingshan and his son, and then two groups of Ma Jinchang and Liu Yuren.

Both Ma Jinchang and Liu Yuren were more serious, and they began to argue with each other.

Zhao Qingshan on the side looked at Ma Jinchang and Liu Yuren, who were blushing in the fight, but he wasn't worried about hurting their colleagues. He knew that when they started work tomorrow, they would definitely act as if nothing happened.

The four played cards until 09:30 in the evening, and then Zhao Qingshan suggested that everyone go back to rest and start work tomorrow.

There is always a lot of work in the chicken farm. From the next day, Zhao Qingshan asked Ma Jinchang and the others to dig out all the manure from the chicken pens in the chicken shed, and piled it on an open space north of the gate of the chicken farm.Then he rode a motorcycle and went directly to the farmer's house in Baoguoyuan, Zhangbaqiu Village, Huangzhuang Township.

October is the time for orchard contractors to prepare winter fertilizers. Orchard growers are worried that they will not be able to buy chicken pen manure, but they are naturally happy when someone comes to sell them.

Zhao Qingshan brought the owners of two large-scale orchard growers to his chicken farm and asked them to look at the chicken pen manure.

When Zhao Qingshan and the others returned to the farm, they saw his father and three workers busy piling chicken manure on the open space.

The two grower bosses stepped on the pile of chicken manure outside, shook their heads and said, "Why is it so wet?"

The price of wet chicken manure is much different than that of dry chicken manure.In 2002, the price of a tractor-dried chicken coop could be sold for 80 yuan, while wet ones could be sold for 50 yuan, which is not bad.

But Zhao Qingshan doesn't care much about the price difference. You know, after raising his 12000 chickens, he can produce a lot of chicken coop manure.

(End of this chapter)

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