Chapter 241

Today is Zhao Qingshan's engagement day, and everything will be done according to local traditions.

As the saying goes, the customs change in three miles, and the accent changes in ten miles. Different places have different customs for engagement.

And because the customs are different, the matchmaker will go to the two to communicate with each other to see what kind of custom is suitable.

One of the matchmakers for Zhao Qingshan was Zhao Zhimin, Zhao Qingshan's second aunt, and the other was Han Sanshan.

Because a matchmaker must be a couple, so Han Sanshan was dragged to be a matchmaker.At the same time, Han Sanshan and Tiantian's father are also acquaintances, so they are more suitable to be the matchmaker.

Early in the morning, Han Sanshan and Zhao Zhimin had breakfast, and then Liu Ming drove Zhao Qingshan's Audi A6, pulled Han Sanshan and Zhao Zhimin to Bianjiaquan Village.

Zhao Zhimin and Han Sanshan were holding a bag, inside the bag were some clothes and shoes for Tiantian, and money was pressed in each of the clothes. For this engagement, Zhao Qingshan put down a total of 880 yuan. Eight yuan means that the three families will pay together.

The price of this engagement gift is already the highest in the entire Laigang County.

After all, in 2004, the wages of salaried workers were still around a thousand dollars a month.

Tiantian's father, named Han Laixi, can definitely rank among the top three among the steel dealers along the 205 National Highway.

Most of the steel dealers on both sides of National Highway 205 are villagers from Zhaizi Village and Bianjiaquan Village. The earliest traders started to trade steel products in the early 90s. By 2002, with the loosening of the national loan policy, there were many traders in their twenties. Young people also came to engage in steel trading after getting loans from the bank.Then from 2002 to 2007, with the prosperity of real estate, the demand for steel products was hot, and those engaged in steel trading made a lot of money.

And Han Laixi didn't have a loan. He made his fortune relatively early. In 97, he already had tens of millions in his hands. In the past two years, with his own capital, he can earn more than 1000 million a year. His family is very rich.

For a rich family like Han Li, when choosing a son-in-law, it is natural that the conditions cannot be lowered.

As for Zhao Qingshan, it goes without saying that he is a high school student; he is engaged in big business; and he has a very good relationship with the government.

In the past year, Zhao Qingshan's reputation has spread throughout Zhaizi Township, and even Laigang County.

Except for Zhao Qingshan, there is no other person in Laigang County who can turn such a humble thing of raising chickens into such a big industry.

In order to prepare for today's engagement, Han Laixi rejected a client's request to meet, and then found two brothers from the same family and a younger brother and sister from the same family to wait at home.

At eight o'clock in the morning, within half an hour after breakfast at Han Laixi's house, they were all laughing and drinking tea. Then they heard a call from the gate, and the family hurriedly greeted them. It turned out that it was a matchmaker. coming.

As soon as the matchmaker came, the Han family hurriedly greeted them happily.

Han Laixi knew Han Sanshan, and he held Han Sanshan's hand with a bright smile, and said, "We two brothers met on this occasion today, hahaha."

"I can't drink with you today. Let's do business and talk at the door."

"Next time we come, let's get drunk together."

Everyone was talking, the man answered Han Sanshan, the woman answered Zhao Zhimin, and entered the room.

Han Laixi's house is much more grand than Zhao Qingshan's two-story villa. Their house is a four-story building with a dozen or so rooms on the first floor, the first and second floors are for offices, and the third and fourth floors are for living.

By 2004, there were not many individuals living in buildings in the original Zhaizi Township, that is, those steel dealers were the first to build buildings.

After entering the room, Han Sanshan didn't have time to talk, and then called Han Li over in front of the Han family members, and then took out the betrothal gifts entrusted to them by the Zhao family this time. The Han family counted.

Needless to say about each piece of clothing, everyone was very surprised by the [-] bride price.

You know, by 2004, the mainstream market on the market was only [-] yuan, but now it has increased tenfold. Ordinary people really can't do it.

After looking over the betrothal gift, Han Laixi smiled and said to Han Sanshan, "We haven't kept the betrothal gift yet. On the day of the wedding, let Tiantian bring it along with the dowry."

Han Sanshan said with a smile: "Both of you are not short of money. Originally, Qingshan also said that the betrothal gift for engagement is heavier, and it will be 38 yuan. I was shocked when I heard that it was so much money. Don’t move, don’t go too far, thirty-eight thousand, I don’t think the old brother will embarrass me, right?”

When Han Li's aunt heard this, she hurriedly said with a smile: "This matchmaker is also oriented towards the man, but I don't know if he has suffered a disadvantage. My elder brother also said that it depends on the man's betrothal gift to accompany the dowry. It’s only thirty-eight thousand, wouldn’t it be a big loss?”

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed.

Everyone felt that this male matchmaker was pretending to be smart but lost his benefits.

However, Han Sanshan smiled lightly and said to everyone: "In the future, when we become a family, we won't talk about each other. It doesn't make any sense to take money from the left pocket to the right pocket. Besides, we, Qingshan, really don't like it." Bad money."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed again.

Then Han Li's aunt said: "You Qingshan is not short of money, and my elder brother is not short of money either."

Han Sanshan immediately said: "This is what we call the right match."


Everyone laughed happily again.

The whole scene was very festive, and after the explanation, Han Sanshan said to Han Laixi: "Brother, let's do business, and now I am taking someone away."

"Okay, next time we come, let's have a good drink."

Then, Han Laixi called the big customer who was looking for sweets this time and introduced him to Han Sanshan.

After getting to know each other, Han Sanshan and Zhao Zhimin sat in the Audi A6 driven by Liu Ming, and at the same time Han Li also sat in the Audi A6, while the other three big passengers were arranged by Han Laixi to send them to Fenghuangling village.

When the group arrived at Fenghuangling Village, it was already 09:30, and the Zhao family had already been waiting at the door of the small villa.

Miss Tiantian came to Zhao's house today, and she was very neat and tidy to be a big guest, and she had to sit in a big banquet if she wanted to be serious.

The Zhao family was well prepared and arranged two banquets in their newly built villa, one male banquet was arranged in the living room of the main hall on the first floor, and the female banquet was arranged in the Chaoyang room in the south room.

Before the banquet started, Zhang Huifen pulled Li Ling and whispered that her daughter-in-law was pregnant, so she must not be persuaded to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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