Chapter 251
The winter of 2004 was colder and snowier than last year.

Miss Tiantian has lived in Zhao Qingshan's house for more than two months, and went back several times during the period, but they all returned to Fenghuangling Village on the same day.

Tiantian's mother complained that her daughter had forgotten her home. It was almost New Year's Day, and Tiantian wanted to go home for a few days.

She has been pregnant for more than three months, and she always wants to sleep recently, but she has not seen any changes in her body, and her belly has not shown any signs of getting bigger.


Fortunately, the current family planning policy is not as strict as before, and the team's methods are not as simple and rude as before.

In addition, Miss Tiantian is still a student who has just graduated from high school, and she is only 18 years old and almost 19 years old. The village team will not be too suspicious, and then it is easy to give birth to the child.

On December 2004, 12, it snowed heavily and Tiantian wanted to go home, so Zhao Qingshan drove her back to Bianjiaquan Village.

When I arrived at Bianjiaquan Village, seeing that my daughter had been pregnant for three months, but her body hadn't gained weight, the sweet mother started nagging, saying that she wanted her daughter to eat more to make her body fat.

When Zhao Qingshan was about to leave, Tiantian's mother pulled Zhao Qingshan aside and told him that the Chinese New Year would be over in a month or so, and let Tiantian spend the New Year at home before going to Fenghuangling Village.

As the Chinese New Year was approaching, Zhao Qingshan had a lot of things to do, so he agreed.Besides, it is the most reassuring for me to entrust my daughter-in-law to the care of my mother-in-law.

Although Zhao Qingshan's mother took care of Tiantian obediently, after all, she was a daughter-in-law who hadn't married yet, and she was pregnant, so she naturally wanted guests to treat her.However, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is delicate, and the meals cooked by the mother-in-law are always difficult to suit the daughter-in-law's appetite, and both parties often feel wronged.

In the previous life, Zhao Qingshan’s chubby wife Han Li was in confinement, and Zhang Huifen went to Quancheng to take care of her confinement. In just one month, the embarrassed Zhang Huifen cried several times, and Zhao Qingshan was caught in the middle. be human.

When Miss Tiantian returned to her natal home, Zhang Huifen breathed a sigh of relief.

After the snow fell, the road was very slippery. Zhao Qingshan especially asked the people who went to Qishan every day to deliver chickens to be careful.

Now Zhao Qingshan seldom follows the cart to Qishan to deliver the chickens, he has other things to be busy with.

After returning home, Zhao Qingshan called Liu Zhao and planned to go to Nanshan to see how Liu Liang's chickens were doing.

Liu Liang has already had three thousand roosters on Nanshan, the big one weighs four or five catties, and the youngest weighs two catties.Zhao Qingshan didn't plan to build up the scale on Nanshan first, he wanted Liu Liang to accumulate successful experience first, and then expand the scale after finishing.

When he came to Nanshan, Zhao Qingshan saw that the chickens had been scattered on the top of the mountain, surrounded by nets, but he didn't see anyone, so he went into the earthen house where Liu Liang and the others lived.

Liu Liang and the others were eating sweet potatoes around the stove, when they saw Zhao Qingshan coming, they quickly stood up.

"I just came in, and you came, boss."

Liu Liang was holding a piece of freshly baked sweet potato, which was steaming.

The dirt house was built by Zhao Qingshan and Liu Yutang arranged for people to build it on Nanshan before the winter. There are five rooms in total, two of which are used as warehouses with grass seeds and grains in them, and the other three rooms are used by Liu Yutang during the day. Brighten up their dining room and kitchen, which becomes their bedroom at night.

The earthen house is not high, built with red bricks, the inner and outer walls are covered with thick plaster, the roof is covered with grass thatch, and tiles are hung on the grass thatch.

Inside the three earthen houses, there is a standing stove with the mouth of the stove open, and pine branches as thick as arms are burned inside. The chimney goes straight to the roof, and the fire is very hot.

It was cold outside, but once inside, it felt much warmer.

When Liu Liang's subordinates saw the big boss coming, their faces were timid, and they were all at a loss.

Usually Zhao Qingshan seldom comes to the mountain, he is afraid of affecting Liu Liang's plan.

Seeing that Gong Kepeng was also holding a piece of roasted sweet potato in his hand, he smiled, but Gong Kepeng reacted faster: "Boss, you can eat sweet potatoes."

Gong Kepeng is a high school graduate recruited by Zhao Qingshan from his alma mater, that is, Luzhong No. 1000 Middle School this year. He can endure hardships. Now he has been promoted by Liu Liang to be the captain of the Nanshan Breeding Team, and he gets [-] yuan a month. wages.

Zhao Qingshan took the sweet potato from Gong Kopeng's hand, and now it was Liu Liang's turn to be a little embarrassed, he was a little disappointed that he didn't catch Zhao Qingshan's flattery in time.

"That's right, this is the real roasted sweet potato."

Zhao Qingshan took a bite of roasted sweet potatoes, and then greeted everyone: "Let's all go to the stove to warm up."

There were six people crowded in the room, and the other five people went home after taking leave of absence, and played games in Zhao Qingshan's employee Internet cafe in the village primary school when they were off duty.

In fact, there are not many jobs on the mountain. After breakfast every morning, the chickens scattered in various chicken coops are scattered and let the chickens look for something to eat on the mountain.Then at noon, the chickens are sprinkled with grain, because in winter, there is not much chicken food to be found on the mountain. If the chickens are not filled with grain, the chickens will not be full.And if the chicken is not full, it will affect the resistance of the chicken, and the next step may lead to the outbreak of chicken disease.

The conditions on the mountain were very difficult, and Liu Liang arranged for everyone to work for a day and a night, and then repair for a day and a night. Fortunately, Zhao Qingshan's employees in the Internet cafe brought happiness to this group of young people, otherwise these young people would not be able to persevere.

Some of Zhao Qingshan's subordinates play legends, and some play big words. Next, Zhao Qingshan plans to organize a game guild for World of Warcraft, and plans to play happily for a year or two.

The time for the World of Warcraft public beta is not far away.

When the five people saw the boss sitting down by the stove, they also boldly gathered around, with Gong Kepeng leading the way, and beside Zhao Qingshan, Liu Zhao was sitting on one side, and Liu Liang was sitting on the other.

There were not enough seats on the mountain, so many people simply grabbed a handful of hay, spread it on the ground, and sat down.

In this autumn, Liu Liang and his staff separated a lot of hay, dried the grass seeds with sticks, and packed them in woven bags, so that they could be used as food for chickens in winter.

In addition to grass seeds, there are also a lot of corn prepared on the mountain, so there must be no problem this winter.

"How long have you been home?"

Seeing everyone coming, Zhao Qingshan began to chat with everyone.

At first everyone was very cautious, but Gong Kepeng was very generous, answering the boss's questions, and seeing this, the others also relaxed.

The conditions on the mountain are very difficult, but Zhao Qingshan is still very sure of everyone's work, and said that in the next step, the entire Nanshan side will definitely be the company with the greatest development potential among the small companies under him.

(End of this chapter)

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