Chapter 257

The conditions here in Dongling are still very difficult. However, Zhao Qingshan's current employees are also farmers who have endured hardships. Naturally, facing these conditions, it is nothing at all.

However, if you want your company to develop further, the next step is to recruit more high-quality talents, let alone undergraduates, the next step is postgraduates, doctoral students, even university professors, academicians of the two academies, As long as it is useful to the development of my company and conducive to the development of the whole chicken farming, I have to dig it myself.

And it would be a pity if these talents could not be retained because of the company's poor conditions.

The next step is to improve the living and working conditions of the employees, which is very urgent for Zhao Qingshan.

Next year, in June or even in May at the earliest, when the first phase of the Nanpo Breeding Base is completed, there will be a large amount of advanced equipment that needs to be operated by employees with higher cultural quality. The level is not high, and it is very difficult to pick out five employees with high school education from Dongling.

Therefore, when the first phase of the project is completed next year, Zhao Qingshan is bound to recruit more workers.

Now many of my employees don't even know how to read thermometers and hygrometers. Isn't it a joke to ask them to manage in modern chicken coops?

The idea of ​​building staff dormitories must be merged with the project of Fenghuangling New Community in the next step.

At that time, after the villagers' residential area is planned in Xigou, the original village site will also need to be re-planned on a large scale, including employee apartment buildings, office buildings, scientific research buildings, etc., can be placed on the original village site for planning.Then Zhao Qingshan will start the slaughtering and processing plant project in the next step, and may have to move the place.

However, in the entire Fenghuangling Village, there is no usable mountain wasteland, only the two to three hundred acres of good land left.

Zhao Qingshan occupies a large amount of land, but he also has a bottom line, that is, high-yield grain land cannot be occupied.

If we develop ourselves, we cannot do things that will cut off the path of future generations.

In the next step, it would be good for Zhao Qingshan to keep the [-] mu of riverside land in Fenghuangling Village and let the villagers grow some food for themselves.

It can be seen that the entire Fenghuangling Village does not have much land for its own development, and the next step is to contract the land of other neighboring villages to develop its own company.

In the previous life, at the end of 2006, Zhao Qingshan went to a county in the south of Qilu Province to visit his classmates. At that time, his classmates applied for a local biotechnology company, and the company had not yet started to develop equipment and equipment. project, but it has already begun to recruit and hoard talents.At that time, Zhao Qingshan was deeply impressed by that company. The company was called Yinhe Group, and its main business was tire manufacturing.And that company is also a private enterprise, and the courage of the boss is still very admirable.

Starting as a farmer and eventually developing into such a large enterprise, Boss Niu of Yinhe Group has always been an idol in Zhao Qingshan's heart.

Fenghuangling Village is mostly mountainous land, and the land available for construction is only about [-] mu. If you look at the entire Zhaizi Township, it is only about [-] to [-] mu. If Zhao Qingshan's company develops on a large scale in the next step For Zhao Qingshan, if he directly contracted the land of the three adjacent villages and towns of Zhaizi Township, Chengzipo Township, and Huangzhuang Township to build a super-large group company for chicken breeding, processing and scientific research. Not impossible.

After one night of snow, when I woke up the next day, the entire mountain area was covered with a layer of silvery white.

Mountain dancing silver snake, Yuan Chi wax elephant, although this scene is spectacular, but for Zhao Qingshan to send chickens to Qishan, it has become a big trouble.

The construction on the construction site also ran into trouble, and then the manager of the construction team was busy organizing people to clear the snow all day.

On the Dongling side, Zhao Qingshan personally took the lead, and all the workers, holding big brooms and shovels, pushed small iron carts and began to sweep the snow.

In an hour's work, Zhao Qingshan and the others had already swept away all the snow on the roads of Dongling. However, their work was not over yet, and then they started waving their brooms to sweep the snow on the road, all the way from Fenghuangling Village. , swept to the side of the road in Xiaomiao Village.

However, Zhao Qingshan and the others did not end, but continued to sweep forward. The villagers of Xiaomiao Village saw that the villagers of Fenghuangling Village had swept snow onto their village road, and their faces couldn't hold back. It turned out to be Zhao Qingshan from Fenghuangling Village, and then they all laughed and took their big brooms and ran to the road to sweep snow.

The snow-sweeping team is getting bigger and bigger, and the common people have spontaneously joined the snow-sweeping team.

Not long after, the village head of Xiaomiao Village found out about the situation, and even ran to the road to join the snow-sweeping team.

The news that Boss Zhao was sweeping snow on the highway spread like wildfire, and soon spread to Damiao Village, and before Zhao Qingshan and the others swept to Damiao Village, the village head even broadcast on the loudspeaker calling for everyone to come out plowing snow.

Without Zhao Qingshan's personal propaganda, without Zhao Qingshan's advertising mobilization, at eleven o'clock in the morning, the people of the entire Zhaizi Township were mobilized, and came to the roads passing through the villages to sweep the snow.

In the past, everyone swept the snow in front of their own doors, and don't care about the frost on other people's roofs, but now the whole village mobilizes to sweep the snow together.

Seeing so many simple people, Zhao Qingshan was deeply moved.

Now the people in Fenghuangling Village are indeed getting rich, but some other villages in the original Zhaizi Township are living in poverty.

Zhaizi Township, in the entire Luzhong City, is also one of the most impoverished villages, but these villagers are so cute and simple.

Affected by Zhao Qingshan's action in the morning, a large number of villagers went to clear the snow on the road, from Fenghuangling Village to the intersection of National Highway 205, all the snow was cleared.

The sun came out, and the snowdrifts piled up on the side of the road began to melt, shining crystal light through the sunlight.

Sweeping the snow and returning to Dongling, Li Ling and the others had already cooked a big pot of vegetables, a big pot of pork belly and cabbage vermicelli, a big bowl for each person, eating steamed buns, it was very delicious.

Eating the same meal as everyone else, Zhao Qingshan had a smile on his face, but there was a lump in his heart: the next step is to make those lovely villagers rich, so I want to expand the scale and recruit more Employees, and those who join my company can get a decent salary and live in a decent building.

This is Zhao Qingshan's dream, and it is also the dream of ordinary people. At night, Zhao Qingshan saw in his dream that everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles, just like when everyone was sweeping snow together during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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