Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 262 Manager Zhou's Sense of Superiority

Chapter 262 Manager Zhou's Sense of Superiority

Qilu Agricultural University Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., referred to as Agricultural University Company, was founded by several professors of Agricultural University after they resigned and went to sea. It is a company mainly focusing on white-feathered chickens.

The main business of the Agricultural University is the sales of chicklings, feed processing and chicken products, and by the way, some vaccine sales, chicken medicine sales and other businesses.

Agricultural University's business covers Qilu Province, Henan Province, Hebei Province, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, and the three eastern provinces. Among them, within Qilu Province, Agricultural University's market share is still very high.

However, in the past two years, in order to open up markets in other provinces and cities, the Agricultural University has invested a lot of money, but with little effect.

In addition, the management of the Agricultural University Company is not strict, and internal fighting is serious, resulting in a serious decline in profitability. Then around New Year's Day in 2005, it has been unable to pay wages for six consecutive months.

The operation of the Agricultural University is obviously in trouble. The cash flow has been seriously insufficient, bank loans are facing delays, workers' wages have been suspended, and a large number of employees have left their jobs.

Zhao Qingshan came to Nongda Company today and signed an order for chicklings. For Zhou Wentao, the general manager of Nongda Company, it was really a good thing.As soon as General Manager Zhou was happy, he asked Luan Yiming, the business manager in Luzhong area, to arrange to invite Zhao Qingshan to dinner at noon, which was set up in the East China Hall on the second floor of the company restaurant.

While Zhao Qingshan was strolling around the courtyard of the Agricultural University Company, he received a call from Luan Yiming, saying that Manager Zhou had arrived at his office now, and asked him what he was doing, and asked him to come over and eat together.

So Zhao Qingshan took Liu Zhao back to Luan Yiming's office in a hurry. When he arrived at the door of the office, the door was open, and there was a tall middle-aged man inside, talking to Luan Yiming.

"Boss Zhao is back, Boss Zhao, this is the general manager of our group, General Manager Zhou."

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he quickly walked a few steps to greet him, and Zhou Wentao also greeted him with a smile, holding Zhao Qingshan's hand and said: "I heard from Manager Luan that there is a great young chicken farmer in Luzhong City." Boss Zhao, a big family, saw you today, and he really lived up to his reputation, he is a good-looking talent."

"General Manager Zhou was joking. After all, we are a small-scale breeding company. Compared with your big company, there is still a big gap."

"Hahahaha, Manager Zhao is really good at talking, let's go, let's talk together in the restaurant."

The staff restaurant of the Agricultural University Company is located on the east side of the gate of the Agricultural University Company, about 100 meters away, and only 50 meters away from the office building. It is an employee of the Agricultural University Company in work clothes.I met many people on the road and greeted General Manager Zhou one after another. However, Zhao Qingshan saw that most of the people started talking in low voices behind them after greeting General Manager Zhou.

There were two courageous ones. After seeing Manager Zhou, they directly asked when the salary would be paid, but Manager Zhou smiled awkwardly and said that it would definitely be paid this month.

In fact, this month has only just begun.

In January 2005, it seemed that the Agricultural University Company was having a hard time.

"General manager, is there any difficulty in the company's operation now?" Zhao Qingshan asked straightforwardly.

Now everyone has come to the East China Hall on the second floor of the restaurant, sat down, and then Zhou Wentao ordered Luan Yiming to order, and now only Zhou Wentao, Liu Zhao and Zhao Qingshan are left in the private room.

Zhou Wentao's face was a bit ugly, and he sighed and said: "The bird flu has caused trouble in the past two years, and the farmers have lost money, and we can't collect the feed fee and chicken seedlings owed to us. To tell you the truth, Boss Zhao said, now we There are indeed some problems with the cash flow of the group. There are hundreds of employees in our company, and the salary expenditure is indeed not a small sum."

Zhao Qingshan nodded. He was thinking about a problem, that is, how to acquire this Agricultural University company. What he was interested in was the technical and talent advantages of the Agricultural University Company. These things were not available in his company. Yes, and it is a problem that cannot be solved in a short time.

Zhao Qingshan is rich and has 6000 million in cash in his hands. He planned to invest the money in the stock market in May and June of 2005.

However, now, he feels that the money may have a more meaningful investment direction.

"The salary of hundreds of people is really not a small amount."

In fact, Zhao Qingshan said this on his lips, but he didn't agree with it at all in his heart.

For a company with hundreds of employees, even if it is calculated based on 500 employees, the monthly salary was 2005 yuan a month in 1200, which was considered normal.Moreover, companies like Agricultural University have a basic salary plus a commission, and the basic salary is generally [-]. After the current situation, there are almost no commissions and bonuses.

In other words, the monthly salary expenditure of the Agricultural University Company is only 30.

And the salary for six months is only 180 million.

A bold idea emerged in Zhao Qingshan's mind.

"Boss Zhao, how many employees does your company have now?" Zhou Wentao took out a box of Zhonghua from his pocket, took out two, and threw one to each of Zhao Qingshan and Liu Zhao who were sitting opposite him.

Zhao Qingshan lit a cigarette, took a puff, then squinted his eyes and looked at Zhou Wentao: "There are two hundred people, not as big as your company."

Zhou Wentao was obviously taken aback. He didn't expect this company to be so big, but he frowned again.

"Xiao Zhao, your company raises 20 white-feathered chickens in one batch. Doesn't it need so many people? How about the equipment investment in your chicken coop?"

It can be seen that although the operation of their Agricultural University company is very difficult now, when facing Zhao Qingshan, Zhou Wentao still showed an inexplicable sense of superiority.The meaning of what he just said is obvious, your company's equipment is not advanced.

Indeed, Zhao Qingshan knows that with modern chicken raising equipment, it is no problem for one person to manage 20 chickens, and then only 40 people are enough to raise 20 chickens.Even if there are other personnel, double the number, a total of [-] people, can fully meet the requirement of raising [-] chickens in a batch.

The other party showed a sense of superiority, and Zhao Qingshan didn't mean to be polite, so he said with a smile: "That's right, Manager Zhou, our company is also a group company, and white feather chicken breeding is one of our projects. Our group also has river channels. Other projects such as sand mining, mountain forest native chicken breeding, mountain high-quality chicken breeding and development.”

Hearing the other party's introduction, Zhou Wentao nodded thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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