Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 265 Zhao Qingshan's attitude is very firm

Chapter 265 Zhao Qingshan's attitude is very firm

The top four shareholders of Nongda Company, seeing the loss of Nongda Company year after year and having no intention of running the company, had to quit one after another, and each of them had their own other money-making projects.

Li Jian was familiar with the founders of the four agricultural companies. After a phone call, he learned that the four shareholders had heard that someone wanted to buy their shares, and the price was quite attractive. Naturally, there was no reason to refuse.

Zhao Qingshan intends to acquire the shares of this company. As long as he acquires all the shares of those four people, he will have absolute control over the Agricultural University Company.

According to the verbally agreed purchase price, Zhao Qingshan acquired 70.00% of the company's shares by purchasing the shares of the top four shareholders, holding 750 million shares, and spent a total of 500 million.

This company was originally a promising company, and Fengfeng once monopolized more than one-third of the supply of white-feathered chicken seedlings in the entire Qilu Province.

You must know that Qilu Province is the most important breeding base for white-feathered chickens in the country. The annual production of white-feathered chickens reaches between 15 billion and 20 billion, which can reach more than a quarter of the national total.

The peak period of Nongda Company was around 2000. In that year, Nongdaguang sold more than 5 million white-feathered chickens.

A white-feathered chicken seedling can make a profit of 5000 cents, and this alone has brought a profit of [-] million to the Agricultural University.

However, starting from 2000, the Agricultural University began to blindly develop the market, coupled with the delay in collecting the receivables, and gradually got to the beginning of 2005, the Agricultural University’s capital chain had serious problems, and it was facing a financial crisis. Insolvency, the predicament of not being able to operate.

As for the original major shareholders, they are all busy with real estate, and have no funds to invest in this agricultural technology company.

They even said that they were still thinking about how to dispose of the non-performing assets of the Agricultural University, so that they could get more money and build two more buildings to make money.

I have to say that in 2005, real estate was very profitable. At that time, no one thought that housing prices would fall.Why, because the house price was relatively cheap at that time.

The most important thing is that in 2004, enterprises and institutions throughout Qilu Province generally carried out a wage increase, and then the wages of enterprises and institutions directly doubled from the original 500 yuan to about 1000 yuan. .

Of course, in some prefectures and cities with relatively difficult fiscal revenue, the wages may only be 600 yuan, and even teachers’ wages, in 2004, in some remote mountainous areas, there were still some that could not be paid. Condition.However, in prefecture-level cities such as Quancheng, Daocheng, Yanyun, Weijiang, Taishan, and Luzhong in Qilu Province, the wages of enterprises and institutions have generally been raised to more than 1000 yuan.

Of course, as Zhao Qingshan, who has always been generous, he is also considering doubling the salaries of his employees.

Rising wages have brought purchasing power, and at the same time, they have also driven up housing prices.

In 2002, when developing commercial housing, the construction cost per square meter was only 300 yuan, and when it was finished, it was sold for 500 yuan per square meter, and the profit margin was very high.

By 2004, the construction cost of commercial housing had not risen much, but the housing price had doubled. It was so easy to make money building a house, who would have the time to do other things.

Zhao Qingshan also knows how to make money in real estate, but he has no idea about it. Why?Because he doesn't like it.

In his previous life, he was a person who suffered from high housing prices. How could he turn around and do things that made others suffer?

There are many ways to make money. For Zhao Qingshan, there is no need to engage in that real estate.

However, the four major shareholders of Nongda Company didn't think so. Their thoughts were completely opposite to Zhao Qingshan's. They made so much money in real estate, so why do they need to do other things?

However, in real estate development, people with large investment and small funds cannot do it. It can be said that it is a business in which how much money is invested and then doubled to make money.

Chairman Qian and the others want money, but Zhao Qingshan has it.

Zhao Qingshan wants Chairman Qian's Agricultural University company, and Lao Qian also wants to sell it.

So this matter, just hit it off.

Zhao Qingshan and Lao Qian did not meet, and the matter was basically settled. Next, Zhao Qingshan and Lao Qian made an agreement on the phone, and he would arrange a team to bring lawyers and accountants to the Agricultural University Company to review accounts and personnel. , fixed assets, main business, etc., as long as there are no major problems, then Zhao Qingshan agreed to go to the relevant department to change the equity right away.

Of course, Zhao Qingshan needs to prepare money.

And in Zhao Qingshan's hand, it happened to be 6000 million.

The 6000 million was originally intended to be invested in the stock market, but now Zhao Qingshan feels that the 6000 million has a better use.

Don't miss the opportunity and don't come again, wait until the Agricultural University collapses, and then buy it yourself, then it is completely unnecessary.

The matter was basically settled on the phone. Mr. Qian and the others proposed to meet with Zhao Qingshan, and then Zhao Qingshan said that he would bring the team to the meeting later. Mr. Qian asked the time, and Zhao Qingshan said that it would be two days later.

Zhao Qingshan hurried back to Fenghuangling Village, and immediately found Han Sanshan.

Han Sanshan's connections are quite good, Zhao Qingshan now wants to organize a team, and then bring lawyers and accountants to the Agricultural University Company to check the situation.

Zhao Qingshan told Han Sanshan what he thought, and Han Sanshan was also taken aback.

"Qingshan, we, can we buy the Agricultural University?"

Agricultural University is also very well-known in the industry. If it was three or four years ago, it would not be able to buy 30.00% of the equity at an estimated price of three or four billion yuan. Now, the 70.00% equity is only sold for 500 million yuan, which is a good deal.

Mr. Qian and the others got 500 million yuan, built a house back, and then sold it. They can earn hundreds of millions in a year. They think this deal is a good deal, and their desire to trade is very urgent.

From 1998 to 2005, housing prices in Taishan City never fell, so in the hands of those engaged in real estate, real estate is definitely a profitable business.

Moreover, in 2004 and 2005, the government vigorously supported real estate. As long as the developer can afford [-]% of the investment in the entire project, the government will find a way to make loans for the remaining money.

A community construction project has a total investment of 1000 million yuan, and after it is completed, it can be sold for 1000 million or even [-] million yuan, with a net profit of [-] million or [-] million yuan.The developers only need [-] million start-up capital on it. [-] million earned one or two hundred million, and the house was sold out before it was built.

"Yes, everyone is going to engage in real estate now. Let's engage in industry. Industrial enterprises are worthless now. This time I must take down the Agricultural University."

Zhao Qingshan's attitude is very firm.

(End of this chapter)

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