Chapter 267
It was approaching the twelfth lunar month, at four o'clock in the morning, and the temperature was very low. Zhao Qingshan, Liu Zhao, Han Sanshan and Cao Shudong were already sitting on Zhao Qingshan's A6, ready to go to Quancheng.

Cao Shudong was driving, Liu Zhao was sitting in the co-pilot, and Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan were both sitting in the back seat.

Cao Shudong stared at the front with concentration. He was in his early thirties, 1.7 meters tall, with a Chinese character face, and his mouth was clean-shaven.After getting in the car, Liu Zhao asked Cao Shudong a few irrelevant questions, and then found that Cao Shudong was all focused on the front and ignored himself, so he looked outside. It was pitch black outside, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

It's not that Liu Zhao likes admiring the scenery along the way so much, but because he is excited because he is on the road to Quancheng again.

In the back seat, Han Sanshan was sleeping with his head down, while Zhao Qingshan was resting on his back with his eyes closed.

The car drove to Shandong Middle East and got on the expressway, and then the speed picked up.

The warm air-conditioning wind blew out, Zhao Qingshan felt his mouth was a little dry, and swallowed a couple of mouthfuls of saliva.

"Where have you been?"

After a while, Zhao Qingshan opened his eyes, saw that it was still dark outside, and asked.

"I don't know." Liu Zhao frowned, looking at the front and at the window on his right, and turned to Zhao Qingshan.

"It's Fan Town." Cao Shudong said after looking around for a while.

Zhao Qingshan nodded and continued to close his eyes: "We will arrive at Quancheng in about an hour. What time is it? Liu Zhao."

"Already, it's five o'clock."

We set off at four o'clock, and then arrived at Daiyue District of Taishan City at five o'clock, and we had already run half of the distance.

Zhao Qingshan nodded, thinking in his mind, where to settle after arriving in Quancheng, and then go straight to Zhiqiang Accounting Firm and Longda Law Firm.

Zhao Qingshan cooperated with these two specialized agencies in his previous life, and he is very satisfied with their professionalism.

Moreover, these two specialized agencies have rich experience in corporate acquisitions, so it was the right choice to ask them to help me with my due diligence.

Zhao Qingshan thought to himself: When we arrived in Quancheng, neither of the two organizations had started work, and then we had dinner in Licheng District where the two of them were located. After eating, we waited for them to go to work, and then went to hire accountants and lawyers.

After finding the lawyer and accountant, I will take them to Taishan City tomorrow to find Mr. Qian and the others. After Mr. Qian has made arrangements, the next step is to go to the Agricultural University for asset appraisal and annual report investigation.

With his eyes closed, Zhao Qingshan didn't feel much sleepiness, but he heard Han Sanshan snore next to him.

Liu Zhao glanced back, then tilted his head and said to the driver Cao Shudong, "Brother Cao, Manager Han fell asleep behind you."

Cao Shudong smiled, without looking at Liu Zhao, and said, "Go to bed too."

However, Liu Zhao didn't understand Cao Shudong's meaning, he shook his head and said, "I'm not sleepy, why sleep?"

Then Liu Zhao turned his head and saw that his boss Zhao Qingshan also had his eyes closed, so he stopped talking.

The car passed a small river, and the morning fog was thick and scary. Cao Shudong slowed down, and then drove forward with double flashes and fog lights.After finally getting through the foggy area, Cao Shudong stepped on the accelerator immediately.

When the car was getting off the highway, Han Sanshan woke up suddenly. He looked around and saw Zhao Qingshan, then wiped his face and asked, "Where is Qingshan?"

"Getting off the expressway, I will enter the city immediately."

Then Zhao Qingshan said to the driver Cao Shudong in front: "After passing the toll booth, you stop in front, and I will drive in the city."

"Boss, I'm not tired."

"I'm familiar with Quancheng, it's inconvenient for you to drive."

"That's fine."

While talking, after getting off the expressway toll booth, Cao Shudong parked the car aside and changed seats with Zhao Qingshan.

Zhao Qingshan drove the car, went straight to a breakfast street he was familiar with, parked the car on the side of the road, and then led everyone to the breakfast spot on the side of the road.

In this place, there is a single-bread egg roll, which is not available in Luzhong. In addition, the crispy pot next to the single-bread roll egg, Zhao Qingshan also frequented in the past.However, the crispy pot is not available until noon, and it is not available during the day.

Zhao Qingshan bought four single-bread rolled eggs and asked Liu Zhao to take them. Then he went to a fried dough stick stand next to him, ordered two catties of fried dough sticks and four bowls of Hu spicy soup, and sat down at the dirty-looking table. , eat will rise.

Strange to say, there is a common saying among the common people in the central Shandong area, which is called "If you don't clean up, you won't get sick if you eat it."

Anyway, these roadside shops are not clean, and I can only use this sentence to comfort myself.

After breakfast, Zhao Qingshan drove himself, found an accounting firm and a law firm, contacted three accountants and two lawyers, established a corporate acquisition coordination team, and decided to leave for Taishan City early tomorrow morning.

At noon, Zhao Qingshan invited the accountants and lawyers of the acquisition team of the Agricultural University Company to have dinner together, and then introduced the specific situation of the Agricultural University Company to them.

In addition, when Zhao Qingshan came back from the Agricultural University yesterday, he took the financial statements of the Agricultural University for the past three years from Li Jian's hand, and handed them over to the accountant this time.And next, these professionals will take the information at hand and go to the Agricultural University Company to verify the situation one by one.If the situation is true, or basically true, then Zhao Qingshan intends to acquire this company.Of course, this is not a listed company, and there is no need to say that the financial statements are fake to deceive investors.Therefore, it is likely that there is nothing wrong with the company's financial statements for the past three years.

After dinner, Zhao Qingshan arranged for the accountants and lawyers to go back and prepare. After all, this acquisition of the Agricultural University Company in Taishan City could not be completed in a day or two. Ten days and half a month's plan.

In the afternoon, Zhao Qingshan and the others arranged the hotel, and then went to the Quancheng Square for a walk.

The weather was cold, and the fountain in Quancheng Square was covered with ice, and Quancheng Square without the music fountain had no soul. Zhao Qingshan and the others went to the supermarket below the square to buy some daily necessities, and then went back to the hotel.

Liu Zhao looked very excited just like last time, full of interest in everything.Han Sanshan looks like a general. Even if he is curious about unfamiliar things, he just observes extraordinarily and has no habit of asking questions.Besides, Han Sanshan has also been to many places and seen many things. When he arrives in Quancheng, it is impossible for him to look like Liu Zhao when he entered the Grand View Garden.

The four of them decided to rest for one night, and then take the five of them to Taishan City tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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