Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 273 Extravagance and waste is the taboo of business management

Chapter 273 Extravagance and waste is the taboo of business management
On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, Han Sanshan convened all the personnel of Qingshan Agricultural Dispatch Agricultural University Company to hold a pre-departure mobilization meeting in the second-grade classroom of the original elementary school in Fenghuangling Village, and reported the situation of the Agricultural University Company, the specific division of labor, and the next step after the completion. The difficulties that may be encountered in one step are introduced in detail to everyone.

After the meeting in the morning, Han Sanshan then arranged for the group to take half a day off, and then went back to prepare for the departure on time at 08:30 tomorrow morning.

And Zhao Qingshan, Liu Zhao, Liu Wendong, Liu Tao, and six of Liu Wendong's subordinates came to the Agricultural University Company early in the morning on the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Liu Wendong led six men, all wearing black sunglasses, upper and lower black suits, and black leather shoes. All of them were athletic, with small crew cuts, and they were all about 1.8 meters tall.

At 08:30 in the morning, Zhao Qingshan was sitting in the rear seat of the Audi A6 driven by Cao Shudong, Liu Zhao was sitting next to him, and Liu Wendong was sitting in the co-pilot.

Behind him, Liu Wendong's men were driving two Santanas, and the rest of the people were sitting in those two Santanas.

Of these two Santanas, one was assigned by Zhao Qingshan to Liu Wendong, and the other was assigned to Han Sanshan. Next, Han Sanshan will work at the Agricultural University Company in Taishan City, so he will naturally bring the assigned car.

Tomorrow, Han Sanshan and the dispatched personnel from Qingshan Agriculture will come by bus together, so his car Santana will be arranged by Zhao Qingshan today.

In addition, in order to facilitate Han Sanshan's work arrangements in the next step, Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Wendong to assign six security guards to Han Sanshan, and came to assist Han Sanshan in his work.

In addition, the reason why Han Sanshan was selected here to be in charge of the Agricultural University Company, on the one hand, Zhao Qingshan considered Han Sanshan's leadership ability; He also has many comrades in the political and business circles in Taishan City, so that when encountering some situations, Han Sanshan can also settle them down.

Cao Shudong honked the car horn twice, but the door didn't open. An old man who looked like he was 75 years old walked to the door, looked at the strange vehicle, and asked through the iron fence, "What are you doing?"

Liu Wendong on the co-pilot immediately became furious, muttering: "Hey, this old man won't even let his chairman in?"

Liu Wendong opened the car door and jumped down, pointing to the old man who was watching the door and shouting loudly: "Old man, open the door for us quickly, the person sitting in the car is your chairman!"

"Wendong, don't be rude, be kind."

Zhao Qingshan in the car reminded him, and then the old man watching the gate walked up to the car, looked at Zhao Qingshan who was sitting in the back row with the window rolled down, and said in fright: "I know you, you are driving for us. The young man from the salary, what are you going to do in our factory?"

The old man has no culture, and he doesn't know what the concept of a chairman is.

Zhao Qingshan leaned on the car window, smiled and said to the old man: "I have already bought this factory, and hereafter, I will have the final say, old man, please open the door."

When the old man heard this, he didn't rush to open the door. Instead, he smiled coldly: "You have the final say? Did that week always count? Let me tell you, young people, don't talk big. Just now I saw Mr. Zhou Yes, Mr. Zhou told me that today, foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter without his permission."

When Liu Wendong next to him heard this, he was so angry that he really wanted to slap the old man across the face: "Hey you old man, why are you so ignorant?"

"Who are you scolding? I'll tell you boy, I'm Mr. Zhou's uncle, offended me, hey, I really won't let you in!"

Zhao Qingshan got out of the car quickly, stood between Liu Wendong and the old man, and called Zhou Wentao.

"Old Zhou, I've arrived at the company, and the guard is blocking me from entering, please tell him quickly."

Then, Zhao Qingshan handed his mobile phone to the guard, who immediately nodded his head and said to Zhao Qingshan with a smile: "It's really let in, you wait, I'll open the door right away."

The old doorman entered the reception room through the side door, pressed the button, and the electric door opened automatically.

After the car entered the company, Zhao Qingshan went straight to the chairman's office in the office building.

When Mr. Qian was the chairman, the chairman's office had been vacant all the time. Although people often went in to clean it, it still smelled musty.

When Zhao Qingshan left last time, he ordered Zhou Wentao to clean out the office. When he came in this time, he found that Zhou Wentao cleaned it thoroughly and sprayed perfume on it.

When he got the news that the chairman was coming, Zhou Wentao hurried over to the chairman's office with his assistant.

When Zhou Wentao came to the door of Zhao Qingshan's office, it happened that Zhao Qingshan and the others had just entered.

He looked inside and was startled. Behind the chairman, there were eight or nine strong men in black suits of the same color. They were really majestic and imposing.

This score is obviously much bigger than his Zhou Wentao.

"Dong, Chairman, you are here."

Hearing the sound at the door, Zhao Qingshan turned around to look, and immediately went forward with a smile, shook hands with Zhou Wentao, looked at him gratefully, and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

In such a short time, Zhou Wentao nodded with some emotion, looked at Zhao Qingshan and said, "It's all as it should be."

Then Zhou Wentao suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "I said the chairman, why did you come here so suddenly today, and you didn't tell me a day in advance, so I can get ready."

Zhao Qingshan let go of his hand, then smiled, turned around and pointed to the very luxuriously decorated chairman's office, and asked, "This office was decorated by you?"

"Ah, yes, Chairman, are you satisfied?"

Zhao Qingshan nodded: "Okay, not bad, not bad."

Touching the luxurious mahogany desk and pulling the heavy mahogany office chair, Zhao Qingshan was so distressed that he really wanted to turn around and punch Zhou Wentao.

It's too wasteful. It's really heartbreaking for a private enterprise to be wasted to such an extent.

Why did he buy mahogany furniture? Isn't it because he can get a lot of kickbacks for such expensive furniture?

It is precisely because of this behavior that ruined the fate of an originally promising company.

Private SMEs in China have a very short lifespan, with an average lifespan of just over two years.The reason for this phenomenon has a lot to do with the waste of business operators.

Take the small and medium-sized steel trading enterprises on the edge of National Highway 205 in Laigang County. Many of them were established with bank loans. Then those business owners got a loan of 100 million from the bank and immediately spent 30 to buy a car. I spent 20 yuan to enjoy it first, and finally only 50 yuan was used for business.Can such a business model not go bankrupt?

"Ah, Lao Zhou, it's none of your business here, so go ahead."

Zhao Qingshan turned around suddenly and said to Zhou Wentao.

(End of this chapter)

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