Chapter 284
Xiye Construction Team is the two largest local construction and security companies in Laigang County. They have the qualification of a third-level construction company and can develop industrial and civil buildings under 50 meters and [-] square meters.

Of course, the Xiye construction team is not at the same level as the construction company that developed the southern slope project for Zhao Qingshan.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Zhao Qingshan took the person in charge of the Xiye construction team to Xigou to conduct a field survey, and then he asked the construction company to come up with a construction plan, and the construction must be carried out as soon as possible.

Because the Xiye construction team had cooperated with Zhao Qingshan before, and knew that this was a big boss who gave money readily, so the construction team attached great importance to it, and concentrated their manpower to get out the design drawings within a week.

Zhao Qingshan and Liu Yutang discussed it and put forward some suggestions for revision, which basically passed the construction plan of the Xiye Construction Team.

Immediately afterwards, the construction team arranged almost all the employees to come to Xigou of Fenghuangling Village and started the construction of Fenghuangling New Village.

Because Fenghuangling New Village and Nanpo White Feather Chicken Breeding Base are relatively close to each other, Zhao Qingshan entrusted Liu Yutang to take charge of both projects.

The construction of Fenghuangling New Village has finally started. The villagers of Fenghuangling Village are looking forward to it and are very excited.

Soon after the construction of Fenghuangling New Village started, the higher-ups delegated the documents on the construction of the new countryside to the grassroots departments.

The leader of the Aishan Sub-district Office was for the people. After getting the documents, he suddenly remembered that Zhao Qingshan had mentioned to him some time ago that he wanted to build buildings for the villagers in his village.

So, he dialed Zhao Qingshan's phone number.

"Xiao Zhao, what have you been up to lately?"

"It's a mess, and I don't know what I'm busy with. Why is Secretary Ma thinking of me today?"

"I want to have a drink with you. I wonder if I have the time?"

"The leader asks me to drink, if I don't have the time, is that reasonable?"

"Hahahaha, Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao, you boy, by the way, let me ask you something. You told me a while ago that you are going to build houses for all the villagers in your village. Do you have any plans for this recently?"

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you. I've finished the approval of the land procedures and everything, and now I'm in the process of leveling the land. When the foundation is laid, I have to ask the leader to come over and say something."

"You boy, why didn't you tell me in advance about such a big event? You really didn't treat your brother as a friend!"

"I'm wronged, Secretary Ma, didn't you think everyone was busy during the Chinese New Year, so you didn't shout."

"Okay, you wait, I'll go over right away."

Putting down the phone, Ma Weimin immediately called his secretary and driver, and then arranged the affairs of the office a little bit, then asked his driver to drive, took himself and his secretary, and rushed to Fenghuangling Village.

On the other side, when Zhao Qingshan heard that the secretary of the office was coming, he immediately sent Liu Zhao to give everyone a notice to cheer everyone up and not let the leader see Zhao Qingshan's men listless.

After the notice was issued, everyone became more motivated.

In the Dongling Farm, the breeders are full of energy to take care of the chickens; Zhao Zhijiang's men are pushing the chicken manure to the biogas digester; in the Broken Stone Ridge Hatchery, Cui Honghan leads two novice incubators , carefully observing the hatching of the eggs...

The employees of Qingshan Agriculture are more motivated and harder than each other.

After making the phone call, four or ten minutes later, Ma Weimin came to the small square at the foot of Zhao Qingshan Mountain, parked the car, got off, looked at Zhao Qingshan who had been waiting there, and said, "Your new village, start work?"

"Let's do some site leveling now, and work has already started."

Ma Weimin nodded, and then said: "Go, take me to have a look."

While shaking hands, Ma Weimin proposed the idea of ​​visiting Fenghuangling New Village.

In 2005, the state put forward the idea of ​​building a new socialist countryside, which is actually very good for the development of the countryside.It's just that when implementing this policy, many places are a little blind, a little radical, and a little clueless.

The purpose of building a new socialist countryside is to change the backwardness of the countryside and to enable farmers to live a more comfortable life. However, there is no successful experience in how to build and how to cross the river.

And now, if Zhao Qingshan's experience in Fenghuangling New Village can be successful, then for Ma Weimin, it is really another great opportunity.

Why do you say that, because when the policies of the top are implemented, whoever implements them well at the bottom shows that the leaders have the ability to achieve political achievements, and the next step is to select the best for promotion.

Ma Weimin was able to be promoted, Zhao Qingshan's contribution is very great.

Conversely, if Zhao Qingshan wants to have any demands from the government, as Ma Weimin, he will definitely fully support them.

Zhao Qingshan brought Ma Weimin to the construction site. Seeing two large excavators, four forklifts, six trucks and a large number of construction workers busy at work, Ma Weimin nodded excitedly.

"Hey, you paid for this money?"

"Yes, it's all paid by me. I can't let ordinary people spend a penny."

"I'm just wondering, Xiao Zhao, you've done good deeds, what good do you have?"

Zhao Qingshan smiled: "I was born and raised in this village. I was raised by the villagers. I do something for them. If they are happy, I am also happy. Isn't that the biggest benefit?"

"When the villagers are happy, are you happy?"

Zhao Qingshan did not tell Ma Weimin about his plan to transform the old village site into a slaughterhouse in the next step. The plan to build a slaughterhouse can be changed a little and added to the second phase of the project. Anyway, the whole project has the final say. of.

"Of course, these villagers are all my relatives."

Ma Weimin nodded in admiration, and said, "Xiao Zhao, I, who is the parent officer of our office, must admire your ideological awareness."

"Secretary Ma, you seem to have made a mistake. Aren't you called public servants of the people?"

Ma Weimin waved his hand and said: "Compared with this public servant of the people, I prefer the name "Parents Officer". Parents don't have any half-hearted thoughts about their children. It is really good for their children. But this servant treats his master just like that." It’s different, when a servant has a moment of upheaval, but the parents, as the saying goes, a tiger’s poison does not eat its children, it’s better for parents, better for parents.”

Zhao Qingshan felt that it made sense, nodded, and said, "Oh, by the way, Secretary Ma, aren't you busy today? Why don't you have time to come and see me?"

"Busy, there are many meetings and conferences every day, but no matter how busy I am, I still have to visit you here."

These words moved Zhao Qingshan quite a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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