Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 298 Night Patrol at Dongling Chicken Farm

Chapter 298 Night Patrol at Dongling Chicken Farm

In March, the grass grows and the warblers fly. There are two peach trees in Dongling, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

In a few days, the apple tree in Dongling will bloom, and once it blooms, it will attract a large number of bees to come to collect honey, buzzing and buzzing, it is very lively.

This season, the chickens in Dongling are happy.

Insects crawled everywhere on the ground. After a spring rain, earthworms also crawled out of the ground and became food for the little chickens.Those bees who are tired from flying, as long as they rest for a while in a certain low grass, there is a great possibility that they will be pecked by sharp-eyed chickens.

When Zhao Qingshan arrived at Dongling, it was already 08:30 in the evening. At this moment, a dozen or so breeders on night watch were busy feeding the chickens.

Chickens with a short age must be fed more at night, so as to ensure the healthy and happy growth of chickens.

Everything in Dongling is normal. After all, under Zhao Qingshan's management for more than two years, Dongling has entered a normal track. Even if he is not here, it is very difficult for everything to go wrong.

On the Dongling chicken farm, the daily work is very simple. From 07:30 to [-]:[-] in the morning, the breeder on the day shift will arrive, and then the breeder on the night shift will take over the shift. Scatter the chickens trapped in the coop and let them forage in the apple orchard.

During the day, the job of the breeder is to observe the conditions of the chicks in one or two chicken coops that he is responsible for.

Raising chickens is hard work. You have to keep an eye on the chickens all the time, which is harder than taking care of children.

An experienced breeder can judge the health status of the chickens based on the sound of the chickens breathing and crowing in the flock, as well as the color and thickness of the feces pulled out by the chickens.

A skilled breeder needs to walk around the flock every hour, listen to the sound of the flock's breathing and crowing, observe the situation of the feces, and make a record.Once a problem is found, it is necessary to seize the time to deal with it.

However, no matter how careful the breeder is, it is absolutely impossible to guarantee a [-]% survival rate in a batch of chickens. Casualties are inevitable in the process of raising chickens.And from the moment the chicks are put into the house, there are weak chickens and strong chickens. The strong chickens will bully the weak chickens, and then prevent the weak chickens from eating and watering. After a long time, the weak chickens will naturally die easily. of.

Another job of the breeder is to observe whether there are any weak or dead chickens in the chicken coop and the apple orchard outside. If weak chickens are found, they need to be raised separately, and for dead chickens, you must pay close attention to them. Time to deal with it.

The third job of the breeders in Dongling is to feed the chickens.

No matter how many bugs, grass seeds, and rotten apples there are in the apple orchard, the chicks cannot eat them all. Ensuring balanced nutrition is a necessary guarantee for enhancing the resistance of the chicks and improving the survival rate of the chicks, so hey Feed is also the work that breeders must do every day.

In addition, the breeder has another job, which is to help Zhao Zhijiang's men clean up the chicken manure every day, and then transport it to the biogas tank for power generation.

Then the breeders in Dongling, after finishing the day's work, drove all the chickens back to the chicken coop around five o'clock in the afternoon before dark, and then followed the night watch shift to raise them. After handing over to the staff, the daytime shift will be considered as finished.

Personnel on night shift must inspect the flock every two hours to observe the condition of the flock.In addition, because during the daytime, all the chickens rushed outside, and only rushed back to the chicken coop when it was getting dark. It is normal for some chickens to be disobedient and hide in the corner even if they don’t go back to the chicken coop. .So, at night, the breeder also patrols one or both sides of the entire Dongling to see if there are any fallen chickens in any corner.

At the same time, every night, Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Wendong to arrange four people to patrol the East Ridge.

The purpose of the patrol is on the one hand to deal with those beasts such as foxes, weasels, and badgers who have thoughts about chickens, and on the other hand to deal with people who have thoughts about chickens in the henhouse.

Zhao Qingshan took a flashlight, stood in front of the door of his three tile-roofed houses, and took photos in the dark place, but saw nothing.

Now the entire East Ridge, within the scope of the original apple orchard, has been built by Zhao Qingshan with a [-]-meter-high fence, leaving only a gate at the foot of the mountain that can be driven in, and a gate leading to the top of the mountain is opened halfway up the mountain. the wicket.

Zhao Qingshan has keys for the gate and the small gate, and two keys for each. Liu Wendong holds one, and Han Sanshan used to hold one. Now Han Sanshan has gone to the Agricultural University Company to be in charge, and the keys now belong to Liu Yutang. take it.

Liu Yutang, Ma Jinchang, and Liu Tao were the first veterans who had to follow Zhao Qingshan to start a business. However, Liu Yutang and Liu Tao were honest and honest people. Let him work hard, let him be a leader but do nothing. no.As for Ma Jinchang, on the one hand, he is too old to keep up physically, and on the other hand, he is too serious to be a leader.So up to now, the first three people who followed Zhao Qingshan to start a business are not the most important leaders.

On the contrary, Liu Wendong, who opposed Zhao Qingshan back then and was subdued by Zhao Qingshan, now has a high status in Qingshan Agriculture.

Originally, [-] chicken sheds were built on Dongling Mountain, and [-] chickens were raised in each shed, and then they would be sent to Qishan on a daily basis when they were ready to be slaughtered.Later, Zhao Qingshan found that there were only [-] chicken coops that were not enough, and then he contracted a piece of mountain land belonging to Xiaomiao Village, where he built four more chicken coops and surrounded the courtyard wall. It is also necessary to arrange for someone to take care of the chickens there at night.

Seeing that there was nothing to do on Dongling, Zhao Qingshan went to the four henhouses to the east to have a look. Liu Tao happened to be on duty at the east of Dongling tonight.

Seeing that Mr. Zhao was here, Liu Tao looked very excited and was a little incoherent. Zhao Qingshan only said a few words to him, and then walked away.

There is always an insurmountable gap between people because of the distance of identity, worth, etc.There is a common saying among the common people, "A person with one money cannot talk to a person with two money". This sentence cannot be said to be unreasonable.

Money, identity, are really magical, and make others see themselves in a different light.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Qingshan received a call from ICBC, saying that he was asked to go to the bank to sign and complete the formalities. His loan was approved, and after completing the procedures, the account would arrive in a month.

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he was very excited, now it is March, and one month later it will be April, so there is no delay!
(End of this chapter)

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