Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 3 My Apple Orchard

Chapter 3 My Apple Orchard
More than ten days passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was mid-August, and Zhao Qingshan's body had fully recovered.

In the past ten days, he seriously thought about his past life experiences and his plans for this life.

Zhao Qingshan's thoughts became more and more firm.

What is happiness?

This is the question he has thought about the most in the past ten days.

He summed up one by one and recorded one by one:

1. Turn your favorite thing into a career;

2. Make your favorite girl fall in love with you and marry her;
3. Give birth to a pair of children and educate them well;

4. Be filial to the parents of the couple, so that they will be well supported and happy when they grow old;
5. To make the greatest contribution to this society within the scope of one's ability...

Slowly do all the things you think of, then your life can be regarded as a happy life.

After being reborn, there are indeed many things I want to do, but as the saying goes, you have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step on the road. The most important thing in front of you is to build your own chicken farm.

Having money does not necessarily mean happiness, but Zhao Qingshan has had enough of the pain of not having money.

He didn't want to be embarrassed about money in this life like in his previous life. As a reborn person, there are naturally many ways to make money.

Large-scale farming in rural areas is definitely a very good project to get rich.

Most importantly, it's something you enjoy doing.

Zhao Qingshan likes to raise chickens, and likes to watch those fluffy little yellow chickens grow up slowly under his feeding, and then bring economic benefits to himself.He had imagined this kind of scene many times in his previous life.And in this life, he will put it into practice.

It has been more than ten days since the voluntary application for the college entrance examination ended. Many of Zhao Qingshan's classmates have already received the university admission letter.

Zhao Qingshan was very happy that there was no notice, everything was proceeding according to his plan.

After falling into ambush, it became hotter day by day, so Zhao Qingshan came early in the morning to the [-] mu apple orchard contracted by his family in the east of the village to have a look.

Although the family contracted an apple orchard of [-] mu of land, it did not bring much income to their family.

Because of the inconvenient transportation, it is difficult to sell the apples in the valley even if there is a good harvest, and even if someone comes to collect them, the price is kept very low.The purchase price of first-class Red Fuji is as low as ten cents per catty, and the purchaser only wants first-class apples, not even looking at second-class ones.In the entire 300-acre apple orchard, the first-class Red Fuji can pick out three thousand catties and sell it to the purchaser for [-] yuan.

The propaganda slogan "If you want to get rich, build roads first" is written on the side of the muddy dirt road. Zhao Qingshan knows very well that building an unimpeded asphalt road means a lot to the 208 people in Fenghuangling Village.

Fenghuangling Village is located in the westernmost part of Zhaizi Township. After crossing the Nanshan Mountain, it is within the territory of Tainan City.The areas at the junction of prefectures and cities are often the poorest.

However, now that Zhao Qingshan has been reborn, he feels that he has the confidence to lead the 208 people in the village to do great things.

The land resources of Fenghuangling Village include 500 mu of cultivated land and 5000 mu of mountain farm. Among the 500 mu of arable land, there are 300 mu of hillside terraced fields, which are small and thin and suitable for planting peanuts and sweet potatoes; the other 200 mu of riverside land is large and fertile, suitable for growing cereal crops. The 500 mu of arable land has been contracted to households. Zhao Qingshan wants to contract it, but given his current situation, it is relatively difficult.

For the other 5000 mu of mountain farms, except for the 300 mu of orchard in Dongling, which was contracted to 10 families in the village, most of the other mountain farms are in a state of no one contracting.Among them, extending from Nanshan to the foot of Lianhua Mountain, there are more than 4000 mu.Most of the 4000 mu of mountain farms are pine and cypress trees that were only planted in the 90s.The land in the mountain farm is too barren, not to mention growing crops, even pines and cypresses have not grown much taller after several years.This 4000-mu mountain farm will be a good place for Zhao Qingshan to raise chickens in the next step, and he will definitely make a big fuss here.

Walking east along the path in front of Zhao Qingshan’s house for less than 500 meters, you will come to the foot of Dongling. A gravel wall separates Dongling from the hillside terraced fields at the foot of Dongling.On the west side of Dongling, there is a pass, and the way into the mountain is here.

After passing the pass, it is the Fenghuangling Apple Planting Base.Back then, the apple planting base was a project supported by the township, hoping to bring some changes to this poor mountain village. However, after so many years, the place is still poor.

Zhao Qingshan can't control other people's poverty now, but as a reborn person, he still has to live in poverty, which is absolutely unbearable.

The apple orchard of their family is the third one in Jinshan Ridge, on the north side of Jinshan Road.

Pushing open the fence gate made of simple sour jujube branches, Zhao Qingshan shook his head looking at the grassy apple orchard, the apple trees full of cicada monkeys shedding their skins, and the rotten apples falling around the apple trees. , said to himself: "It's a pity, it's a pity, if the transportation is convenient, it will cost a lot of money to transport these apples to the south."

However, Zhao Qingshan didn't put his mind on growing apples, what he thought about was raising chickens.

In his previous life, because of his work, he had been to several chicken farms, which were considered to be one of the largest in the country, and he was deeply impressed by their scientific breeding.Although it is said that those advanced breeding concepts cannot be realized by myself, at least I know where the direction of efforts is.

Holding a tape measure in his hand, Zhao Qingshan drilled around in his [-]-acre apple orchard, finally found a few fairly flat land, and planned to build a few chicken sheds next.

However, if you want to build a greenhouse, you need money, and the amount must not be small. This is not a simple problem for Zhao Qingshan who has just graduated from high school.

After walking around the apple orchard, Zhao Qingshan frowned, and planned to go home for lunch with his hands behind his back.

After walking less than 100 meters along the mountain road and turning over a slope, he saw his mother hurrying towards him.

"Shanzi, come back quickly, your teacher has come to our house."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Qingshan immediately quickened his pace.

"My teacher is here?"

Walking up to his mother, he frowned and asked.In fact, my teacher, Qi Min, came to my home as expected. After all, I perfectly avoided all the famous universities that I had a chance to hit. Oh, it's really hard to say.

What is the teacher doing here?

Let yourself fill in the specialist volunteers?This is unlikely. After all, my score is too high, so it is a pity to go to a junior college.

Is there any other reason for my head teacher to come to this poor mountain valley all the way?The only possibility is to convince myself to go back to Fourth Middle School for another year.

Thinking of this, Zhao Qingshan smiled slightly: Repeat?This will never happen to me!

(End of this chapter)

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