Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 300 More people came to Mount Tai this time

Chapter 300 More people came to Mount Tai this time

During the few days Zhao Qingshan lived in Taishan City, he met Han Sanshan once, just before leaving.

During the Chinese New Year, Han Sanshan went back to Fenghuangling Village and explained to Zhao Qingshan the situation of the Agricultural University Company, and then hurried back to Taishan City.

Now, after the Agricultural University was taken over by Zhao Qingshan, great changes have taken place.

The original management team has been completely excluded from the management by Han Sanshan because of the complicated interests.

At the beginning, Zhou Wentao and the others still had opinions and ideas, and they did a lot of bad things behind the scenes, and they did have a very big impact on the production of the Agricultural University Company.

However, fortunately, Han Sanshan's comrades in Taishan City are relatively strong, and Zhao Qingshan left him 500 million working capital, so he finally got through the difficulties and returned to normal.

However, after the turmoil, the agricultural companies suffered serious market losses.

In the past, in order to open up markets in other provinces and cities, the Agricultural University Company made a lot of investment, but now these investments have been destroyed in name only under Zhou Wentao's destruction, and have been in vain.

Han Sanshan narrowed his front line and shifted the company's business focus to Qilu Province. After all, if he can capture the white-feathered chicken market in Qilu Province, it will be a great success.

At its peak, Nongda once occupied an absolute leading market share in the white-feather chicken market in Qilu Province. However, now, with the rise of other companies, Nongda's local leading position in the industry has long since disappeared.

Before Zhao Qingshan left, he asked Han Sanshan to arrange his own villa, specifically to buy some furniture and home appliances, and repeatedly told him to pay attention to environmental protection.

Han Sanshan didn't dare to be negligent, so he ran errands himself, and spent three days making arrangements for Zhao Qingshan's newly purchased villa at the foot of Mount Tai.

Then, Han Sanshan hurriedly called Zhao Qingshan, saying that the arrangement has been made here, and he can come and live at any time.

After Zhao Qingshan received the notice, he arranged the affairs of Fenghuangling. Among them, the main Dongling chicken farm was handed over to Liu Tao, and the two of them discussed to solve the problems encountered.

The loan problem at the bank was basically resolved, so Zhao Qingshan drove the car, took his wife Tiantian, Tiantian's mother, and Tiantian's neighbor aunt on the road.Behind Zhao Qingshan's car, followed by Liu Zhao, and Zhao Zhijiang and Zhang Huifen in Liu Zhao's car.

The group set off at eight o'clock in the morning, and at 10:30 in the morning, they had already driven into the gate of the villa.

Everyone got out of the car, and then Zhao Qingshan and Liu Zhao drove the car into the garage behind the villa.

What Zhao Qingshan likes most is that this villa has two garages. This design was wasteful at the time, but it is very practical in the eyes of future people.

Those who can afford a villa don't have two or three cars in their home.

The next step for a wealthy man's mansion is a garage that can park many cars.

It is nothing new that rich people like luxury cars.

Entering the house, Zhao Qingshan felt quite satisfied with the warm interior layout.

As soon as Tiantian's mother entered the room, she said excitedly: "The sofa is new, the curtains are new, and the TV is new. Hahahaha, they are all new."

Zhang Huifen was also very excited, happily accompanying her in-laws and said, "Yes, my eldest grandson was born with a golden key in his mouth."

"That's right. When I first saw Qingshan, I liked him in my heart. This kid is promising, promising. If my son is so promising, I can wake up from my dreams with laughter."

Tiantian's mother's words reveal her love for Zhao Qingshan, and she doesn't hide it.

Zhao Qingshan and Liu Zhao parked the car and entered the house, Liu Zhao's eyes were full of envy.

Beside, Tiantian's aunt followed behind Tiantian's mother, took her niece's hand and said, "Tiantian, my niece has a good life. The family of my mother-in-law is very rich, and marrying a mother-in-law's family is even better." Rich, this uncle is also good-looking, and it is very popular to stand up."

As the saying goes, when a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, she likes her son-in-law more and more. Unexpectedly, the sweet aunt also likes Zhao Qingshan.

Tiantian was going to give birth in Taishan City, and she was afraid that the manpower would be overwhelmed, so Tiantian's mother simply called Tiantian's aunt to come together, preparing to go back together after serving the confinement.

Tiantian's family is very rich, and Tiantian's second uncle also works in Tiantian's father's factory. After a year, Tiantian's father will pay him a salary of 1 to [-] yuan, and the others will also work in Tiantian's father's factory. Give a red envelope of [-] yuan during the Chinese New Year.This treatment can already be regarded as very good.

In Laigang County, there are many small individual businesses, most of which are family-owned. The workers in them are also relatives and friends, and most of them are brothers and sisters.

The two girls in the sweet second aunt's family are twins, and they are both in high school now, in their sophomore year.

When students go to high school, their parents have more leisure time. They deliver meals once a week, and 100 yuan for a month is enough to spend.

In 2005, the prices were not too exaggerated. The meals in the school cafeteria were priced at two yuan a piece, but girls generally only needed half of one yuan, and a spoon was dug in the cafeteria.

Girls have small appetites, and one yuan of food is enough.

Steamed buns cost [-] cents each, and girls only need [-] yuan for vegetables, and [-] cents for steamed buns are enough.In the morning, it is even more economical. You can buy two deep-fried dough sticks for [-] cents, and then pickles for [-] cents and porridge for [-] cents. A meal is only [-] cents.Calculated for a day, the food expenses only cost three yuan and twenty cents.

After a month, 100 yuan can be regarded as a normal consumption level.Not too frugal, not too wasteful.

However, Zhao Qingshan knows that prices will soon rise on a large scale, especially driven by housing prices, other messy prices are soaring.

Including what kind of garlic you are ruthless, bean you play, etc., it will explode at any time.

What is garlic you ruthless?

In a certain year, the price of garlic suddenly soared, making it impossible for ordinary people to eat garlic.

It would be a disappointment if there was no garlic when eating steamed stuffed buns.

Why is this happening?

Because someone fried it.

Big capital around the world, Soros speculates in foreign exchange;

With big domestic capital, Xu Yangyu speculates in stocks... seems to have been caught;

There are more domestic big capitals speculating in the real estate market;


For those who can't play so big, they fry garlic and soybeans, no one cares, right?
No one really cares...

Zhao Qingshan's family came to Taishan City, and then Han Sanshan called and asked if they were here. Zhao Qingshan said that they were here, and then Han Sanshan said that they were going to clean up Zhao Qingshan's family this afternoon.

This Taishan City is now considered the second base area opened up by Zhao Qingshan, the leader came to inspect the base area, and the younger brothers are happy to accompany him, which is reasonable and reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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