Chapter 304

Zhao Qingshan saw someone holding a flashlight at the gate at the foot of Dongling Mountain, and was chasing westward with the light flickering.

"what happened?"

"Did someone come to steal the chicken again?"

"Go and have a look."

It was very dark outside, and Zhao Qingshan murmured in his heart when he heard the words of the breeders in front who were walking towards the foot of Dongling.

Stealing chicken?
Who dares to steal Zhao Qingshan's chicken?
Hey, I want to see who is so bold!
Most of the breeders were villagers from Fenghuangling Village, and they all recognized Zhao Qingshan. However, it was very dark and they couldn't recognize people within a meter or two.

So, Zhao Qingshan followed behind everyone, but no one recognized him.

There are not many people on duty in Dongling tonight, Zhao Qingshan counted only six people walking ahead, maybe there are two more in the chicken coop looking after the chickens.

Everyone walked quickly, and in a blink of an eye they came to the gate. Some of them held flashlights and shone forward. Wei Ming and Cao Liang, members of the security team who were on duty at the gate just now, came back shaking their heads.

"Xiao Wei Xiao Cao, are you stealing chickens again?"

"I saw two chickens hanging on the bicycle. I missed a brick, but he ran away!"

Zhao Qingshan leaned forward, and then walked directly in front of Wei Ming and Cao Liang.

When everyone saw Mr. Zhao coming, some smart ones immediately slipped back to take care of the chickens, but there were also quite a few bold ones watching the excitement here.

The person who stole the chicken ran away, and the security guard at the door came back dejectedly. Zhao Qingshan turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone, go back. Those who have work to do should hurry up and do it, and those who are done can go to rest."

The boss ordered to come down, and then everyone dispersed.

"The one who stole the chicken?"

There is a reception room on the east side of the mountain gate of Dongling Chicken Farm, where the security team members on duty at night rest.

Tonight Liu Wendong arranged a total of four security guards, two on the Dongling side and the other two on the four new greenhouses.

A chicken thief came from Dongling. As a member of the security team, he must be responsible for guarding the gate. When Zhao Qingshan asked, Cao Liang and Wei Ming became a little flustered.

Cao Liang lowered his head, not daring to speak, then Wei Ming said bravely, "It seems that they are here to steal chickens, but it's too dark, so I didn't look carefully."

Zhao Qingshan was a little angry, he was not angry about the lost chicken, but that the little thief came and went calmly, and the two security guards didn't see anything clearly.

"Several people?"

He paced back and forth at the gate, thinking about this question, then suddenly turned around, pointed at Wei Ming and asked.

"Two, two."

"What do you mean two? Exactly how many!" Zhao Qingshan asked sharply with a serious face.

It was very dark, and the light at the door was broken. Although Wei Ming and Cao Liang couldn't see their boss's face clearly, they knew that the other party must be very angry, because they could hear the boss's tone clearly.

"Two!" Wei Ming immediately replied affirmatively.

Zhao Qingshan thought for a while, and felt that the entire Dongling chicken farm had such a large area, even if a fence of more than two meters was built, it would not be a big problem for the nimble thief.

"Take it easy, both of you, and tell me what happened just now."

Zhao Qingshan's tone eased, and Wei Ming and Cao Liang felt much more relaxed.

Cao Liang raised his head, glanced at Wei Ming, and found that the other party hadn't started talking, so he said, "When I was going to the bathroom just now, I saw someone jumping out from the wall, and there was the sound of a chicken clucking. , Then I remembered that someone in the security team said that these days I always felt that someone had entered the chicken farm to steal chickens, and then I thought that maybe it was still here to steal chickens, so I called Wei Ming to go out and chase them. We went outside the wall At that time, I saw a man with a chicken in his hand, turning over the path and walking towards the side of the road. We chased to the side of the road, and the man sat on the back seat of a bicycle, and the other man rode a bicycle to bring the chicken to the side of the road. Then he ran quickly, and we didn't catch up."

After listening to Cao Liang's narration, Zhao Qingshan squeezed his chin and said: "Our wall is several meters long, even if we find something to support it, it is not easy to climb over it. We caught up, and it's not easy to deal with less people... The two thieves, are you still eyeing us?"

Zhao Qingshan pinched his chin and walked back and forth.

"Cao Liang, take me to the place where I saw the thief climbing over the wall."

There is nothing new about thieves in the village. Some small thieves have even opened the door of a street when the villagers are busy with farming or have something to do.

However, with Zhao Qingshan's current influence in the surrounding area, he dared to come to Dongling chicken farm to steal chickens, Zhao Qingshan felt that the courage of this little thief was really admirable.

After all, Zhao Qingshan had about [-] employees under his command, so if he offended him, it would not be difficult to teach him a lesson.

Chicken thief, this can be regarded as the smallest thief.

Speaking of such thieves, although the economic losses caused are not large, the social harm and frequency of occurrence are very high.

In almost every village, things are stolen several times a year.

This kind of petty thief is caught and sent to the police station, but it is not enough to be sentenced. After two days of detention, they are released, and then they will continue to do it.

Thieves are like flies, buzzing in front of us all day long, but many times we can't do anything about them.

Zhao Qingshan asked Wei Ming to continue to stand guard at the gate, then with his hands behind his back, he followed Cao Liang to the place where he had just found the thieves over the wall.

With a flashlight in his hand, Zhao Qingshan took a look at the base of the wall, and saw five or six stones piled up against the wall, half a meter high.

There is no shortage of stones here at Dongling Chicken Farm. It is not difficult to find these stones, but it takes about half an hour to pile these stones so high.In other words, during this half hour, no one noticed his actions at all.

The security forces on Dongling's side are still too weak. This situation must be changed, and other measures must be taken to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

Standing on the pile of stones among the thieves, Zhao Qingshan tried to jump, and after jumping up, his hands just touched the bricks on the top of the wall.However, it is impossible for Zhao Qingshan to climb over the wall. To be able to do this, one must go through professional training.

"This is still a talent. It's really a pity that he can only be a thief."

Zhao Qingshan asked Cao Liang to remove all the stones, destroying the environment for the thieves to commit crimes.

"So, Cao Liang, go back and rest at the gate first, and watch carefully when you patrol around the courtyard wall later. If you find such a crime outside, destroy it immediately."

"Mr. Zhao, let's leave it at that..."

"We didn't catch him again, forget it, what else can we do?"

Zhao Qingshan went back to his bedroom with his hands behind his back, frowning all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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