Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 307 Training of Young Managers

Chapter 307 Training of Young Managers

Whether it is to repair the fence or raise wolf dogs, it will take time, and in the face of the chicken thieves who may visit again tonight, Zhao Qingshan must take some action.

Are there ghosts?
When Zhao Qingshan approached Li Ling and Liu Wendong just now, he didn't mention this matter, but he felt intuitively that the breeders in Dongling couldn't guarantee that they were [-]% clean.

Although the common people say that most of them are very honest, it is also very common for some lazy people, those who like to take advantage of small things, and petty theft.

After making arrangements for Li Ling and Liu Wendong, Zhao Qingshan went back to his office and sat on the sofa, watching TV with boredom. In fact, Zhao Qingshan didn't care much about what was happening on the TV.

"You said... Hey, I paid them such a high salary with good intentions, and they actually let others steal my chicken!"

To be honest, Zhao Qingshan was still very angry, but he still controlled his emotions just now.

But now, the more he thought about it, the more angry he got, he couldn't help standing up, and said to himself viciously: "Grandma, when I find out who is such a bastard, I will definitely not spare him."

Zhao Qingshan thought that Liu Tao was in charge of everything in Dongling, so he called out, "Liu Zhao! Liu Zhao?"

However, after he yelled, there was no movement outside, and he suddenly remembered that his personal assistant, Liu Zhao, was now left in Taishan City to serve as a driver for everyone.

"Hey, I'm so used to being served by others, I'm so lazy that I can't even move my legs anymore? It shouldn't be..."

Just now Zhao Qingshan wanted Liu Zhao to call Liu Tao over, but now that he thought about it, Liu Zhao was not there, so he had to go find Liu Tao by himself.

As the actual person in charge of Dongling, Liu Tao manages all affairs of Dongling.

Although Liu Tao is only 21 years old now, with the support of Zhao Qingshan, those who are his uncles according to their seniority have to follow his arrangements.

Zhao Qingshan knew that every morning at 07:30, Liu Tao would gather at the foot of Dongling Mountain to roll call the people who went to work today, and then hand over shifts to those on night shift. People who work during the day are in charge of the work in the chicken farm.

After changing the morning shift, Liu Tao will go around the whole chicken farm and be responsible for coordinating everyone's work.

Liu Tao is an honest person, and honest people are often easily bullied.

At the beginning, when Zhao Qingshan arranged for Liu Tao to be in charge of the entire Dongling work, he found that Liu Tao worked hard every time. After finishing the work, other people were lazy, lazy, and cunning. It fell on Liu Tao's head.

Later, for this reason, Zhao Qingshan talked to Liu Tao specifically, taught him how to be a leader, and gathered the breeders of Dongling Chicken Farm for a meeting, and then said that Liu Tao would manage Dongling's Dongling Chicken Farm on his behalf in the future. Chicken farm manager.

According to the method Zhao Qingshan taught him, Liu Tao found out the shortcomings of a breeder from another village who was lazy at work, and deducted 50 yuan from his salary in public.

But the breeder from the other village was unconvinced, saying that you don't care about other people going to work and sleeping.And Liu Tao followed what Zhao Qingshan taught him, and asked him to name the lazy person at work in front of everyone. As long as he said the name, 50 yuan would be deducted immediately.

That person didn't dare to say it, so he would be honest in the future.

Those people knew that Liu Tao really had power in his hands, and he really dared to use it, so no one would come up with any crooked ideas in the future.

Although Liu Tao's ability to organize and lead is limited, Dongling's management is not difficult, and things are relatively simple. Most of the employees are villagers from the village, and they all know each other, and most of them are people with the surname Liu.In addition, most of the breeders selected by Zhao Qingshan are relatively honest, and those who are dishonest are also handed over to Liu Wendong to fight in the battlefield.

Liu Tao is honest, and his subordinates are also honest.

Liu Wendong is dishonest, and his subordinates are also dishonest.

Honest people can only raise chickens honestly, while dishonest people are responsible for organizing the dredging of reservoirs, building weirs, and bridges across the river. After that, the next step is to build roads along the river and form a police dog team. .

For the villagers in the same village as him, Zhao Qingshan is very familiar with most of them, use it according to your ability, and you will never make any mistakes.

Zhao Qingshan went out of the house and saw Liu Gang, Liu Tao's uncle and brother, coming out of the feed warehouse pushing a cart, and asked, "Did you see your brother Liu Tao?"

Liu Gang is one year younger than Liu Tao and Zhao Qingshan. After seeing Zhao Qingshan, he respected him even more. He hurriedly put down the trolley, stood up straight and said, "Mr. Woolen cloth."

Zhao Qingshan built 30 greenhouses on the side of the Dongling Apple Orchard, and then built 4 greenhouses on the east side. For the convenience of distinguishing, each greenhouse is marked with a number. The No. 26 greenhouse is located in Dongling. The westernmost side is about [-] meters away from Zhao Qingshan's residence.

The entire Dongling Apple Orchard, which is now Zhao Qingshan’s Dongling Chicken Farm, is about 300 meters from east to west, and [-] meters from north to south, with a total area of ​​about [-] mu.And Zhao Qingshan's residence, which is the location of the apple orchard contracted by his family at the beginning, is located on the mountainside of Dongling.

"Hurry up and call Liu Tao over, and I'll deliver the materials later."

When Liu Gang heard this, he immediately agreed, and ran to the No. 26 greenhouse.

In shed 26, Liu Tao was criticizing an employee who was late today, and sternly told him that ten yuan would be deducted from his wages for being late today.

At this time, Liu Gang ran over and shouted to Liu Tao: "Manager Liu, Mr. Zhao is back, and Mr. Zhao told you to hurry up and go there."

Upon hearing this, Liu Tao pointed to his third uncle who was late and said, "Be careful next time."

Then Liu Tao turned around and quickly ran towards the halfway up the mountain. Behind him, the third uncle Liu Yuhong, who had been criticized by him just now, gave an angry mouthful and said, "You son of a bitch, bah!"

But after scolding him, he felt that something was wrong again. This is his own nephew. If he is a bastard and his father is not a good thing, then he is not a good thing either?

Liu Yuhong sighed and had no choice but to go to work.

Liu Tao ran up to Zhao Qingshan, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, you are back."

Although they were all in the same place, at this moment, Liu Tao and Zhao Qingshan hadn't met each other yet.

"Why did you criticize your third uncle just now?"

Hearing Liu Tao say that his third uncle was late today, Zhao Qingshan nodded and said: "Strictly implementing the company's rules and regulations is very commendable, but you must be gentle when you speak, don't be too violent, if you really Someday it will get stiff, and it will not end well."

Liu Tao nodded repeatedly.

"I came to you to find out who was on duty last night. You should have a foundation, right?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao, I'll get it for you right now."

Looking at the young leader who was walking towards Liu Tao's office in He Zhongheng's house at the foot of the mountain, Zhao Qingshan secretly rejoiced. It seems that people are just tempered, and this leadership ability can also be tempered.

(End of this chapter)

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