Chapter 319

Shang Yihua seemed to see the change in the expression on Zhao Qingshan's face, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhao, we have known before that when Mr. Zhou signed the order contract with us, he was still the general manager of the Agricultural University Company, and his seal was also stamped on it. It is the chapter of the Agricultural University Company, Chairman Zhao will not deny this supply order?"

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he quickly smiled and said: "No, no, how is it possible? Our company is also a big company that values ​​credit, and as for me, although it is the first time we have contacted, please rest assured that I am too. He is a trustworthy person. We will definitely deliver the goods to your company as scheduled according to the contract."

"However, I heard rumors that your company may not be able to supply the goods as scheduled..."

"Nonsense! Who did you hear this from?" Zhao Qingshan immediately showed an angry expression on his face.

Upon hearing this, Shang Yihua smiled and said: "No, no, Mr. Zhao, don't be angry. I didn't mean to slander your company. There are too many rumors about your company in the industry recently. We also want to guarantee our company's supply. Safety. After all, once you breach the contract, we will not be able to supply foreign companies as scheduled, and we will also have to bear huge liquidated damages. At that time, it will be a result that everyone does not want to see."

Zhao Qingshan frowned, then nodded: "Don't worry about the supply, but you have to tell me, what are the rumors about our company in the industry?"

When Shang Yihua heard it, his eyes rolled, and there was always a very comfortable smile on his face: "The rumors are mostly based on rumors, but there is no need to pursue them too much. In my opinion, it must be that Zhao Dong's entry into the Agricultural University Company will definitely offend others, and then someone deliberately discredits your company. I don't believe it. Zhao Dong, I came early this morning and I am sorry to disturb you. I think Zhao Dong has not eaten yet. How about I take my leave first and have an in-depth exchange with Director Zhao when I have a chance."

While talking, Shang Yihua put away his contract and stood up to leave.

"We have an arrangement at noon, will Mr. Shang be willing to show his face?" Han Sanshan asked hurriedly beside him.

Shang Yihua said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I have other things to do. We have arrangements for our team to come over at noon, so I won't bother you. Then, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Han, I can come directly to pick up the goods the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Zhao Qingshan said with certainty.

After seeing off Mr. Shang and returning to the office, Zhao Qingshan frowned and said to himself: "Zhou Wentao, Zhou Wentao..."

Han Sanshan followed Zhao Qingshan and said: "Mr. Zhao, I have checked our recent shipment orders and contracts, all of which were signed in the few days when we acquired the Agricultural University Company. The order volume is particularly large, and the contracting party They are all well-known clients in the province.”

"Zhou Wentao did this on purpose. Why didn't he get the approval of the board of directors when he signed the order contract?"

" an ordinary business in terms of operation, and it seems that there is no need for approval from the board of directors. Besides, considering the prices at that time, these orders are still very valuable."

"Zhou Wentao did this on purpose... Zhou Wentao is not an easy person... Check! Third brother, hurry up and find out what Zhou Wentao is doing now!"

Han Sanshan hurriedly said: "Just now I learned something from the old employees of the Agricultural University. The Taishan broiler processing plant was run by Zhou Wentao. I was looking into this company through my comrade-in-arms relationship just now."

As he said that, Han Sanshan took out his mobile phone to check the time, and then said: "My comrade-in-arms said to call me at ten o'clock in the morning."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, feeling a little hungry, and then said: "The new employees I brought yesterday are starting to work now?"

"It's already started to work. The order shipped today can be loaded tonight. Hey..."

"What else is there to worry about?"

"In this situation, I heard from old employees that we could find other slaughterhouses to process and slaughter for us, but I just contacted two small slaughterhouses within Taishan City, and they were unwilling to cooperate with us. "

Hearing that there are other ways to solve this matter, Zhao Qingshan’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: “Yes, this is also a solution. We have to bring in a steady stream of live chickens to the factory. It’s easy not to slaughter them quickly. Something big is going to happen. In this way, if the slaughterhouse in Taishan City can't be counted on, you can also contact other cities, third brother, hurry up and do this matter."

"Okay, then I'll get in touch now."

"Oh, by the way, send someone to bring me some breakfast. I haven't had breakfast yet."

Han Sanshan smiled, and hurriedly said: "I'm really sorry, I forgot about this matter, Qingshan, you wait, I will arrange the cafeteria to bring you breakfast right away."

Han Sanshan walked out quickly, Zhao Qingshan was the only one left in the office.

Was this crisis designed by Zhou Wentao?
In other words, after Zhou Wentao found out that Zhao Qingshan had acquired the Agricultural University Company, he already knew his fate, and then deliberately signed so many orders in a concentrated manner, and then put pressure on the Agricultural University Company.

If this is the case, Zhao Qingshan couldn't help feeling admiration for the boss of the original agricultural company who was kicked away by him at the beginning.

When these orders were first signed, judging from the market conditions at that time, there was no problem, and it was even said that the company would make a lot of money because of these orders.However, in the blink of an eye for more than two months, with the increase in the price of white-feathered chickens, the order contract signed at that time is now completely unprofitable...

"Poison! I didn't expect that Zhou Wentao had such a thorough grasp of the market conditions, and he set the trap too firmly for the Agricultural University Company! If this crisis is not handled well, the Agricultural University Company will lose all of the market, and the next step is for the Agricultural University Company. Destiny, it's over! And the white-feathered chickens I raised in Fenghuangling Village will no longer be sold! My original intention of buying the Agricultural University Company was completely meaningless!"

Now for the Agricultural University, it is really a critical moment of life and death.

The main profit model of the Agricultural University is to guide the farmers to raise chickens, and then buy the slaughtered chickens into the company, slaughter and process them, and then sell them to the market to make money.But now, basically the long-standing partners of the Agricultural University will come to pick up the goods within half a month. Such a large production pressure is too severe for the Agricultural University.

However, the problem is more than that. Why are those small slaughtering and processing factories unwilling to cooperate with agricultural companies?

Could it be that Zhou Wentao was responsible for this too?

(End of this chapter)

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