Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 322 Is the problem really solved?

Chapter 322 Is the problem really solved?

After Zhao Qingshan called Ma Jinchang into his office, he learned about the company's financial situation. Since he injected 500 million into the company last year, the company's current financial situation can only be said to barely maintain its operation.

The asset-liability ratio of the Agricultural University is already very high, reaching a level of 90.00%.

Although the company's asset-liability ratio is extremely high, the company's business is still running and products are being produced. Overall, the company seems to be able to live immediately as long as it injects 800 million yuan.

Needless to say, this was a miracle.

After learning about the company's financial situation, Zhao Qingshan knew that Ma Jinchang still had a lot of work to do, so he let him go to work.

Han Sanshan went to Quancheng City at around 08:30 in the morning, and then at 5 minutes before twelve o'clock, he finally brought more than 600 workers to the slaughtering workshop of the Agricultural University Company.

All of a sudden, the whole slaughtering workshop became lively.

And the work efficiency of the slaughter workshop has been greatly improved.

Such a quota of personnel can almost make the entire workshop full production.

Of course, most people are novices, and their work efficiency is not very high, but the technical difficulty of the work in the slaughtering workshop is not very difficult. After a period of operation, everyone can make obvious progress.

After the current situation in the slaughter workshop, Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan finally felt relieved about the order.

At noon, Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan made arrangements, and then the heads of various departments of the Agricultural University Company came to the private room on the second floor of the restaurant.

Zhao Qingshan likes to talk about work during meals, because he thinks it is easy for everyone to relax during meals, and it is easier to talk about some remarks and issues that are embarrassing to talk about on serious occasions.

After understanding, Zhao Qingshan roughly understood that the most urgent problem facing the Agricultural University Company must be the immediate order problem, and then said that the biggest problem for the Agricultural University Company is that the large amount of accounts receivable cannot be collected, and then a large amount of The issue of bank loan maturity.Other issues such as the abandonment of agricultural scientific research projects are no longer considered issues at present.

The issue of the accounts receivable of the Agricultural University Company is a very complicated issue. It is caused by the outbreak of bird flu for two consecutive years that caused chicken farmers to lose money, and a large number of chicken farmers defaulted on the contract.

Zhao Qingshan is well aware of the severity of the bird flu. Once a sparrow infected with bird flu falls into the flock, within a few minutes, several chickens with weak resistance will be infected. Influenza, and within two hours, the flocks will start to suffer casualties, within eight hours, there will be a large number of casualties, and after 48 hours, the most extreme cases can even lead to [-]% casualties.

The avian influenza virus is particularly harmful to chicken flocks, and is an important reason for the loss of farmers.

Before 2003 and 2004, when chicken farmers raised chickens, they seldom considered getting a bird flu vaccine.Because bird flu is not a domestic thing, it is a virus spread from abroad.Before the 80s, there were very few bird flu outbreaks in our country. Later, more poultry were imported from abroad, which led to a large number of bird flu outbreaks.

After two years of bird flu outbreaks, not only chicken farmers, duck farmers, pigeon farmers, etc., have suffered serious losses.

Because of the loss of money, the chicken farmers can no longer pay back the money for building greenhouses, raising chickens, etc., so there are not a few people who slap their buttocks and take their families out to work to avoid debts.

The debts owed by these chicken farmers are too difficult to recover.

Of course, among the upstream support farmers of the Agricultural University, such a proportion is relatively small, maybe one-tenth.

In addition, there are some chicken farmers who encountered bird flu for two consecutive years. They spent a lot of energy raising chickens but lost money. They felt sad, and then switched to not raising chickens.These farmers, the staff of the Agricultural University went to collect debts, and when they talked about raising chickens, they cried with snot and tears, from how hard it was to raise chickens, how to lose money when it was over, and finally the staff with poor willpower Almost donated to chicken farmers.

The proportion of these original chicken farmers is still very high, which can reach about [-]% of the debt receivable.

As for the remaining half of the farmers, they can be regarded as old fritters in chicken farming. They have dealt with agricultural companies for many years, and they always want to benefit from the agricultural companies. They will secretly buy market chickens and sell them to the Agricultural University Corporation.Moreover, even so, they all owe the Agricultural University a lot of money.

The number of chicken farmers supported by the Agricultural University Corporation is very large, and the amount of debt owed by each chicken farmer is different. For those chicken farmers who owe thousands of dollars, it is not enough to sue in court.

And even if the lawsuit is brought to the court, those chicken farmers who have lost money will not have the ability to repay the money.

After acquiring the Agricultural University Company, Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan discussed that the next most important task in the company was to collect debts.

Years ago, the company arranged for a large number of employees to go to the countryside to live in their households for the reason of the end of the year. Their earnest efforts were considered to be very effective. The debts collected have now maintained the operation of the entire company without much problem.

This time, Zhao Qingshan gathered the direct troops he sent from Fenghuangling Village, and these people basically became the leaders of various departments of the Agricultural University Company, and they also have a first-hand understanding of the overall situation.

During the lunch dinner, everyone talked freely and talked about the problems discovered in the Agricultural University during this period of time.

After the dinner was over, Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan walked around the company and began to discuss the next step in the management of the Agricultural University Company.

Han Sanshan had an idea, saying that most of the people in charge of the Agricultural University Company are from Laigang County brought by him, and there were many capable organizational and management talents in the Agricultural University Company, and then asked if they could be reused ?
When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he immediately stated that as long as he loves the company, is willing to contribute to the company, has excellent moral character and outstanding ability, he should be reused and enriched as a leader and management cadre.

Basically, the problem with the Agricultural University Company was solved, and then Zhao Qingshan planned to drive to the villa he bought at the foot of Mount Tai to see the situation of his parents, mother-in-law, and wife Tiantian.

And when Zhao Qingshan drove out of the Agricultural University company, he saw a woman in the newsstand not far away, took a look at himself, and then took a pen to record something.

(End of this chapter)

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