Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 339 Searching for the Rose Hall

Chapter 339 Searching for the Rose Hall

Brothers Xu Jiaqiang and Xu Jialiang stood on the curb by the side of the road, watching the owner of the newsstand lock the door of the newsstand, and then got on a No. 4 bus that just came over and left.

Xu Jiaqiang took a puff of cigarette vigorously, and while exhaling the cigarette, he said to Xu Jialiang: "Brother, did you hear clearly what the man said just now?"

Xu Jialiang looked left and right to see if there was no one there, and then whispered: "Brother, the man who was named Zhao just now is our boss?"

"It's possible... the address he mentioned just now is called the New Century opposite the Women's Hospital, and the private room is the Rose Hall?"

"Okay, it seems to be this address. Brother, what do you want to do?"

"Brother, the boss is not good to us, and we can't just watch the boss being framed by others. Now that our boss is gone, we have to help our boss to investigate this matter clearly. When the time comes, we will do what we should do. We have done everything we can, and we have the face to meet our boss, and we can repay him for letting us go that day."

"This..." Xu Jialiang frowned hesitantly.

"What are you afraid of? If I come up with an idea, you just follow suit."

However, Xu Jialiang, who is the younger brother, really wants to complain about his elder brother. He has always listened to his elder brother since he was a child, but the two of them have been beaten and suffered a lot.

"Brother, what are your plans?"

"Let's look for it according to this address, and secretly go to see who they are, and whether they are our boss."

"But how shall we go?"

"Didn't you see it just now, take the No. 4 bus."


Xu Jiaqiang saw a No. 4 bus coming from a long distance, and immediately threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground fiercely, and pulled his brother to get on the bus.

As for Xu Jiaqiang's younger brother, Xu Jialiang, he seemed to have something to worry about. It was too late to say anything at this time, so he could only throw away the cigarette butt in his hand, followed his own brother, and got on the bus.

"Excuse me, master, can this bus go to the new century opposite the Women's Hospital?"

Xu Jiaqiang stuffed the two yuan coin into the coin slot, and then dodged to the side so as not to delay other passengers getting on the bus.

The bus driver looked back at Xu Jiaqiang, and then said blankly: "Take six stops to the gate of New Century, there are seats in the back."

"Thank you bro, thank you bro."

Xu Jiaqiang said thank you twice, and then he and his younger brother Xu Jialiang went to the last seat of the bus.

Because it is the next stop of the starting station, there are not many passengers on the bus, only a few sparse people.

"Brother, if we are caught, will we be beaten?" Xu Jialiang asked in a low voice, looking very nervous.

"If you listen to me, it will be absolutely fine."


"There's nothing wrong with it! Brother, you have to be bolder in your actions in the future, don't you know?"

Xu Jialiang frowned and nodded, not having the courage to defend himself anymore.

Six Station Road arrived soon, and when Xu Jiaqiang and Xu Jialiang arrived at the New Century Hotel stop, the bus driver stopped, and then turned on the horn and shouted: "New Century is here, those who want to get off get off."

When Xu Jiaqiang and Xu Jialiang heard this, they quickly stood up from the back, quickly got to the back door and got off the car.

New Century is a hotel in Taishan City. The scale is not particularly large. The hotel door faces the road directly, and the diners and cars that come in are also parked directly in the parking space on the side of the road.

This restaurant is obviously more lively at night than during the day, because parking spaces on the road in front of the hotel are not allowed to park during the day.

There is a small parking lot in the backyard of the hotel, but people who come to this restaurant for dinner prefer to park their cars on the side of the road, which is more convenient.

Standing outside the hotel, Xu Jiaqiang looked at the four-storey hotel and frowned.

"Where is the Rose Hall?"

Xu Jiaqiang also frowned: "Brother, we can't find the Rose Hall."

"I can't find it, so let's find out if we ask?"

Then Xu Jiaqiang saw the security guard standing at the entrance of the hotel, and hurried over, smiling and offering cigarettes.

The security guard saw a man dressed in shabby clothes coming in front of him. He didn't know what he was doing, but he definitely didn't dare to smoke when the other party handed him a cigarette. What's the matter?"

The security guard has a more polite temper and looks quite friendly.Judging by the security guard's age, he should be in his thirties, then Xu Jiaqiang said with a smile: ", let me ask, which floor is the Rose Hall on?"

Then Xu Jiaqiang saw the puzzled expression on the other party's face, and hurriedly said: "Oh, our boss is inside, and asked me to deliver something to him when it's over, but I didn't dare to ask more questions, so..."

"Oh, so it is like this, Rose Hall... just wait, I will help you find out."

It can be seen that the security guard is quite enthusiastic, then he pushed open the door and said to a woman in overalls standing at the door: "Sister Wu, this little brother is going to the Rose Hall to deliver something to the boss, he doesn't know the way, Rose Where is the hall? Sister Wu."

"Ah, that's it. Then you come with me, and I'll take you there." Sister Wu at the door saw Xu Jiaqiang, and said with a smile.

Many of these workers in the hotel are from the countryside, and many of them are very polite when they meet someone dressed like Xu Jiaqiang.

Of course, there are also some people with poor character, and they will be disgusted when they see some migrant workers whose clothes are not very clean and their hair is fluffy, and they look like they haven't washed in a few days.However, such people, after all, are poorly educated, and they are also a minority.

Sister Wu was going to take Xu Jiaqiang to the Rose Hall, and then Xu Jiaqiang turned around and yelled at his younger brother who was still on the side of the road: "Wait for me right where you are!"

Then, Xu Jiaqiang followed Sister Wu into the hall.

"Sir, the Rose Hall is on the first floor here, please follow me."

The Rose Hall is on the first floor. Sister Wu took Xu Jiaqiang to the entrance of the Rose Hall, and then Xu Jiaqiang saw the words Rose Hall pasted on the door plaque, and Sister Wu opened the door, and then Xu Jiaqiang looked from the outside and saw the The owner of the newsstand, and a few people I don't know are also in it.They appear to be playing poker, and there are several banknotes on the table.

It's not yet six o'clock, so they probably haven't got all the people, so they're playing cards right now.

After Xu Jiaqiang saw the boss of the newsstand, he immediately stepped aside.

"What's the matter? Didn't tell you to leave him alone!" The people inside opened their mouths and cursed.

"Sorry, sorry, it's..."

Xu Jiaqiang, who hid aside, took Sister Wu's arm and said anxiously: "Close the door! Close the door!"

"Close the door for me quickly!" The people in the room shouted viciously.

"Ah, ah." Sister Wu closed the door in confusion, and then looked back at Xu Jiaqiang, even more puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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