Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 411 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 411 Happy Cooperation
Zhao Qingshan looked at Boss Huang, and asked with a smile: "Boss Huang, you are from the south, do you plan to live here in Lianhua Mountain?"

Huang Yuehe said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao will tell you the truth, the dog around me is not in good health, and I need to find a pleasant place to rest. I have searched all over the country, and finally found such a treasured place of geomantic omen, where I can eat fast and chant Buddha, and bless my family." If there is no disaster, I will be satisfied."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, thinking that this reason was barely reasonable, and then asked further: "I am here today, besides wanting to invite distinguished guests on my wedding day, I also have another idea, which I want to share with an expert."

"please say."

Huang Yuehe knows the tea ceremony very well, which makes Zhao Qingshan admire him very much.

"Since Mr. Huang likes Lianhua Mountain, why not contract out the entire Lianhua Mountain, make a small investment, and renovate it. Not only does it meet his wishes, but it will attract tourists in the future and also return the investment."

Zhao Qingshan tentatively looked at Huang Yuehe and said, and then saw that Huang Yuehe frowned after hearing his own words, and suddenly laughed again.

"What is Boss Huang laughing at?"

Huang Yuehe suddenly stopped laughing, and pouring tea for Zhao Qingshan, he said: "Could it be that little brother just persuaded me to buy Lianhua Mountain, and he has no other ideas?"

After hearing Huang Yuehe's words, Zhao Qingshan immediately burst into laughter, and now it was Huang Yuehe's turn to look at Zhao Qingshan in doubt: "What is Mr. Zhao laughing at?"

"No, no, Boss Huang, I laugh at myself for thinking I'm smart, but I can't hide anything from you. That's it, I want to cooperate with you."

For Zhao Qingshan's frankness, Huang Yuehe also found it funny, nodded, picked up the teacup, sipped it carefully, and asked: "Good tea."

Looking at Huang Yuehe, Zhao Qingshan asked: "What? Boss Huang, do you disagree?"

"I'd like to hear what kind of cooperation method?"

"Look, like this, the entire Lianhua Mountain range has dozens of hills, you contracted this hill, and then you develop tourism, and I will raise chickens..."

When Zhao Qingshan came up with the idea of ​​raising chickens, Huang Yuehe obviously pretended to be calm on the surface. He didn't expect that he didn't swallow a sip of tea, but sprayed it out with a puff, spraying Zhao Qingshan all over. The whole scene was quite embarrassing.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"Boss Huang, you, it's okay."

"Oh, it's a shame, it's a shame, I can't cultivate it, I can't cultivate it."

A master's fight, the outcome is only a hair's breadth away, Huang Yuehe is probably thinking how to reject Zhao Qingshan's idea of ​​jointly developing the tourism industry of Lianhua Mountain, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't care about the tourism industry at all, what he thought was raising Chicken thing.

Huang Yuehe drank a few sips of water before calming down.

"Keeping chickens? Raising chickens?"

Huang Yuehe couldn't help shaking his head, looking at Zhao Qingshan.

"No, Boss Huang, if you think it's appropriate, I will pay half of the contract fee for the entire Lotus Mountain."

The Lianhua Mountain range has dozens of mountain tops, and the nine peaks around the Lianhua Peak alone cover a vast area.

The entire Lianhua Mountain has an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, and the vegetation on the mountain is dense. Although most of the places are steep, there are also some places that are suitable for building chicken coops. I dare not say if there are too many chickens. There is no pressure to raise a million chickens. .

If I had known earlier, there were [-] soldiers stationed on Lianhua Mountain back then.

Zhao Qingshan wants to promote Phoenix chickens, and needs to breed a large number of Phoenix chickens, but now the entire Nanshan can only breed about [-] chickens a year, which greatly restricts the promotion of Phoenix chickens.

Zhao Qingshan looked at Huang Yuehe sincerely: "Yes, I really want to raise chickens in Lianhua Mountain."

"The 20-year contract fee for Lianhua Mountain is 6000 million. Will you bear half of it for me?"

Although Huang Yuehe is said to be worth 50 billion yuan, when making investments, he still hesitates again and again, and then repeatedly weighs the investment return ratio to ensure that the investment will not be in vain.

However, Zhao Qingshan is different from him, he is not worried about losing money at all, besides, he is a reborn person with advanced thinking, so he will not lose money no matter what.

His brand awareness and advertising thinking are far superior to the smartest people of his time.

He is now promoting Fenghuang Chicken and Qishan Fried Chicken with great fanfare. In the first few years, he didn't think about making money at all, because he knew that after making these two markets bigger, and then thinking about profits, he would be more concerned about making money. A lot of money.

Everyone likes to eat chicken, and it is scary to know how big the market potential of chicken is.

Chicken is the second most edible meat in my country and the number one in the world.

After last year's practice, it also verified Zhao Qingshan's idea that Phoenix Chicken and Qishan Fried Chicken are both worth promoting.

"Okay, I will bear half of the contract fee. I think we should have no conflicts?"

Huang Yuehe nodded, and then said: "But chickens are not allowed on both sides of the main scenic area."

Zhao Qingshan said with a smile: "Mr. Huang, don't talk about the surrounding areas of the main scenic area. The mountains and forests of Lianhua Mountain are so big. I can sell enough chickens just in those forests at the foot of the mountain."

"That's true."

Just now Huang Yuehe had mentioned the contract fee, Zhao Qingshan guessed that he had actually negotiated with the governments of the two cities now, and the biggest obstacle preventing him from contracting Lianhua Mountain might be the contract fee.

From the perspective of 2006, 6000 million yuan, 20 years of contracting time, is not cheap.After all, in those days, Lianhuashan could earn only 1000 million a year.Moreover, after paying the contracting fee of 6000 million yuan, it will cost hundreds of millions to build it. It is hard to say whether the investment can be recovered.

If someone is willing to help him bear the 8000 million contracting fee, then only a fool would disagree.

"Since Boss Huang agrees, we can talk in detail about where I raised chickens and where you remodeled the scenic spot."

Boss Huang nodded, thinking that it would be okay to listen more, and said, "It's interesting."

"Look at this map."

Then, Zhao Qingshan took out a map from his arms, which was the map of Lianhua Mountain.

Looking at the detailed map of Lianhua Mountain in Zhao Qingshan's hand, Huang Yuehe was very surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Why do you have such a detailed map in your hand, why don't I?"

"It's not easy to get this map. I got it from the army and can't publish it to the public."

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhao to have acquaintances in the army."

Zhao Qingshan's words also deepened Huang Yuehe's determination to cooperate with Zhao Qingshan, and Zhao Qingshan did not say that this map was obtained from Han Sanshan's comrade-in-arms.

After some instructions, Huang Yuehe nodded again and again, and said happily: "With this map, I will be much clearer in my heart, hahaha."

At this time, Zhao Qingshan once again looked at Huang Yuehe sincerely and said: "I hope we can cooperate happily."

"Happy cooperation!" Huang Yuehe agreed very happily.

(End of this chapter)

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