Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 42 I want to protect this environment

Chapter 42 I want to protect this environment

Crystal clear river water, lush green hills, once upon a time, Zhao Qingshan thought that these things that have existed for millions of years would not just disappear.

However, everything was fine in 2002, and these rivers and mountains, which had not changed much, changed in 2006.By 2012, the original Qingqing River had turned into a stinky stinking ditch, and the original Qingshi Mountain with singing birds and fragrant flowers had turned into a dusty stone factory.

Could it be that, in order to make money, do you have to destroy these things?

Sometimes Zhao Qingshan also felt that it was too sad. Didn't we agree that we would not follow the old western path of pollution first and then treatment? However, our pollution seems to be no less.

Looking around after 2012, smog has become common, almost all surface water has been polluted and cannot be directly drunk, and more than half of the groundwater is also not directly drinkable.

The water is undrinkable, the air is poisonous, what is the use of our development?

Looking at the fried white striped fish in the bowl, Zhao Qingshan secretly made up his mind.

Since God let me live a new life, I can't protect the peace of other places, but I must protect the peace of the mountains and rivers around Fenghuangling Village.

Although the white striped fish in the Beisha River cannot be served on the table, it was originally a delicacy commonly eaten by ordinary people.Whose children don't want to eat, and then they go to the river to catch two white striped fish, and fry them at home, and the children next door cry.There are so many of these things in the river, and they are also nutritious. At first, everyone thought they were worthless.

However, I never thought that once the water in the river became dirty, there would not be a few white striped fish in the entire Beisha River.

White striped fish prefer clean fish. The Beisha River later turned into a muddy river. There were more crucian carp, snakeheaded fish and catfish in the river, and the white striped fish that used to dominate the river disappeared.

Earlier, before 1991, there was no large-scale use of plastic convenience bags in the entire Luzhong area, and there was no domestic garbage in the river, and the water in the river was directly drinkable.

In fact, Zhaizi Village, where the Zhaizi Township Government is located, is the only administrative village in the township that has tap water, and the tap water in their village is a reservoir built in the upper reaches of the Beisha River. The water in the reservoir comes from the beach of the Beisha River. A big hole was dug, and water seeped in.After being filtered by the sand, the water is as clean and delicious as some mineral water in 2012.

To talk about the pollution of the Beisha River, it should first be that in the early 90s the countryside started to build houses, and then a large amount of river sand in the Beisha River was mined and used.By 2002, the water in the Beisha River had been seriously polluted, and it was no longer acceptable to drink directly.However, what is more serious is that a large amount of domestic garbage and industrial waste water are dumped into the Beisha River casually, causing serious eutrophication of the river, river sand turning into sludge, and clean water turning into stinky water.Later, in 2002, the common people in central Shandong began to use a large number of highly toxic pesticides such as paraquat, which further polluted the water in the Beisha River.

The natural swimming pool in summer and the natural skating rink in winter, Zhao Qingshan, will never allow her to disappear!
After lunch, Zhao Qingshan did not ask Liu Tao to go out with him, but climbed to the top of Dongling by himself.

From the top of Dongling, he could see the whole village.

The majestic Lianhua Mountain stands on the west side of itself like a giant, with a long cloak stretching from the foot of Lianhua Mountain to Beisha River.And Fenghuangling Village is like the knot of a cloak, a crescent-shaped jewel.

Dozens of households in Fenghuangling Village are concentrated at the foot of Xilu Mountain in Lianhua Mountain.

To the south of Fenghuangling Village is the remnant of Lianhua Mountain. Across two small ridges, there is a relatively high hill named Nanshan.

The whole small mountain village is like a baby in swaddling clothes, protected by Lianhua Mountain and nourished by Beisha River.

This is a perfect residence from the perspective of Fengshui, with a hopeful mountain in the front, a backing mountain in the back, green dragons on the left and white tigers on the right, and green water around the front street. It is definitely a place where talents can be produced.

How can this large piece of green water and green mountains be protected?The only way is money!
Zhao Qingshan must earn enough money to protect this landscape.

Even if it's not for anything else, even if it's for the future to breathe fresh and unpolluted breath and drink clean and unpolluted water, it's worth it.

Now, Zhao Qingshan has 10,000+ in his own hands, but this is far from enough.

Standing on Dongling Mountain, looking at the closed courtyard of He Zhongheng at the foot of Dongling Mountain, Zhao Qingshan frowned.

"The next step is to find a way to contract the entire Dongling Apple Orchard. Other contractors can talk about it, but I'm afraid Uncle He has other ideas."

It turns out that not everyone is suitable for raising chickens.

The lesson of He Zhongheng's failure told the villagers that raising chickens to make money is not something everyone can do, which discouraged many people from raising chickens.

This snow, it seems, will not melt away until the Chinese New Year.

In 2002, Fenghuangling Village was closed by heavy snow for the last year. Since then, there has never been such a heavy snowfall, and it has never been so cold in winter.

As the saying goes, whether it should be cold or not is not a good age. If there is not enough cold for a few days this winter, children will catch a lot of colds in the coming year, and there will be many difficulties in the breeding industry.

Zhao Qingshan turned his head to the road at the foot of the mountain in the north. In 2002, this road was still a dirt road.

In Zhaizi Township, in 2002, only the village roads of Fenghuangling Village, Xiaomiao Village and Damiao Village were still dirt roads, and the roads of other villages had been built as asphalt roads.

Zhao Qingshan understands the policy, and knows that if he pays for road construction, as long as the final standard is met, the higher-ups can apply for the full amount of funding.In fact, this policy was also used by others to make money back then.They repair some poor-quality asphalt roads, then give some benefits to the people in charge of road inspection, and finally get financial allocations into their hands.There are about three miles of roads in such a village. According to the standard requirements, it may cost 25 yuan to build roads. However, those who steal and play tricks spend 25 yuan on road repairs, and then take 10 yuan as gifts. In the end, they get [-] yuan in allocations, and their net profit is [-] yuan. .

Next, Zhao Qingshan decided to free up his hands in the next year, and he built the road from his own village to Damiao Village into asphalt. The road is only eight miles in total, and the investment is about 60 yuan. I will not lose money.At that time, sell the honeysuckle currently stored in the greenhouse, and the funds will be available.

After all, the next year, the SARS outbreak was raging, and I couldn't do anything.

Zhao Qingshan took out his phone and checked the time, he decided to go home and start playing games.Because he remembered, it seemed that this afternoon, a group of his roommates started to build an account to play "Journey to the West 2".

(End of this chapter)

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