Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 420 Sending Red Envelopes 1 Must Be Generous

Chapter 420 You Must Be Generous When Sending Red Envelopes
While Zhao Qingshan and the best man group were having dinner, Li Qing hurriedly brought a group of people to Zhao's courtyard.

"Sister-in-law, hurry up and order dumplings and let the driver eat."

What Li Qing brought in was a convoy of wedding cars.

When Zhao Qingshan got married, the price of the wedding car naturally couldn't drop.

By 2006, it was common to find a car to pick up the bride.

Generally speaking, if the conditions are poor, you can find six Santanas, and if the conditions are good, you need to find six or nine Audi A6s. The first float, if you have the conditions, you have to find Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Zhao Qingshan is not to say that he is the richest man in Laigang County, anyway, there are people who are richer than him, and he can't count on his fingers. When he gets married, this wedding car must be high-end.

The first wedding car at the beginning, that is, the float, was a white long Lincoln found from Xinxing Building.

This car is a luxury car that Luzhong Iron and Steel Works bought for more than 600 million yuan last year. It is a vehicle specially used by Luzhong Iron and Steel Works to receive VIPs.Of course, if there is a relationship, this car will also be used as a wedding car.

Zhao Qingshan has a pretty good relationship with the boss of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant. At the end of last year, Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant distributed a bucket of phoenix chicken soup to each of the leaders at the factory manager level at the end of last year. Zhao Qingshan gave them wholesale Naturally, when Zhao Qingshan wants to use their best car as a float when they get married, they will not find any reason to refuse.

Immediately behind the float are six Mercedes-Benz, all of which are black, and the price of each car is more than 160 million.These six Mercedes-Benz are all the cars of the big bosses that Zhao Qingshan contacted from the three cities of Luzhong, Tainan and Quancheng.

Following Mercedes-Benz are eleven BMWs, each priced at more than 80 yuan.These cars are basically the cars of local big bosses in Luzhong City.

Now Zhao Qingshan is a rising business star in Luzhong City, including the bosses of Luzhong City, Taishan City, and Quancheng City, and they are all willing to deal with him.

All the cars are more than [-]% new, and the cars are painted in advance, and the inside of the cab is cleaned and sprayed with perfume.Even the inside of the trunk was cleaned.

The trunk must be cleaned out, because this trunk arrived at Han Li's house in Bianjiaquan Village, and it was to bring the dowry accompanying Han Li's family.

In this way, the wedding convoy of eighteen cars in total has already parked on the highway of Zhao Qingshan's villa.

The villa built by Zhao Qingshan was more than 20 meters away from the roadside, and then Zhao Qingshan built a four-meter-wide cement road to the side of the road.

But at this moment, the convoy can't drive to Zhao's house. There are so many cars, especially the extended Lincoln, which is too long. When they drive to Zhao's house, there is no way to turn around.

The roads are now covered with red carpets, and the cars of the team parked directly on the red carpets.

The last car parked at the edge of the easternmost village of Fenghuangling Village, and further east, a huge inflatable rainbow gate stood there, announcing to everyone that today is Mr. Zhao's happy day.

As soon as the motorcade sat down, Zhao Qingshan's aunt's family and grandma's family also arrived.

Two days ago, Li Qing had already arranged for the best man group to split up and sent a notice to Zhao Qingshan's aunt, second aunt, grandma, uncle, second uncle, third uncle and aunt.

The work of notifying relatives is commonly known by the local people in central Lu as moving.

Regardless of whether it is a white official or a red official, it is necessary to arrange for someone to go to the relative's house to make an announcement. The work of the red official is commonly known as moving the guest, and the work of the white official is commonly called funeral reporting.

As for the relatives who received the notification, most of them would find time to come to the people's house for business, bring the gift money, help if they can, and join in the fun if they can.

What Gonggong wanted was excitement, and when the relatives of the Zhao family came, the whole scene became even more lively.

Zhao Qingshan greeted his elders and peers one by one, and then relatives and friends also praised Zhao Qingshan for being handsome.

Before breakfast was finished, Zhang Wei, the wedding emcee, brought a cameraman from Laigang TV Station to Zhao's house.

"Mr. Zhao, alas, your scene is too big. Your wedding car fleet is too long. Our cars are all parked at the north of Rainbow Gate."

Zhao Qingshan looked up and saw Zhang Wei, he quickly stood up and waved, "Come and eat, we will leave when the time comes."

So Zhang Wei called the four videographers he had brought with him to find a seat and sit down on the spot, and ate dumplings.

Zhao Qingshan had already agreed with Fang Jing, the director of Laigang County TV Station, to get more masters and camera positions, and then record his wedding from all angles, and then find professional people to edit it into Burn the disc and give it to friends and relatives.

Of course, such a big scene must cost a lot.

Zhang Wei wolfed down his meal, then looked at the best man team following behind Zhao Qingshan, each with a best man sign hanging on their chests, he was also taken aback.

"Mr. Zhao, are you a wholesale best man?"

Zhao Qingshan said with a smile: "There are many people and strength is great. When the time comes to my father-in-law's house, just push the door open."

"That's okay, no matter how you say it, you have to give someone a red envelope." Zhang Wei said jokingly.

"Red envelopes are indispensable, come here, you have already said, then let's give out a circle of red envelopes first, Li Qing! Li Qing!"

Zhao Qingshan turned his head and shouted twice, then Li Qing ran out from nowhere, looked at Zhao Qingshan and asked, "What's the matter? Mr. Zhao."

"Give a red envelope to everyone present, and arrange it quickly."

Last night, Li Qing and the others prepared nearly 22 red envelopes, totaling more than [-] yuan.

Li Qing frowned: "Everyone has it?"

Zhao Qingshan smiled and nodded: "Yes, don't forget to keep one for yourself."

Li Qing was also happy: "Give me the rest."

"No problem, hahahaha."

Li Qing heard this, and then called Liu Wendong and Liu Liang, and told the situation, and then Liu Wendong and Liu Liang shouted loudly.

"Give out red envelopes!"

"Red envelopes are distributed! One for everyone, come and get it!"

Then Li Qing counted the people inside and out, a total of 130 people, and then took out 150 red envelopes for Liu Liang and Liu Wendong to start sending out.

Here, the best man team, the team driver, Zhang Wei, the master of ceremonies, and the cameraman each received a red envelope, and everyone immediately wrote expressions of joy on their faces.

Boss Zhao is famous for being generous.

Then when everyone saw that the red envelopes in their hands were all hundred-yuan bills, they were even happier.

In 2006, one hundred yuan for red and white was already quite a lot.

Checking the time, it was almost time, so Zhao Qingshan waved his hand, the team driver and best man got on the car, and the videographer started to record under Zhang Wei's arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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