Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 432 A Small Problem on Lotus Mountain

Chapter 432 A Small Problem on Lotus Mountain
To have phoenix chickens on Lianhua Mountain, 1 small chicken houses need to be built. Since Zhao Qingshan signed a contract with Huang Yuehe to jointly contract and develop Lianhua Mountain in March 2006, Mr. Zhao arranged for Liu Liang and Liu Yutang to start setting up sites in the Lianhua Mountain range. , looking for a suitable location to build a house, about 3 chicken houses can be selected in one day, that is to say, the entire site selection work will take 50 days.

While selecting the site, Zhao Qingshan and Huang Yuehe jointly organized the demolition compensation and resettlement work within the Lianhuashan mountain range.

There is no complete administrative village within the Lianhua Mountain range, but there are quite a few buildings built by the surrounding villagers privately and randomly on the Lianhua Mountain.

If you strictly follow the rules and regulations, these buildings are illegal buildings and can be demolished forcibly, but if you strictly talk about the policy with the farmers, I am afraid that the development of the entire Lianhua Mountain will be much more difficult.

Besides, Zhao Qingshan's next step is to raise chickens. If he really offends the villagers, no matter who throws a few bags of grain soaked in rat poison into his chicken coop, then he will suffer a great loss.

Therefore, Zhao Qingshan tried his best to persuade Huang Yuehe to investigate and pay off the ground attachments built by farmers in the entire Lianhua Mountain area.

Since the end of March 2006, this work has also been carried out.

Of course, once the inventory work starts, the most worrying thing is that the farmers will rush to build houses and plant trees.

Zhao Qingshan knows this very well. Back then, when the subsidence area in southern Shandong was compensated for the overall demolition, some farmers could build a four-story building with a total construction area of ​​600 square meters in three days like building blocks, and the compensation was based on one square meter. With 36 yuan, the 10-square-meter building can get a compensation of [-] yuan, and the construction method of building blocks in this way only costs less than [-] yuan.

The great man said that when faced with a [-]% profit, people will take risks and even commit crimes. This is absolutely true.

This kind of surprise building is to compensate the contractors in case of economic loss. On the other hand, the danger of building the house itself is also great. In case the house collapses during the construction and kills the individual , then it will be troublesome.

In addition to building houses, there are also sudden tree planting.

Because the economic benefits of planting fruit trees in the past two years are not good, fruit trees are sold everywhere. Apple trees, peach trees, and apricot trees that are four or five years old are all sold, and they cost about 30 yuan a piece. After these trees are bought, they are planted in the ground, and when the next step is to pay off, they have to be compensated to the farmers at the price of 200 yuan per tree.This investment-to-income ratio is also quite scary, close to [-]% profit.

There are more than 3 villages around the Lianhua Mountain Range, with a population of 50 households, and a total of more than 50 villagers. If every household has gone to the mountain to plant trees, let alone a large family, planting [-] trees, what is the cost of planting [-] trees? Wanhu planted [-] trees on Lianhua Mountain, so Zhao Qingshan and Huang Yuehe will have to pay a total of [-] million in compensation.

This is too much for two people, so this aspect must also be taken into consideration.

In fact, in March 2006, Huang Yuehe and Zhao Qingshan began to discover that nearby villagers came to build houses and plant trees in the Lianhuashan mountain range contracted by them.

This phenomenon must be stopped as soon as possible, otherwise, after everyone starts to focus on this matter, it will be much more difficult to stop it in the next step.

The best way to solve this problem is to repair the fence, but it seems that the work of repairing the fence is too late.

Therefore, after discussing with Huang Yuehe, Zhao Qingshan and Huang Yuehe decided to take a compromise method first, which was to pull the barbed wire.

The cost of pulling barbed wire is only one-tenth of that of building the fence, which is still affordable given Zhao Qingshan's current financial situation.

Therefore, Zhao Qingshan urgently purchased a large amount of barbed wire from Tainan City, and spent a whole month enclosing the entire Lianhuashan mountain range.

After the barbed wire was encircled, it was much easier for Zhao Qingshan and the others to proceed with the work of paying off the ground attachments.

Then, the barbed wire is relatively easy to break. A vise, with a few clicks, will destroy the barbed wire, and then the surrounding villagers will take the broken barbed wire to sell scrap iron.

In the past two years, the price of scrap iron has been relatively high, one yuan per catty, and the "hardworking" villagers can easily cut hundreds of catties of barbed wire a day.

So in the face of this situation, Zhao Qingshan had no choice but to patrol with his family strong.

Liu Wendong has 120 security personnel, facing the [-]-square-kilometer Lianhuashan mountain range at this time, it seems that there are not enough people.

In order to ensure the safety of his own property on Lianhua Mountain, Zhao Qingshan directly selected 88 security guards from Liu Wendong, and then divided them into 22 groups. A security patrol box was built around every two kilometers around the entire Lianhua Mountain range. Four security guards and a police dog were deployed at the security patrol box.At the same time, each post is also connected to the phone, and if there is a situation, they will coordinate with each other.

After this series of measures, the situation on Lianhua Mountain was not stable until mid-April 2006.

For the surrounding villagers, there are no more people rushing to build houses on the mountain, and there are fewer people rushing to plant fruit trees. As for those who threw barbed wire, the security guards caught them twice, and they were directly transferred to the Public Security Bureau for public security punishment. The situation is also much better. up.

Lianhuashan has involved a lot of Zhao Qingshan's energy, and at this time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.And next, the acceptance work of the office building of Qingshan Agricultural Corporation will start soon.

Zhao Qingshan’s Qingshan Agricultural Office Building, the blueprints were revised and discussed several times, and finally the Qingshan Agricultural Building was built with eleven floors, and the name of the building was finally determined to be Qingshan Building.

There are also some stories about the building of this building. At first Zhao Qingshan didn’t plan to build it so high, he just wanted to build four or five floors. Then Ma Weimin came and said that four or five floors are decent, at least six floors.

As a result, the drawings were changed to six layers.

Later, Zhang Chao came and said that you are in business, 6 is not as good as 8, and 8 means sending, so the drawing was changed to eight layers.

Later, the city leaders came and said that the development of Qingshan Agriculture had a good prospect, and the building must have at least ten floors.

The leaders said that there are more than ten floors, you can't build ten floors, so in the end, the number of floors in Qingshan Building became eleven floors.

Zhao Qingshan sometimes sighed, fortunately, the leader he knew was at the city level, if he reached the provincial level, this floor would not be [-]th floor...

(End of this chapter)

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