Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 45 Feed the Chicken with He Hui

Chapter 45 Feed the chicken with He Hui

The lanterns are hung, the couplets are pasted up, the firecrackers are sounded, and the lively Year of the Goat has finally come.

On the night of New Year's Eve, Ma Jinchang, Liu Yuren and Liu Tao waited at Zhao Qingshan's house for the distribution of money and food, kowtowed their heads, and then returned home to work.

The meaning of distributing money and food is to burn paper money to the ancestors, so that they can return to their children's homes to enjoy it during the New Year.

The Zhao family is a single household in Fenghuangling Village, and Zhao Zhijiang's parents have passed away long ago, so Zhao Zhijiang and his wife have to be busy with the New Year worship.

This year's New Year's day is cold, so I don't worry about things getting spoiled, so Zhao Zhijiang bought a lot of new year's goods.The so-called New Year's goods are nothing more than food, clothing, and things to play with. During the Chinese New Year, it is nothing more than fireworks and firecrackers. As for the clothes to wear, there is not much attention in the countryside.Their family raises chickens, and they wear clean and tidy clothes for New Year greetings, and they have to change into dirty clothes when they come back to feed the chickens.Therefore, for the Zhao family, the most effort is spent on buying food when buying new year's goods.

This year the Zhao family has made a lot of money, so the food is naturally different from previous years, much richer than other families.

In the past, they ate a lot of bran and swallowed vegetables, but now the temptation of big fish and big meat is really not small for Zhao Zhijiang and the others.

Everyone is busy on New Year's Eve, and on the first day of the Lunar New Year, everyone puts down their work and starts visiting each other to pay New Year's greetings.

Zhao Qingshan gave Ma Jinchang and the others a five-day holiday to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year, and after that, work began on the sixth day of the first lunar month.

Because the hired workers are on vacation, the chickens in the house can only be taken care of by Zhao Qingshan and his son during the whole Chinese New Year.

There must be no shortage of people on the chicken farm, so Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Zhijiang, the father and son, had to take turns to go out on the first day of the new year.And because the Zhao family enshrines the Jiatang table, neighbors, relatives and friends come to kowtow throughout the day, and it would not look good if there is no one next to the Jiatang table, so Zhang Huifen will always stay in the main hall on the side of the chicken farm.

Different places have different New Year customs. In some places, it is popular to go to the graves of parents or grandparents to celebrate the New Year. In some places, it is popular to worship in ancestral halls. In Central Shandong, it is popular to set up family halls at home. On the table, write the ancestor's arrangement, and then fill the table with offerings for the ancestors to enjoy.

However, not every household will enshrine the family table.Under normal circumstances, if there are many brothers, the elder will enshrine; if there are parents, the parents will enshrine.If there are several brothers, all enshrined on the table of the family hall, the villagers will laugh at the fact that the brothers are at odds.

If there are many brothers, after their own children are married, they can also offer their own offerings.

When Zhao Qingshan was 2 years old, he played Westward Journey 08 all night. When he woke up the next day, it was already 30:[-] in the morning. In fact, he only slept for more than three hours.He heard voices talking in the main room outside, and he could tell that it was He Hui's mother, Shen Yue'e, who was chatting with his mother very fast.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, the first people who came to Zhao Qingshan's house to pay New Year's greetings were Shen Yue'e and He Hui's mother and daughter.And He Zhongheng and He Cong, father and son, will arrive after a while.

Once upon a time, the He family and their family had the best relationship in the village.

Zhao Qingshan hurriedly put on new clothes, then pushed open the door of the inner room and walked out.

In the main room, only Shen Yue'e's voice was heard, but He Hui and He Cong were still sitting on the sofa.

He Cong was eating the candies on the coffee table, while He Hui lowered her head, looking timid as if she had made some mistake.

"Auntie is here."

"Shanzi, why did you get up now?"

When He Cong saw Zhao Qingshan, he immediately became excited and shouted, "Mom, Brother Shanzi has a computer in his house. I've heard people say that the computer can also play games."

Zhao Qingshan smiled: "The computer is on, you want to play, Xiao Cong."

When He Cong heard this, he immediately ran to Zhao Qingshan's room happily.

Shen Yuee shook her head: "Hey, if only Xiao Cong could be so anxious about studying."

He Hui raised her head and glanced at Zhao Qingshan, her eyes were a little lonely, and she forced a smile.

"Shanzi, your father will be back in a while. When he comes back, you can go to the village with your sister Xiaohui to celebrate the New Year." Zhao Qingshan's mother said while bringing Zhao Qingshan breakfast.

Shen Yue'e echoed: "Xiaohui, look at your Shanzi brother, he didn't think about going to college all day long, didn't he still make a lot of money? Do you know how much your Shanzi brother made last year, 20 million!"

A slightly embarrassed expression appeared on Zhao Qingshan's face: "No, no, not so much, it's just enough for our family's expenses. Auntie, have you eaten all of them, shall we eat together?"

"Eat early, eat by yourself."

After eating breakfast in a hurry, Zhao Qingshan glanced at the time and knew it was time to feed the chickens, so he stood up and said to feed the chickens, and then came to the chicken farm.

The growth rate of native roosters is relatively slow. Although it is said to be 50 days old, two thousand native roosters still look relatively rare in a [-]-square-meter chicken house.

In the chicken coop, Zhao Qingshan had just picked up the feed bag when he heard a timid voice behind him: "Brother Qingshan, let me help you."

Zhao Qingshan looked back and saw He Hui following him.

Zhao Qingshan was taken aback by this, quickly put down the plastic bag and waved his hands again and again and said: "No, no, this place is filthy, you can go inside and talk to my mother."

He Hui had an expression of grievance on my face, but she smiled lightly and said, "Compared to your help to me, what is feeding the chickens for you?"

While talking, He Hui followed Zhao Qingshan's example, reluctantly carrying a [-]-jin bag of feed, and walked into the chicken flock.

Zhao Qingshan sighed, and asked while adding feed to the chickens: "He Hui, I heard Uncle He said that you didn't go home before the winter vacation?"

He Hui imitated Zhao Qingshan's appearance and worked, then nodded and did not speak.

Her side profile is extremely beautiful, her face has a strong three-dimensional effect, her eyelashes are very long, and her ears are especially beautiful.

"Why don't you go home?"

"do not like."

Zhao Qingshan frowned, and quickly added feed. After 5 minutes, he couldn't help asking: "You don't like to go home?"

Although He Zhongheng and his wife hurt He Hui's heart when it comes to He Hui's going to school, it doesn't mean that He Hui doesn't like this family and doesn't want to go home.If this is the case, then I still don't know enough about He Hui. For such a girl, there is a problem with the three views.

"You don't like going home?"

However, He Hui shook his head again. Zhao Qingshan thought about it, and asked again: "Then what don't you like? Don't you like our village?"

This time, He Hui nodded, and Zhao Qingshan was puzzled again, and asked: "Why?"

"Too poor."

Hearing He Hui's words, Zhao Qingshan cursed in his heart: You really follow your father, all you see in your eyes is money.It seems that my impulse a few days ago was wrong, He Hui is definitely not the girl I was looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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