Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 544 Demon City!Forbes News Agency Headquarters

Chapter 544 Demon City!Forbes News Agency Headquarters
Zhao Qingshan was happy. On the night he came back from Quancheng, he drank a catty of white wine with Zhou Wenliang and the others, and directly made Zhou Wenliang, who didn't drink much, drunk.

After sending everyone off, Zhao Qingshan saw that Han Li hadn't come back from the company when he returned to his couple's bedroom. It seemed that the company was going to work overtime tonight, so he went to bed by himself.

When Zhao Qingshan woke up the next day, he saw his wife sleeping soundly beside him, so he planned to get up quietly, but Han Li opened his eyes just as he started getting dressed.

"Husband, you are amazing."

After finishing speaking, Han Li hugged her husband and took a sip.

Newly married after a long absence, looking at his wife who was very interested, Zhao Qingshan was not polite, turned around and mobilized his emotions, and then the couple had no protective measures.

After the work was done, Zhao Qingshan lay on the bed with unfinished thoughts, glanced at his wife, and asked with a smile: "How long were you busy last night?"

"It's almost twelve o'clock, and you still say that my mother brought me supper at eleven o'clock, but you are fine, sleeping like a dead pig."

"Didn't I drink too much with the leader?"

Han Li said worriedly: "I heard them say that drinking too much alcohol is bad for the liver, husband, why don't you drink less?"

"Hey, when a man is on the occasion, how can he drink less? Besides, I am in good health and my liver is fine."

"It's too late, it's better to be careful."

"I know, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"By the way, husband, how much money did you take out of the stock?"

"you guess?"

"Four billion?"

Zhao Qingshan shook his head and smiled.

"not enough?"

"not enough."

"How much is it? Don't let me guess." Han Li said excitedly.

"Well, it's [-] billion in total."


Zhao Qingshan smiled and said calmly: "It's only [-] billion."

Indeed, from the perspective of a person who traveled over more than ten years later, 2000 billion is really not much, because at that time the wealth of the richest man in the country was more than [-] billion.

And even in the Forbes rich list released in 2007, the first place on the list was 160.2 billion US dollars, and the US dollar exchange rate at that time was 7.3, which means that the wealth of the richest man in China at that time was 1169 billion yuan.

While Zhao Qingshan and his wife were discussing how much money their family has now, on the other side, Fan Qixian, the president of Shanghai Magic City, Forbes Magazine, and the headquarters of Shanghai Magic Capital News Agency, got the 2007 Forbes China News that will be published soon. The list of the rich list, very surprised to see a name.

Fan Qixian is an authentic American, and beside him, an Asian man with yellow skin and black eyes said in English with a local Qilu accent: "Mr. Fan, this is Zhao Qingshan, who is new to the list. Only 23 years old this year."

"It's a land of miracles."

"Yes, according to our statistics, his stock market value has exceeded 180 billion."

Because the statistical data is delayed, in fact their statistics must be inaccurate, and the discrepancy is still very large.

However, those who can be on this list must have money.

Fan Qixian nodded, and then asked Zhu Yingkui, the assistant next to him: "Is this person we don't like to include his name in our list?"

"We haven't contacted him yet."

"We need to get in touch with this guy, if he has a strong background and doesn't want us to publish his name, we're going to be in trouble."

"Okay sir, I'll arrange for someone to contact this young man right away."

And Fan Qixian shook his head and said: "No, no, no, what I mean is that you contacted this fellow from Lu Province in person. It's best for you to go there in person."

Zhu Yingkui frowned and asked, "Then my work here in Shanghai..."

"Let the work here be handed over to other people first, and the notice will continue. This issue of the magazine will not publish the entire rich list, but only the rich list of entertainers and stars."

Forbes compiles a variety of rich lists every year, including the annual income list of stars and artists, the list of author copyright income, the list of the richest people in Greater China, and so on. Instead of publishing all the magazines, we would release them bit by bit to whet everyone's appetite, and then we could increase the magazine's sales.

After all, once the magazine has sales, someone will be willing to spend money on advertising in the next step, and the main source of income for magazines and newspapers is actually advertising.After all, the money earned by selling magazines is often not even able to recover the cost.

Zhu Yingkui is from Qilu, but he is not from the central Lu area, but from the island city on the other side of Jiaodong.

His hometown is a beautiful seaside city with a long history. In fact, in the whole province of Shandong, the economic aggregate of Daocheng is much larger than that of Quancheng. But it didn't work out.

In 2003, Zhu Yingkui applied for the Forbes Modu News Agency as an assistant to Fan Qixian, an American, and has worked for four years.

In the past four years, he has witnessed the rapid development of Shanghai, and watched tall buildings rise from the ground.

Unexpectedly, far away in his hometown, there was a young man who was only 23 years old, three years younger than himself, with a worth of 180 billion, ranking No.14 on the rich list.

Zhu Yingkui was taken aback when the data was first collected, and after finding out the time when the other party bought the stock, he was even more impressed.

This young man actually invested [-] million yuan in a sudden when the A shares were the cheapest.

Then after the entire round of super bull market, his worth has directly reached No.14 on the national rich list.

You must know that it is only October of 2007, everyone is still immersed in the carnival of making money in the bull market, and very few people realize that the bull market has come to an end.

Zhu Yingkui also speculates in stocks. At this time, there are not many people in the workplace across the country who do not speculate in stocks. Everyone must buy some stocks. After all, the role of others in making money is too obvious.

Since Zhu Yingkui also speculated in stocks, he really wanted to see and get to know this man named Zhao Qingshan, who made a fortune by speculating in stocks.

Of course, investigating the background of the people on the rich list is also one of the jobs of the news agency. After getting to know the people on the list, some rich people who like to be famous will do some special interviews and publish them in the magazine.

Of course, there are also many rich people who don’t want their wealth to be exposed to the public, and those who don’t want to expose their wealth really have to find a way, play tricks, or even spend some money, and then let Forbes magazine let it go Own.

Some people's wealth cannot be exposed to the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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