Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 56 It's a pity that I have already seen through the future

Chapter 56 It's a pity that I have already seen through the future

Zhao Qingshan called He Hui out, and instead of taking her to the county seat, he walked north from the village.

As he walked, Zhao Qingshan saw a few middle-aged women from the village sitting in front of him enjoying the shade and chatting, so he whispered to He Hui, "Xiaohui, do me a favor."

He Hui walked slowly, tilted her head and looked at Zhao Qingshan: "Brother Qingshan, what are you doing?"

"Be my girlfriend, just today!"

This favor is a little too much!
After finishing speaking, Zhao Qingshan stretched out his hand to hold He Hui's hand.

He Hui never thought that her brother Qingshan would make such a request to her so suddenly. She was very nervous, but at the same time she was a little happy, and also a little inexplicably regretful and flustered. She was hotheaded and a little at a loss.

What was even worse was that Zhao Qingshan reached out and grabbed her hand.

He panicked, not knowing whether to be shy or scared, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but it was too late, the strength of the other party was too great.

In this way, like a lamb at the mercy of others, she was led by hunters, blushing, and walked past those aunts and aunts.

"Look, Zhao Zhijiang's son and He Zhongheng's daughter are married, and they are holding hands."

"He Zhongheng's daughter is a college student, how could she fall in love with a kid from the countryside?"

"That kid from the Zhao family is not bad either. Last year's test score was higher than Xiaohui's. He doesn't want to go to college."

"Come on, who doesn't want to go to college? I think he probably didn't get such a high score last year. It's because his father is afraid of bragging."

Zhao Qingshan and He Hui walked through the crowd, greeted the aunts and aunts, and walked a few meters away, and the people behind them started talking.

Zhang's parents, Li Jiashou, the women in the countryside have nothing to do, and they always like to comment on other people's affairs, and they all want to be the vanguard of public opinion.

In the village, there is a big event and a small love story. After word of mouth from these peasant women, it took less than two days for everyone to know about it.

There is no need for newspapers in the countryside, and peasant women are the natural enemies of newspapers.

When passing by those aunts and aunts just now, Zhao Qingshan held on tight, and it was difficult for He Hui to let go.

Turning the corner out of sight of the group of people, He Hui said angrily, "Brother Qingshan, you, you scratched me."

But who is Zhao Qingshan? He is a reborn person. Can he fail to see that He Hui is dissatisfied with her recklessness?
At this time, Zhao Qingshan didn't hide it anymore, and directly showed his acting skills like an Oscar winner.

He turned his head and gently let go of He Hui's hand.

The sadness and pitifulness in his eyes is irresistible to any girl who has not experienced much in the world.

How can a man with a mental age of 35 or 20 years old possess the youthful vigor and clean-cut appearance of less than [-] years old at the same time, how can he keep girls from being tempted?

Besides, Zhao Qingshan has helped He Hui so much, even in terms of body and appearance, it's not too much...

"Hui, don't you like me?"

Those melancholy eyes, bearded stubble, and trembling lips made He Hui fall into the trap immediately.

"You, Brother Qingshan, you have to prepare for me."

"Then, shall we start now?"

There was a light of joy in the eyes with teardrops, and no girl would refuse to refuse it when she saw it.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Qingshan grabbed He Hui's hand again.And He Hui, this time, she compromised.

In fact, sometimes it is difficult for a person, especially a girl, to figure out whether he likes another person or not.

Girls are hesitant. When a boy pursues her, she is happy, and she enjoys the feeling of being pursued.

This is the reason why scholars die for those who know themselves, and women look for those who please themselves.

The two stopped talking, Zhao Qingshan took He Hui's hand, walked quietly through the village, and came to the bank of Beihe River.

There is a row of weeping willows beside the Beihe River. Below the weeping willows are thin grasses, which are shaded by the weeping willows. This is an excellent place to enjoy the coolness.

Zhao Qingshan and He Hui sat down side by side, and then he took He Hui's shoulders and leaned against himself.

"Xiaohui, you are going to college, you should call me often then."

"Then you have to call me too, hee hee."

"Okay, okay, of course I'll call you."

The two were talking about you and me, and at this time, not far away, Liu Wendong's little followers quickly saw the situation here.

The punks didn't dare to make their own claims, and ran to report to their boss.

Back then, in Zhao Qingshan's previous life, Liu Wendong relied on these little bastards, relying on his own bravery, to occupy the entire river sand of the Mowen River, and then he made his fortune.

In order to seize the river sand, Liu Wendong often fought with others. It is said that he still carried his life on his back.

Zhao Qingshan saw that Liu Wendong had a clear view of the situation between himself and He Hui, and then worried that he would suffer if they surrounded him, so he found an excuse and took He Hui home.

In fact, little girls are easily deceived.

In Zhao Qingshan's heart, He Hui has been treated like his own sister, and there is absolutely no possibility of developing into a lover.

Zhao Qingshan understands that his roots in this life must be rooted in this mountain, but He Hui is a duckweed who likes to float in the lake of the city.

In fact, Zhao Qingshan wanted to take advantage of He Hui, and he wanted to explain to He Hui after the matter was over.

After returning home, Zhao Qingshan directly rode a motorcycle, took He Hui to the county town to buy clothes, and went to the park to play. Both of them were very happy.

Even for a while, Zhao Qingshan felt that being with He Hui really made people enjoy life.Two people with the same growth experience, the same age, good looks, a pair of childhood sweethearts, it is indeed a good story to be together.However, Zhao Qingshan is determined to live in the countryside, and He Hui insists on living in the city, which makes Zhao Qingshan feel that it will be difficult for the two of them to get together in the future.

That night, rumors began to spread in the village that Qingshan, a kid from the Zhao family, and He Hui, a girl from the He family, were a couple.This is big news, Zhao Qingshan is the new man of the Fenghuangling Village, he has distributed so many benefits to everyone, and everyone is staring at his every move.

Regarding the fact that Zhao Qingshan and He Hui are a couple, the people of Fenghuangling Village have everything to say: some say that the He family is trying to get money from the Zhao family, some say that the Zhao family is from the Zhao family’s college students, and some say that the two The child is playing around indefinitely...

Things were passed around, and one person became particularly depressed.

This person is Liu Wendong.

He just entrusted someone to go to He's house as a matchmaker, and then he saw the girl he liked flirting with other men, how could he be happy?However, after all, Zhao Qingshan is a well-known figure in the village. He wants to take revenge on them, but he can't easily find a chance to do so.

However, in Liu Wendong's heart, he already hates Zhao Qingshan very much.

(End of this chapter)

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