Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 59 Joint Law Enforcement

Chapter 59 Joint Law Enforcement
Zhao Ping called the director of Zhaizi Township Police Station and the head of Zhaizi Township, and then said to Han Sanshan, "Let's go, let's go get that guy called Dong."

"It's called Liu Wendong."

Zhao Ping said loudly: "I don't care about Liu Wendong and Li Wendong, if you meet Zhao Ping today, you have to face west!"


Both Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan laughed.

This time, Zhao Qingshan deeply felt the resoluteness of soldiers.

Ordinarily, the mayor of Zhaizi Township and the director of the Water Conservancy Bureau are at the same level and are of the same rank, but the mayor of Zhaizi Township knows the relationship behind Zhao Ping, so he still behaves very low-key in front of Zhao Ping.

The Water Conservancy Bureau is commonly known as the Water Dragon King, and it still has a lot of real power in its hands. There are many useful places in the township. From this level, the township chief also has to give Zhao Pingzi.

Of course, face is mutual, you give it to me, I give it to you.

Today, the mayor of Zhaizi Township and the head of the police station are helping Zhao Ping to enforce the law. Next time there is a water conservancy project, Zhaizi Township will definitely have to take care of him.

Zhao Ping's driver is a gray-haired middle-aged man who doesn't like to talk.Zhao Ping asked Zhao Qingshan to sit in the co-pilot, and then he and his comrade Han Sanshan sat in the back seat and chatted.

There were two cars behind Zhao Ping, a Santana with four people in it including the driver, and a van behind it with a total of six people in it.

Zhao Ping was enough to give Han Sanshan face, and the entire water conservancy bureau left a few people on duty, and almost all the staff were mobilized.

The Water Conservancy Bureau has a huge courtyard and a six-story office building. There are only about 11 people in total, and only [-] of them are staffed.

When Zhao Qingshan and the others arrived in Zhaizi Township, it was just about lunch time, and the village head Wang Shaofa had already arranged lunch at Ruishan Restaurant.

In addition to the people from the Water Conservancy Bureau, six other people from the police station also came. It was Zhao Ping who asked to follow the law enforcement in the afternoon.

As for where to go to enforce the law, Zhao Ping didn't mention it either.

In fact, Zhao Ping was also worried that if he let interested people know where to go to enforce the law in the afternoon, he would go to inform the police.

After all, there are many people in the restaurant, Zhaizi Township is so big, most of the hotel staff are recruited from the local area, and they have some contact with those people and get some benefits.

There were three tables in Ruishan Hotel, one for the leader, one for the people from the police station, and one for the people from the Water Conservancy Bureau. At the same time, each table was accompanied by people arranged by the township government office.

Zhao Qingshan was arranged to sit on the leader's table, next to Han Sanshan, at the upper hand.

Everyone drank until three o'clock in the afternoon. Except for those who drove and those who didn't drink, everyone who drank was fine.Then, the township sent six people in two cars, the water conservancy bureau sent 11 people in three cars, and the police station sent six people in two cars, together with Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan, they came to the riverside of Beisha River in Fenghuangling Village .

At this time, Liu Wendong was taking his seven or eight supervisors to monitor three sand-dug workers digging sand by the river of Beisha River.They never thought that in order to deal with themselves, Zhao Qingshan would organize such a big battle.

The director of the Water Conservancy Bureau came out in person, and even the director of the police station also came.

Liu Wendong's sharp-eyed younger brother saw so many people coming this way, and hurriedly reported to his boss: "Brother, there are so many people here, it seems that Zhao Qingshan is also following them."

Liu Wendong, who was lying on the grass and dreaming of getting rich, got up quickly when he heard it, looked back, and frowned.

"Fuck, come to fight? Brothers, prepare to copy guys! When the fight starts later, don't be cowardly! Whether it is a hero or a bag, it depends on today!"

After Liu Wendong's pre-war mobilization, these unemployed youths in Fenghuangling Village immediately became excited like chicken blood, and picked up pick handles, iron rods, iron chains and other things from the side.

However, as the twenty or so people got closer and closer, Liu Wendong, who was still aggressive just now, suddenly froze for a moment. He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully.

Liu Wendong is short-sighted and can't recognize people 30 meters away.

However, he knew some people very well, and that was the people in the police station.

Since I am a prisoner released from a labor camp, I have to deal with people in the police station.Those who have been inside once, when they see the police officers, are terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

As the saying goes, if a cat presses a mouse, Liu Wendong, holding an iron chain in his hand, suddenly shouted: "Run!"

Then, he turned around and ran across the river.

Behind him, the younger brothers who were about to fight a big fight just now were dumbfounded at this moment.

What's the matter with this big brother?How come he was a hero just now, but now he is turning into a grandson?

But Liu Wendong knew in his heart that when he could be tough, he must be tough, and when he couldn't be tough, he must be soft. It was fine to bully the villagers by himself. If he really went hard with the police, he would be courting death.

Liu Wendong's younger brothers were stunned for a full ten seconds, looking at each other in blank dismay, without reacting at all.

At this time, Zhao Qingshan and the others were only about 20 meters away from Liu Wendong and the others.

Zhao Qingshan saw Liu Wendong running away, and shouted: "Liu Wendong wants to run, chase after him!"

Then, the big guys swarmed up, and first pressed those little bastards with the guys in their hands to the ground, while Zhao Qingshan, Han Sanshan and Zhao Ping followed Liu Wendong and chased after him!

After rebirth, Zhao Qingshan paid special attention to exercising his body, so his physical fitness is very good.And Han Sanshan and Zhao Ping are both demobilized soldiers, so their physical fitness is naturally not a problem.

Liu Wendong smoked and drank a lot, and his physical fitness was certainly not as good as the three people chasing behind him.

When someone in the village saw the situation by the Beisha River, they immediately turned their heads and shouted to the village: "Qingshan brought people to arrest Wendong! Qingshan brought people to arrest Wendong!"

The villagers of Fenghuangling Village love to watch the excitement, and when they heard such excitement, there was no reason not to watch it, so soon there were dozens of people watching the excitement in the village.

This lively event made the villagers thrilling and enjoyable.

(End of this chapter)

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